Poker Crush CONTESTS - Lottery for PC Points - New Feature! Every 6 hours! crushadmin - 13.01.2007, 19:53 Post subject: Lottery for PC Points - New Feature! Every 6 hours!
Dear Poker Crushers,
We're pleased to announce the coming of the first of a few new things for Poker Crush this year, to assist in your earning of PC Points which are needed to claim any cash prizes won in any of our contests here.
Our PC Points Lottery - runs every 6 hours!
(See the Lottery option on the menu for details)
For those that are familiar with the one already at CC (Casino-Crush Forums, this is very similar but we have slightly different parameters:-
The lottery starts every 6 hours with a basic prize of 2000 PC Points.
You can buy up to a maximum of 20 tickets for a price of 25 PC Points per ticket.
The total of all the PC Points spent (plus the basic prize) is the jackpot which is declared and automatically credited every 6 hours.
If you win, you'll automatically receive a PM advising you of this and you can view all previous winners via Lottery page and clicking the History button.
Best of Luck in the Lotto
valeria - 13.01.2007, 21:33 Post subject:
Well the price is better than at CC LOL at 100 credits per ticket that is a 1000 credits per 10 tickets max.. 25 credits is a lot better char1984 - 14.01.2007, 19:24 Post subject: Great idea Geno cindy7186 - 16.01.2007, 04:13 Post subject:
i agree char,it is a great idea thanks geno!!
spookth - 16.01.2007, 16:04 Post subject:
Wahooooo....I won.....thanks Guru
PokerGuru - 16.01.2007, 17:47 Post subject: Thank you, you sweetheart you, BUT..................
All the credit for our lottery goes straght to Geno this time!!!!!! WTG, DA MAN! GOOD JOB!
Your PokerGurumojojds - 17.01.2007, 04:59 Post subject: contest
concan - 11.02.2007, 01:11 Post subject: Thanks for the chance to win points from
the lotto! What a great idea!
I WON I WON char1984 - 11.02.2007, 01:20 Post subject: Wat to go Concan and I won this hour. such a nice way to get pc points ergopro - 24.02.2007, 08:43 Post subject:
Cool wyciswyg - 11.06.2007, 06:34 Post subject:
wtg kool wyciswyg - 24.06.2007, 00:06 Post subject:
cool in 9 days ive won 8 lotteries = 20,795 pts
PokerGuru - 24.06.2007, 02:59 Post subject: WOW! wyciswyg!!! What a record! Congratulations!
By the way, how are you liking being a member here at Poker-Crush?
TO ALL PCers: I'm so glad you are enjoying the 6-hour-lottery! I wrote a personal message to Geno, telling him you like it!!!
And I am pushing him (as much as one dares) to get ALL the games from the games arcade at CC over here to Poker-Crush, too!
Your Guru, who loves to please youwyciswyg - 24.06.2007, 06:15 Post subject:
im lovin it here PokerGuru its all good thinking my game is improving
can not thankyou enough and all the cool members especially Rainbow1
annacris - 26.08.2007, 18:50 Post subject:
Congratulations wyciswyg PokerGuru - 28.08.2007, 03:21 Post subject: Good to hear, Wy. Good to hear.
Can promise you we will all keep trying to give our best. That's just what PC'ers, and Crushers in general, do.
Your Guruslotmom - 02.02.2008, 01:36 Post subject:
nice ty
wyciswyg - 02.02.2008, 08:17 Post subject: what do i do with the points
does anyone know what they are worth ? kaska321 - 02.02.2008, 19:22 Post subject:
You can share your wealth with me
Points work same way as in CC, when you win contest you need to have them to exchange for the money prize : 3000 points equals $30 .
So, you are rich wyciswyg !
wyciswyg - 02.02.2008, 21:53 Post subject: now all i got to do is win a contest char1984 - 02.02.2008, 22:08 Post subject: Kaska if it was allowed i would gladly let you have some of my pcs kaska321 - 02.02.2008, 22:59 Post subject:
It is so nice of you Char1984, I know it`s imposible.. I just need to make more posts to earn more points I guess :-)
kaska321 - 10.04.2008, 01:56 Post subject:
Still trying my luck in lottery ....
slotmom - 10.04.2008, 19:31 Post subject:
I love it I am in
kaska321 - 11.04.2008, 01:36 Post subject:
How do you do it ... I never won yet :-(
kaska321 - 11.04.2008, 17:59 Post subject:
Since I won last month game points competition, I needed 3000 points to get the prize... so I took the risk yesterday on lottery again. Invested all my points ... and lost it again ! I am a very bad, bad player !
Now I have to go back to all fashion way and post, post , post
Good luck to all lucky lottery players , the force is with you :-)
kaykyl - 25.07.2008, 22:28 Post subject:
gl kaska
sunspun - 27.08.2008, 23:55 Post subject:
Kaska, I was just reading this thread and I looked at the Lottery History and I noticed you finally DID win, only about a week or 2 after that last post you left - yay! But then I didn't see your name again... did you win once and figure you used up all your luck and not play again?
You should keep playing - look at the History and see all the repeat winners. Most people keep winning again and again.
I forgot all about the Lottery til now, so I've only won once, way way back... but I'm gonna have to try to remember to play now that I found it agian!
GL all
kaska321 - 28.08.2008, 00:39 Post subject:
You are right , Sunspun, I just went and purchase some tickets , I forgot about lottery as a way to get points. Someone told me before to play lottery at night, if I dont win now I will try in couple of hours, maybe then will be lucky buy :-)
Thank you Sunspun for reminding me and good luck to you in lottery too !
broxi - 28.08.2008, 16:25 Post subject:
yes kaska and sunspun if you want to build your points up then play the lottery..ive not been playing it much but you do win it regularly and its a quick way of building up not that i need the amount its gave me
PokerGuru - 28.08.2008, 16:53 Post subject: Hi Sunspun!
It is soooo nice to have you back with us and posting again!
Gurusharon030161 - 26.10.2008, 02:50 Post subject:
woweeeeeeee i been hittin the lottery like crazy lately!
what a great way to build up points to win a cash prize!
ty poker crush PokerGuru - 27.10.2008, 08:38 Post subject: So glad, Sharon! You needed that streak!
And right you are about it!emeraldharley - 05.05.2009, 02:07 Post subject:
wtg wyciswyg !!!!
PokerGuru - 05.05.2009, 02:27 Post subject: Good for you, Wyc!
I wish more members understood how many and how often you can easily pick up those PC points!
Way to go!
Your Gurucrzynana2001 - 01.08.2009, 21:19 Post subject: Re: Lottery for PC Points - New Feature! Every 6 hours!
crushadmin wrote: ›
Dear Poker Crushers,
We're pleased to announce the coming of the first of a few new things for Poker Crush this year, to assist in your earning of PC Points which are needed to claim any cash prizes won in any of our contests here.
Our PC Points Lottery - runs every 6 hours!
(See the Lottery option on the menu for details)
For those that are familiar with the one already at CC (Casino-Crush Forums, this is very similar but we have slightly different parameters:-
The lottery starts every 6 hours with a basic prize of 2000 PC Points.
You can buy up to a maximum of 20 tickets for a price of 25 PC Points per ticket.
The total of all the PC Points spent (plus the basic prize) is the jackpot which is declared and automatically credited every 6 hours.
If you win, you'll automatically receive a PM advising you of this and you can view all previous winners via Lottery page and clicking the History button.
Best of Luck in the Lotto
and remember it only cost 25 PC points a ticket!!!!!!!! What a deal!!!!!!
broxi - 01.08.2009, 21:55 Post subject:
exactly nana its the way to get my 300000 odd show lol tho i havent entered for ages as leaving it for those that need points...but if anyone needs them then its the way to get them easily
BARB711 - 31.08.2009, 13:53 Post subject:
goin to give it a shot right now, i need the points!lol
mrbilly - 20.12.2009, 14:09 Post subject: WOW!! That was way cool!!
Lottery was the very 1st thing I entered in. 1st & only. & I won!!
How cool is that!! msfilly - 20.12.2009, 15:08 Post subject:
WTG mrbilly and welcome to poker crush tthere are lots of things to do make sure you enter all the contest too again nice to have you here
broxi - 20.12.2009, 15:15 Post subject:
wtg mrbilly and welcome to poker crush hope you enjoy your time here
dmoney644 - 02.01.2010, 20:51 Post subject:
Yay! i won the last lotto i entered lol, lets see if i can win again! hehe
broxi - 02.01.2010, 21:37 Post subject:
lol wtg dmoney not that you need the points anymore... its a great way to build up points tho as im guessing thats where most of my points came from over the years tho dont enter it much now as leave it for others to win points as i need rid of some of mine as it is lol
dmoney644 - 02.01.2010, 21:52 Post subject:
yeah i play very seldom, thisa one probalby be the last i play too, not many entering so good chances for everyone else to win that needs them!
broxi - 02.01.2010, 21:54 Post subject:
hehe u have comprtition as ive entered as well dmoney644 - 02.01.2010, 22:37 Post subject:
Well, if we gonna make it a competition, i don't like to lose, so i might have to play again if i lose to you lol
broxi - 02.01.2010, 22:49 Post subject:
lmao..oh well guess ill happily take all your points back off you from the lottery
dmoney644 - 02.01.2010, 22:52 Post subject:
roflmao, well, i have plenty now thanks to you and others to get another win lol
nah, won't waste them all on that, besides, i'm gonna win anyways lol
dmoney644 - 03.01.2010, 04:23 Post subject:
LOL Thanks for the extra points broxi, i won the last lottery hehe, i will elave the rest for the ones that need the points, it will be a while i think before i'm in desperate need of points again thanks to all of you guys for being generous, hehe
broxi - 03.01.2010, 08:55 Post subject:
hehe i let you win the lottery lol...thought he needs them more than me so let him win please..what is it the women on here talk about...karma or something like that lol
shirlsplay - 29.09.2010, 04:15 Post subject:
i think this is the first time i ever played the lottery,wish you could buy more than just 20 tickets a draw.if i remember am going to play it more often.good luck e1 shirlsplay - 03.10.2010, 22:16 Post subject:
playing the lottery is so much fun why arn't more playing??