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OK I need HELP!

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 06:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am in a real slump. I can't seem to get into the "mood" to play poker. First I was on TILT because so much was going on at home etc etc etc. so I stopped playing for awhile.

Now I just can't seem to get into the mood to play. I suppose if I would just go to some freerolls maybe my attitude would change but I am also not sure it if is a wise thing to play with that attitude.

Any suggestions to get me back into the playing field mood? The only time I can really play without a million interruptions is very late at night when I am tired but that is when I played before tired and all. I know our Guru says don't play on tilt, when tired and such but if that is the only time I can get my game on what do you suggest?

Someone boot me in the butt and get my competitive motor running again LOL

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 06:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dearest Valeria!

I am always happy to boot your butt!!! LMBO! Razz Laughing

NOW! This is a very serious matter.

1. To seek inspiration: Read the Mini LESSON I just posted.

2. If you get television's NBC network, watch the late every night program called "Poker After Dark".

3. Try your very best to rearrange your schedule and train yourself to get rest in the mornings, midday, afternoons, or evenings. Rested, the BEST time to play poker iss late at night when the whole world is calm and quiet. That is when I do most of my work.

4. Remember the money and success that I KNOW (and I am qualified to judge) lies ahead of you. Riches and fame. You are a natural and must make sacrifices to get your just rewards in life. If others are involved, they had or have their chance for their life; now it's your turn!

5. Since I just read your post, I have had no time to think about it, but I will be back with more kicks!


Your unworrie Guru

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 06:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks for the words Guru I do need them... but as far as being a natural with some gold teeth and dyed hair... well .. ROFL

I LOVE watching poker though I have not heard of that particular show I will look for it. I really do enjoy poker. If I was able I would play some real money games I knw that certainly will sharpen my wits with my own money on the line LOL but that isn't possible.

I did read your mini and I do come here everyday more than once. I get excited reading others wins but it has been hard to say ok.. let's go play poker...

I bet if I just force myself to go play for a few games my killer instinct will come back.. hahahaha

I will still look forward for more inspiration Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 06:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

Okay, Valeria, how about this for inspiration?

Get your ass out there and do what you have learned to do because you have learned it well!

Money does make it more interesting and tournies can get boring sooooo...

Find a poker site you like and play at the LIMIT or POT LIMIT table games (6 or 10 players) and choose a table whose limits are one penny to a nickel.

Ameteurs play there and egomaniacs and you can make some money because PENNIES ADD UP!


Your Guru

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 08:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok after your little pep talk I went and played for funsies... no money pot yet.

I went to a 10 player table $2000 max buy in N/L 5/10 bets. Lost the first $2000 poof! I was nervous and rusty. heh (Sorry I love playing N/L I don't feel cramped or restricted lol)

So I rebought then got in my old stride.

Hmmm ok can't find out how to attach pictures so I will just have to tell ya ROFL

After 45 minutes I had second highest bankroll of $19836.66 and after an hour and 15 minutes (or 30 minutes later) I had $28681 everyone else $4700 or less.

So I felt good again Smile Guess I didn't lose my touch too bad. Wish I could figure out how to attach a picture though!

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 12:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi again Valeria,

Me again, I'm not a stalker, honest.

I had exactly the same problem with saving and posting screenshot's, until the lovely and very thoughtful Orange Crush posted a very easy to understand, step by step guide, showing how it's done. I managed it the first time. In case you can't find the post, here it is.
Copy & paste it into something like wordpad, then when you need to save a screenshot just open it up and follow these easy step's.
I Hope it help's

Below are some step by step instructions that I have for making and posting a screenshot, I hope they help.

Happy Gaming Always!

How to do a screenshot

First of all when you have a screen that you would like to save, push the "Print/Screen/SysRq" button located on the top row, right hand side of your keyboard.

Click on your "start" button, lower left hand side of your screen, then click on "All Programs" , then click on "Accessories", then click on "Paint". This will open up another screen on your computer.

When you are on your paint screen, click on "edit" button, located at the very top, this will drop down a box and click on paste. This will paste your screenshot in the box.

Now click on the "file" button, this will drop down a box again and click on "Save as". This will open another box. I save my screenshots in "my pictures", but pick a place that you want to save yours.

When you have your place you want to save your screenshot, click in the box next to "file name" located at the bottom of the screen, then title your screenshot, like "Thunderstruck hit".

After you have typed what you want to title your screenshot then go to the next box down that is titled : "Save as type" now click on the down arrow to the right of the box. This will drop down several options. The one you want to save it as is called "JPEG [*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*JFIF]" click on that.

Now your screen will say:
File Name: ThunderstruckHit
Save as type: JPEG [*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*JFIF]

Click on Save. Your screenshot is now saved on your computer ready to be posted now.
How to post a screenshot at Casino Crush/Poker Crush

Make your post at CC/PC. If it is a winning screenshot, go to the winners thread and click on "new topic". This will open up a box that you are very familiar with, however when you are making up a new topic you need to first of all fill out the first box that is titled: "Subject" in here type "Thunderstruck Hit" In the next box down titled: Description of your topic: type "Nostaglia Win" It is not necessary to fill out the 2nd box but you do have to fill out the Subject box. Now type what you would like to type in the body of the post. Like "look what I got at Nostaglia".

After you have entered in the above information then go to the bottom of your post and you will see "Attachment Posting Control Panel" in a red banner. In that box you will see "Options" and to the right of "Options you will see in a red box "Add an Attachment" Click on that box.

This will refresh your post and under the box you just clicked you will see "Add an Attachment" again, but below it will now say "File Name" then a blank box and to the right of the box it will say "Browse".

Click on "Browse" This will open up another screen at the very top it will say "Look in:" if you saved your screenshot to "my pictures" click on the down arrow to the right of the "look in" box and this will drop down a menu and find "my pictures" and click on it.

Now look for your screenshot titled "Thunderstruck Hit". When you find it click on the screenshot. This will close the box and bring you back to your post. The empty box next to "Filename:" and just to the left of where you clicked "Browse" will now have your information in it.

Now click on "preview" at the bottom of the page. This will allow you to make sure everything looks like the way you want it to in your post. If everything is correct and your screenshot is also showing click on "Submit".

WaaaaaLaaaaaa Presto hehee that's how you post a screenshot.

Good Luck!
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 17:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

I know all about the saving and editing of pictures.. just couldn't find where to attach... I will go look again

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 17:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

My apoligie's Valeria, I misunderstood,
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 17:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks ALW didn't know why I couldn't find that the FIRST time!

Ok here are the two pictures Smile You were a big help ALW thanks hon.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 21:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dearest Valeria, my "being-born star scholar",


Now comes the lecture you NEED!

You are in no position, realistically, to play NO Limit, but I cannot argue with your screenshots.

Personally, I would prefer you play AT LEAST a few table games LIMIT or at least POT LIMIT and NOT for 5/10! At first play for .01/.02 or .02/.04. PLEASE! Has my advice failed you yet???????????

Don't, however, change the WAY you play! You ARE a winner.


Now see my PM.

Your proud Guru

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 28.04.2007, 21:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

Good Luck Valeriia,

Let us know how you get on


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 29.04.2007, 07:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

WHAT are you wishing her, ALW?

I know you were absent for my first big lesson of April, but PLEASE read it now.

Then you might want to make another post to Valeria.

Sorry, my friend. I do this in your best interest.....please believe me. I know you do not want to insult Valeria.

We ARE having a test on this lesson soon, by the way. The top twelve grades will be "Guru's Winnng Dozen" and will make up our senior class!

Your Guru

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 29.04.2007, 09:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank You my poker guru,

Rest assured, it will never happen again


PC Boater
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PostPosted: 29.04.2007, 09:41 Reply with quoteBack to top


Please forgive my ignorance.

I apologise unreservedly, unconditionally and most sincerely.

I have learned this lesson well.


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 30.04.2007, 00:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

WAY TO GO, ALW!!!!!!!!!!

Now that is called MASTERING a lesson!

Good thinking always! And your manners are impeccable!!!!!!!

A TRUE Poker-Crusher!

That's YOU!

from your PokerGuru

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