PC Kicker

Joined: 26 Dec 2009
Posts: 1

27.12.2009, 18:55 |
"The only good lies are on golf courses and poker tables."
"Poker, like life, is comprised of dealing with the unknown."
"The pros always seem to be surprised that the amateurs can make good plays too."
"The meek may inherit the earth, but in poker, they will get run over."
"Every poker hand is like a blank canvas just waiting for you, the artist, to add the color."
"An aggressive poker player looks for a reason to stay in every hand. A passive player looks for a reason to get out of every hand."
"He's a self-made poker player, which shows you what can happen when you don't read the instructions."
"Learn to forgive yourself. Even the best players make mistakes."
"Poker is not about life and death. It's much more serious than that."
“Sometimes when I play poker, I get the feeling that everyone’s against me.”
"What fun would poker or life be if we never took a calculated chance and tried to win?"
"In poker, it's not what cards you have, but what cards you pretend to have."
"If poker is war, then Texas Hold'em is nuclear war."
“Ever since I bought those two huge Doyle Brunson Super System books, I’ve become a much stronger player. Each morning before breakfast, I put one in each hand and do curls with them.”
"Play life with your heart; play poker with your brain."
"Good poker skills are acquired after many years of experience. Experience is acquired after many years of bad poker skills."
"Never play poker for money with strangers, especially with a deck of cards that has been opened."
“Poker players are like tea bags. You really don't know what they're made of until you put them in hot water.”
“Little fish have no business swimming with big sharks.”
“Don't bother praying to God when you are playing poker. He's much too busy answering all those lottery player's prayers.”
“Experience is something you get right after you lose the hand.”
“Those who cannot remember who raised with what in the past, are condemned to repeat their losses to the same players over again in the future.”
“Playing poker for fun, with no money involved, is like playing tennis with the net down.”
“Take advice from experts until you become one yourself.”
“I won’t say he’s dumb, but when he won a gold bracelet at the World Series of Poker, he was so proud of it, he had it bronzed.”
–VP Pappy
“Before you decide to wade in and play poker for real money, make sure you have studied the game enough so you don't get in over your head.”
--VP Pappy
"If you want to understand poker, understand people."
--VP Pappy
“If you are constantly in need of divine intervention, in the form of a miracle card, you are probably headed for poker hell.”
--VP Pappy
"It all looks so easy on paper. I can't believe I'm losing.”
--VP Pappy
"No-Limit Texas Hold'em is equivalent to playing Russian roulette… with only one bullet missing."
--VP Pappy
“There are three kinds of losers at the poker table: those who never raise, those who think about raising, but don't, and those who raise without thinking.”
--VP Pappy
"For want of a card, a hand is lost. For want of a hand, a bankroll is lost. For want of a bankroll, a poker player is lost."
--VP Pappy
From my, not published yet, holier than thou, “HALLOWED HOLD’EM POKER THOUGHTS” book.
Terrence “VP Pappy” Murphy |