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PostPosted: 03.04.2011, 05:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is the first in a multi-part series Smile


Mistake #1: Not considering opponents' hands

Poker is a game of relative strength. It does not matter how strong your hand is; it matters how strong your hand is in relation to other people's holdings. Many players just concentrate on the strength of their own hand and do not factor in what other people might be holding.
Breaking this thought process is of paramount importance to becoming a winning poker player.

In Conclusion-
Think about your opponents' playing styles and consider what hands your opponents might be holding.

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Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!



Last edited by ojisplayin on 03.05.2011, 17:37; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: 03.04.2011, 08:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

When I'm come to a new table, I tend to sit back and get a feel for the way the table is played. I find it amazing how one table can differ drastically from another. Not only the tables but even how players play within different poker sites. i.e. at some sites (actually most) is almost customary to allow the blinds to limp in. While others sites, players will bet as not to allow limpers. That was just one example that obviously easy to see right from the beginning of play. What I love about playing online is that players can't see me, giving me the freedom to express worry-free tells llike a cheer and big smile when I know i got the nut hand and about to win a huge pot. Although, the same applies vice-versa. I can't see my opponents either, and so we online players need to learn online tells. Picking up on their betting patterns to identifying the aggressive, the conservative, the more experience and even the lowly noob to just name a few. There is one important note or in my opinion blunder that can help you get started. Players make it easier for me when they show their cards. I play with a golden rule - never show my hand unless I have to. Even if my opponent has generously showed his muck, bluff or non-bluff. I hold tight to my rule of never showing. If you want to see, you got to pay. I realize this thread is about more so the opponent and not how I play - so let me put it this way start to watch how the players play that do like to show their hands because I know it has helped me to start putting together online tells that players have. I do regret witholding more input on this subject , especially here at PC. However I have another rule I stick to by - only reveal what's obvious and keep what's not hidden. Hide

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 04.04.2011, 01:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

Cokacolakid that post is amazing!! Impressive!! Well down right Perfect!!




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PostPosted: 05.04.2011, 02:02 Reply with quoteBack to top


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PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 16:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am one of those people who tend to not think about what the other person may have in relation to my own cards. I do however think that way during a heads up deal and try to play the odds. With so few cards out the odds that they have better if I have an Ace and a face card are slim to none.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 07.04.2011, 14:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

some times when am playing and i think i have a good hand and than the other player busts out with a hand that i didn't take into consideration example= 2 pair showing and they have the other 2 in there hand so i lose,lol.what really throws me off to is the damn get so much time to decide if you want in or out ( not a hard decision to make ) and the player asks for extra's only 1 min. but when a few dose it in a row i just get mad having to wait and i don't think straight about what they might have and always end up losing.

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PostPosted: 08.04.2011, 02:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

I think of other players hands, but I often guess wrong. I think I need more experience to know what the hands are possibly by the cards showing and the way others are playing the game. I think it is important to keep an eye on how the other players play as much as what the cards showing are. To do all this and not get distacted by other things going on
is a lot for my brain to handle all at once. That together with my lack of self confidence (I generally think I will screw it up) tend to make me nervous, which is another distraction in itself.

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PostPosted: 08.04.2011, 04:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

in a game i think,
1st for me is always important to be in position, without it you are chasing which can cost lots

2nd i consider my hand, without a decent starting hand ,
you are chasing, hoping for that card to fall lucky and again it will cost you.

3rd i watch the players play, always someone pushing the bets up with nothing , i bide my time and with the right cards wait for them to up it, some cant help thinking they can push their way through the game but they never get to the final table,

then 4th i look at what can be out there to beat my hand and the odds etc

if you can manage to get all these running together naturally within your game then you wont go far wrong,,,,

most important when you got the top hand push push and push


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.04.2011, 23:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

Obviously I don't know what I'm doing as I usually lose my pants.

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PostPosted: 09.04.2011, 00:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

LOL Maw- And for being HONEST!!
Jane, you are learning, and I am too. Even after winning, and playing for 3 years, I lose my head- not think about other hands, just mine<-NONO!!

Then go All-In with confidence to lose my 3 of a kind to a flush I was not even seeing was possible.
So, we all lose our pants, even the Pros, occasionally!

But, we are NOT always as honest as you about it.

Also- Tweet21- Excellent!! Love the thought put in, during game play and your answer here.

WOOOHOOO! WTG TWEET for Great Thinking-
Award 3000 PC Points!!

WOOHOOOO! WTG MAW for Spoken Truth-ing...??
Award 1000 PC Points!!

Keep 'em coming kids, wonderful input- Love It!!! Thanks wink

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PostPosted: 09.04.2011, 18:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

"most important when you got the top hand push push and push" was the final thought in tweet's post. Even though I agree, I have a bad habit occasionally of limping and trying to trap with Aces or Kings. Not a good idea to get greedy. I try to remember the advice once given me," take down the pot as quickly as you can".

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PostPosted: 09.04.2011, 22:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

Touch'! I am absolutely paying attention now, I am!

My hats off to you for making that BELL sound in my head, going, oh yeah, I remember (what I forget as soon as I sit)...
taking down pots is the point, not getting the best hands, but getting the money. I lose that on the way, not sarcastic, but true, too true.

Trapping, limping to the end, is VAVOOM! I do love playing that way, when I remember to....

WTG RICK!! WTG!! 3000 PC POINTS TO YOU!! Great thought-provoking posts everyone- Love It!!

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PostPosted: 10.04.2011, 22:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok, I gotta say it... I must play a very unorthodox way, cause I wind up surprising people, including myself. Lst week, I wound up 3rd to the top in a tournament and had no idea how I got there... just 3 people left in the room...last table.. and I went all-in with a full house..... got whipped by a straight-flush!
I knew that the straight and the flush was possible, but a straight-flush never crossed my mind.

Trying to keep all the different possibilites in play during each hand is hard on the mind, but it must be done. Sometimes, I just need an eraser to take out the previous

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PostPosted: 11.04.2011, 01:01 Reply with quoteBack to top


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PostPosted: 01.05.2011, 20:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

When I play on line poker - especially if its Omaha - I am pretty savvy about what other hands could made and what could beat mine, but sometimes I really get taken out of left field on what people are betting (good or bad). When I play live poker, I really have an extremely difficult time reading people, which is strange because in day to day life I am really good at assessing the mood of most of the ppl around me....

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