PC Player

Joined: 21 Feb 2006
Posts: 718
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

01.10.2010, 04:44 |
Hello Poker Crushers!
For the month of October, we will be awarding 5 x 10.00 prizes for the "Best" Written Qualifying Poker Reviews this month, plus everyone submitting a Qualified Poker Review will receive 5,000 pc points per Qualifying Review.
Each Crusher may submit up to 3 Qualifying Poker Reviews and you will receive 3 x 5,000 pc Points!!!
Poker Reviews Revision & Guidelines:
Up to 5 x 10.00 (50.00) in prizes for the "Best" Written Qualified Poker Reviews based on Staff's decision. You must have a total of 30.00 to be paid.
**ALL** Reviews **MUST** refer to and enter **ALL** info asked for in the Reviews Template. **No Exceptions**.
If you add more information than asked for from the Review Template your chances of winning are increased.
Please no copy & pasting, we want the Reviews in your own words.
Winning qualifying review will be chosen based on:
*"Best" written review
*All criteria is met from Poker Template
*Additional information added that is not on Poker Template
*Poker Review is in your own words (no copy & pasting)
*Review is qualified before deadline (in the final stage)
*No abbreviations in Review (such as fav for favorite, micro for microgaming and so on)
For the month of October all reviews MUST be entered in and approved by OCTOBER 28TH, 2010. No Exceptions!!
We are serious, WE WANT YOUR REVIEWS!!!
If we get enough participants we may run this contest again next month, so please SUBMIT your reviews!!!
This Months Poker Reviews Contest is now open and waiting for your Reviews!!!
Here's the link to the Contest Reviews Forum:
Please make sure you've joined the Poker Reviews Usergroup:
We look forward to reading all of your reviews and Best of Luck in the Contest!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
Your PC Staff
**You may submit a review on ANY Poker Site as long as you haven't previously done a review on it.
It is not necessary to do your reviews on our Preferred Poker Sites, however, we would really appreciate reviews on them.
Preferred Poker Sites for October 2010:
Spin 32 Poker
1st Deposit 100% upto 600.00
Poker Stars
1st 3 Deposits 100% upto 600.00
Fulltilt Poker
1st Deposit 100% upto 600.00
USA Accepted
Intertops Poker
1st Deposit 110% upto 600.00
USA Accepted
Poker Joint
1st Deposit 100% upto 250.00
Reload Bonus 50% upto 250.00
USA Accepted
Doyles Room
1st Deposit 110% upto 550.00
USA Accepted
Titan Poker
1st Deposit 100% upto 500.00