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PostPosted: 12.03.2008, 09:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello my dear, dear friends!!! In fact, in this rough old world, I have decided you are my BEST friends!!!

I had this evening and tonight off on my sisters' schedule of whose turns it is to sit with Mom in the hospital. So I decided I was not going to worry about ANYTHING for a few hours, but try to act like a normal human being again! LOL

I just had to come by and see how everybody was doing and also to give you an update on Mom. I don't even know how to start this update, but let me try like this:

How many people have you known who, when they pulled the plug on her life support system, tearing us all to pieces emotionally, instead of dying, actually looked straight at them and said in a clear and strong voice, "NOW will you bring me something to eat?" Oh, my God.

Those doctors actually JUMPED! Like they were afraid of this 87-year-old frail little woman who had lost 20 pounds under their care.

It is unbelievable, but it is true, and she is still breathing with the help of only a regular oxygen mask!

By the way, she thinks she knows every one of you, because she says she heard me talking to my son and my sisters about you when we thought she was outof it! She is talking as if she had never been what one doctor called "one heartbeat away from the Pearly Gates"!!!!

Anyway, my whole family owes you all a great debt of gratitude for your support, however it may have been you chose to give it. THank you, my FRIENDS!

And LOOK WHAT I HAVE COME BACK TO HERE TONIGHT! SOOOO MUCH has been happening at Poker Crush.

As soon as I read the posts - the long ones - back and forth between my beloved Guru and dear Bee ------guess what I did!!! I went right over there to that place and signed up as a member of OUR VERY OWN Poker Team!!!!!

I know this is just a short break I have because Mom is still a very, very sick woman, but I have decided to turn it all over to our Creator -- and He certainly doesn't need MY help!!!

So I hope to be around more and GEEZ -- I have to get back to work at CASINO Crush. Poor Orangie, How I owe HER!!! I know it won't be all of a sudden, but I am going to start to try to live like before, more and more, and ease back into my Crusher life with my second MIRACULOUS family!!!

I am finally about to fall asleep, so once again, my friends, I thank you and I am soooo impressed, Guru, with all the new stuff going on here!!!! I can hardly wait to get back for sure and real!

Besides, I am CRAVING to play a game of poker! LMAO!!!!

Later, teammates!


PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 12.03.2008, 14:57 Reply with quoteBack to top


That is such wonderful news to hear! You Mother sounds like she has alot of "spunk" left in her. I bet the doctors will pay a little more attention to what she has to say from now on.

It's good that you can take a little time to relax now. I am so happy you have joined the Poker Crush Team. These tournaments are really alot of fun.

I will continue to keep your Mother in my thoughts and prayers.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.03.2008, 20:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy Royal that is such good news to hear and I will keep her in my prayers.Its good to see a post from you and such a possitive one and I hope to see you get to play you some poker.I know that your mom has to know she has the best children as they sit by her bedside.My mom being a snowbird in san flipe has been having heart procedures done up in California and refuses to let me come down to sit with her as shes just so possitive and thinks only of my financial and says no Ill be fine and you cant afford it just take care of your health issues so I know Royal that your mom has to feel comfort at all times.may god be with your mom and your whole family through these trying mom says shes the mom when I tell her she needs to bring her butt home where she belongs but its not safe for her to travel at this time so I understand that.Well hopefully you got some good sleep and mabey a few games of poker in.BIG HUGS,your friend Charla

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 02:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

My dear, dear friend and work partner (at CC) !

This is unbelievably good, no.....EXCELLENT..... news! But it does not surprise me at all.

Make your way back very slowly so that your worn-out body won't get sick, too!

We miss you and we NEED you, but that is nothing compared to how we need you in good health and spirits!

Can't wait for you to see all the new stuff happening here at PC. Or I should say, "Just beginning to happen!"

I have so many great surprises for all PCers that I am too excited to sleep!

But YOUR news tops mine, by far!

I love you....AND your Mom, Royal.

Your Guru

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 02:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

About time we heard from you woman!!!! I am glad to hear she is punching the doctors lights out with her tenacity Smile May she keep punching till she is out of there.

You sound better and I hope you ae watching your OWN health as this is a very stressful time for you. Don't you get sick!!

We are anxious to have you back but NOT till you are ready and can handle more.

Love ya,


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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 13:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you for such wonderful news....!!!! You tell Royalmom more power to her and tell her that i thank her for being her!!

always included in my vibrational thoughts of prayer and best wishes...
now dont you go getting your immune system all messed up...make sure
you are drinkin enough water...and take some vitamins if you are not eating properly... tell royalsis hello as well.

RoyalMom was hungry....awesome post sitemate....

love joy

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