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A serious question for my beloved Guru

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 26.02.2009, 19:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well, ALL the Crushers too. But, Guru, something we've never discussed is INTUITION. Does it have a place in poker?

I really want to know everyone's thoughts on this one. Does anyone ever get that "feeling" that says go for it?

I have, and I have HONESTLY done well with it. I have also went against my 1st intuition, and regretted it!!

So, DOES IT REALLY have a place in poker? OR in the end, just ignoring it, will be the KEY to final success??

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PostPosted: 26.02.2009, 22:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

OJ, that is a very good question and also one that is difficult to answer.

The reason it is difficult is because every human being has a different degree of parapsychological ability and definitely different .... VERY different .... degrees of extrasensory perception.

Human beings are complicated enough in general. But when considering the human brain, WOW!, we know almost nothing! Even the "experts" are in the very beginning stages of getting a grasp of what we really are all about!

For example, if Royal, a Cherokee shaman, were to tell me what was going to happen tomorrow, you can bet I would immediately start getting ready for it to happen!

So, as much as I want to tell you to to stick to the proven facts and figures, I have to tell you, instead, that there are exceptions to all of them.

I hate to give someone an answer like the following one, but it IS the only realistically true answer: IT DEPENDS!

Your Guru, whose feet you have really held to the fire! LOL!


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PostPosted: 26.02.2009, 23:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

We all get that "feeling" sometimes.Depends on my stack and my opponents'.This is when "luck" plays a big roll.Thus I very,very rarely
go with it.I do follow the "feeling" more often when it tells me to fold.
I'm the type of player that likes to play what I got already[or not got if bluffing] LOL!!!!Can't tell you all my plays. Laughing

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PostPosted: 27.02.2009, 16:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

TY (((Guru))) For even though you did not give me a definitive answer, you gave an HONEST one from your heart. Love It

And Bower, I agree, I mostly follow mine when it says to fold too. & only occasionally regretted it. TY ((Capt'n)) also!

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PostPosted: 28.02.2009, 00:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi OJ, Bower, and All ,

Let me try to make my answer a little more definitive!

Unless you have verifiable proof that your ESP powers are much greater than most others', then either leave your intuition at the door or at least shrug it off when it shows up and go with what you have learned to be the proven best way!

I am not saying that you do, but most people highly overestimate their intuitive powers.

The exceptions are those who have a long record of independently recorded and undeniable results, verified by objective witnesses.

I hope that helps a little bit. Unfortunately, when it comes to paranormal powers of the mind, there are very few absolutes.


Last edited by PokerGuru on 28.02.2009, 04:34; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: 28.02.2009, 02:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

Here!! Here!! Well PUT!! AND, for the record...I agree whole-heartedly!!

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PostPosted: 01.03.2009, 01:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

well ive had a we drink lol so maybe my minds not right but i belive if if you have a gut feeling about anything in life you go for if you your instinct says play then id hope i dont cost you money ojis as you know youre one of my favourite people online

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PostPosted: 01.03.2009, 11:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Broxi, my friend,

I like you, as I hope you know. I also hope you know that I am blunt to a fault, but mean every word I say to each PCer for their own benefit!

Please keep that in mind as I say to you:

1) This is a very "different" forum and we do not make posts just to make posts.

2) At this particular forum, that involves people's money in a serious way, whether you invest in poker or not, it is best that you do NOT post when you have had a "wee" drink or any other kind of alcoholic drink.

3) At this forum, your opinion does not count unless you have studied every lesson and have a solid and good basis for your opinion that can be backed up with evidence.

We don't fool around here and we do not take such things lightly. There are other Crush forums for that type of appreciated posting. But when someone has just lost a bundle of money or a title, they do not appreciate ANY kind of joking statement.

Have you seriously studied all of our poker lessons and LEARNED them? Do you risk YOUR money as well? If not ...... well .............

Now, that having been said, I still care a great deal for you! And you are very welcome here! But PLEASE PLEASE try to recognize the protocols we follow.

The only place, for example, that we try to be funny, is on the page we have for that -- not in a serious discussion of strategy.

Yes, I have been hard on you here -- very hard -- and I know it. But no harder than I have been on the others. And if I be cruel, it is that I may be kind in the long run!!!

Thank you for seriously considering what I have just said.

Your Guru

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PostPosted: 02.03.2009, 00:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

just to answer the above...yes ive played poker for money several times over the years and have won and lost....and yes ive read the poker lessons...and ive never made a joke about anyone losing money or a title....and basically i was saying that if you have a real gut instinct then you go with it which i will stand by whether other people agree with it or not

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PostPosted: 02.03.2009, 03:23 Reply with quoteBack to top

Again, I just appreciate that answers were completely "honest". Thats all I try to give. Honest reply from My Heart. hugs, Patti

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PostPosted: 02.03.2009, 03:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy Well that is the hardest question yet I have seen as it is a big discussion between Dale and I.Dale plays alot with his gut feeling and has looked at my hand and said I have a gut feeling you will win with that but it being a bad start I fold and yep the hand ends up a full house and a winner and I hear him say I told you that you shoulda so thats a mixed emotion question for me....

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PostPosted: 02.03.2009, 17:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

Perhaps people do have special "instincts" other's don't. As for me, I'll stick with pot odds and basic math strategy to win. My only exception might be when I'm convinced someone is bluffing base on their past play AND I can afford to call and not be crippled

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PostPosted: 03.03.2009, 09:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

Excellent thinking, Al. Really using your "gray matter"!

I understand perfectly, Char. And I agree that it is the toughest question yet!!!!!! I DO have, however, some advice for you to help you and Dale get it sorted. You are citing what is called "anecdotal" evidence with examples of Dale saying, "Told you so". To see which is hotter - the kettle or the fire - you have to keep a record for a while if you REALLY want the RIGHT answer. Every time you and Dale come to that situation, you have to record how it turns out. Then after you have half a page to a page of examples, you will have "hard" evidence. Much better than anecdotal evidence. Just see which wins out how many times and compare them. Of course, the longer the record you keep, the more accurate it will be! That is one experiment I WISH I had performed among my many, but I just have never done it. SO ... IF you do ..... I am sure we will ALL be very interested in the outcome!!! (Bet you never thought poker would lead you to being a research scientist!)

OJ, yes! You cannot beat or complain about help that comes very seriously AND straight from the heart! The way we ALWAYS do things here. That is how everybody helps everybody and everyone can completely trust what everyone else says. You described the most important thing to a TEE. What we are all about. We will have to work on this question together as time goes along. In the meantime, my recommendation is that everybody stick to what Allight and Bower described as the best way to play it. Good going, guys!!!

Broxi -- Okay. I can accept what you just said with no problem whatsoever .... but with a couple exceptions or modifications. Like: In such a serious discussion as this one, can you voice your opinion, no matter what it is, without including whatever the implied reason was for including the "wee drink" bit and also without the lol's. You will see no lol's in a thread like this, but plenty of them elsewhere!

I know Broxi got more than just a wee bit teed off at me. And that is okay. But if you will have the courage to stick with us a while longer, you will come to understand, Broxi, that everything I say and everything I do is for YOUR own benefit. That may be hard for you to believe at this moment. But is very, very true. What other reason could I possibly have for running such a tight ship? Just ask Valeria. For a couple YEARS I had to ride her butt constantly for the light lol's in serious matters! MUCH harder than I was on you. And you should ask that little champion player Valeria how she feels about me doing it NOW.

Stick with us, Broxi. See how good it feels to be able to mellow out about such lectures from your truly caring Guru.

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PostPosted: 10.03.2009, 07:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

ty for all the info...i use my gut some of the times....hate when i don't follow it. can use most of what i read so ty again..take & prayers...marlene

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