Poker Crush Forums
The Archive - September Captains Choice Contest! Closed! Winner Announced
ojisplayin - 04.09.2009, 03:49
Post subject: September Captains Choice Contest! Closed! Winner Announced
Our AWESOME Team Captain Bower wants to know?
Poker is a gentleman's game. Proper etiquette is a must if you want respect from other players.
<a href=""><img src="" width=487 height=291 border=0></a>
If you think about it, most poker etiquette is little more than common sense and good manners. Players who are careful to exercise courtesy and respect at the table will usually find their experience to be better for it.
1- Everyone making a post is entered into this contest. All members that enter will be placed in a drawing where the winner will receive a $30 Prize.
2- PC-Points may also be awarded for "good thinking" or as runner-up prizes, as determined by PC Staff. Contest ends on September 30, 2009.
3- 3,000 pc-points will be deducted when prize is paid. If you do not have 3,000 pc-points to redeem for a cash prize, you will be credited 3,000 pc points to redeem on your next contest win.
4- You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!
IRIEDREAMING - 04.09.2009, 06:21
Post subject:
Being a poor loser is not happening and razzing someone when they get cracked is very rude. I think when someone uses fowl language it just shows how they need to go wash their m<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Virgin Poker' border='0'></a>outh out with some soap
tduterte - 04.09.2009, 07:39
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1. Don't Talk About Your Cards While the Hand is Still Going On
2. Don't Be Rude or Mean. Even if you are losing this is a no no.
cocakolakid - 04.09.2009, 13:34
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1. Good Sportsmanship
2. No Cheating/Colluding
win4maw - 04.09.2009, 18:30
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1 If you can't say something nice don't say anything
2. Don't be a sore loser
linnie16 - 04.09.2009, 19:49
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A Gentleman's Game?What about us Ladies,it is 2009 you know.LOL!!!
1 - Deliberately Acting Out Of Turn
While accidents occasionally happen, you should never deliberately act out of turn in an attempt to influence the game.
2 - Commenting On Other Players’ Hands
It is considered poor poker etiquette for those who are not actively involved in a hand to discuss the play of those who are.
soljah11 - 05.09.2009, 11:48
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im in,i would have to say,holding your composure would be one way,and playing honest and fair
ojisplayin - 06.09.2009, 15:27
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Kraziegurl79 - 06.09.2009, 18:09
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1. Don't be a showboater if you win.
2. Most of all...don't be a jerk towards other players!
anneandalan - 06.09.2009, 18:11
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Keeping your cool - I hate it when I watch live poker and someone gets mad and blows up- I mean, come on...they chose to play the hand! And playing on line, I think its rude to wait the timer out.
BARB711 - 06.09.2009, 18:30
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valeria - 06.09.2009, 18:58
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I think making comments about how another player plays their hand as "stupid" and shows their own ignorance.
The people who go all in EVERY single hand trying to grab some money and ruining the game for everyone else who are actually trying to play poker.
They are usually the ones who are constantly mouthing off about everyone ELSE's playing, or sex or whatever else they can think to insult people. These people have no business playing real poker. They belong in the kiddie section and should be playing Go Fish! LOL
Rudeness gets you nowhere and only makes people feel animosity towards them.
Poker should be fun, using your brains and being courteous.
rainbow1 - 06.09.2009, 19:21
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when you lose, simply say GG to the rest of the players & move on gracefully or graciously as it may be
what makes no sense to me is when ppl bash you for playing your cards the way you want to
it's a game of luck, very little skill goes into playing non masterable games
they should be treated as such, but with a money hungry world, ppl get so bent out of shape, it's not your job, so have fun with it (if it was your job, you wouldn't be here) lol
anneandalan - 06.09.2009, 20:49
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Here here Valeria - that going all in every hand really frosts my cookies!
catty78 - 06.09.2009, 21:31
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you should never show your cards while playing or discuss your cards while playing and be a gracious loser no tantrumss
slotmom - 06.09.2009, 22:15
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play fair and don't be a por sport
shortstuff - 06.09.2009, 22:57
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It is not whether you win or lose it is how you play it. Good sportsmans is everything in playing.
DixiesMom - 07.09.2009, 01:29
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1. dont use nasty language because not everyone wants to hear it.
2. If you get away with a bluff don't brag about it, just quietly let it pass and be forgotten (or you may get caught next time you bluff)
sharon030161 - 07.09.2009, 16:58
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don't be a sore loser and don't be a showboat as a winner
allight - 07.09.2009, 22:30
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1-Lie a lot (like say nice hand when they needed runner runner to beat your hand)
2-Lie some more (like say well played when they called 5x the big blind with a marginal hand and hit the best hand)
m8ryann - 08.09.2009, 08:04
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no eye contact lol
just keep to yourself
kaykyl - 08.09.2009, 17:25
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never be a poor loser and dont brag about winning.
afulk8 - 08.09.2009, 18:02
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1. Don't be rude.
2. Don't boast. Football has a celebration penalty for a reason.
Sisters - 08.09.2009, 22:45
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I believe good sportsmanship is a MUST also foul language is NOT acceptable...The above are for ALL games not just Poker
Good Luck,
goldigger - 10.09.2009, 02:03
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be polite regardless of the win or loss
don't be a spoil sport
Monica - 10.09.2009, 04:11
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Treat others as you would like to be treated.
No GLOATING about your wins
No Cheating
msfilly - 10.09.2009, 20:06
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1. Keep all table talk after a hand has played and before another begins.
2. Above all Do Not make rude comments or call other players names! I see this a lot during free tourney play and it really is poor sportsmanship.
Thanks for the contest
Lori212 - 12.09.2009, 21:15
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no telling you cards
no cheating!!!!
Bower50 - 12.09.2009, 21:40
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Great answers ev1.Let's keep them coming and go for $30.
You can enter as often as you wish.
ojisplayin - 13.09.2009, 05:34
Post subject:
Hi Crushers
Some great answers! I agree Bower, more input please
Show us your Table Manners! <--Ones your parents are so proud of!
Believe it or not (<-TRUE) I chat minimal, unless it is with friends, crushers, etc.
But when I do chat in online games, I most often use:
NH=NiceHand VN=VeryNice :-)=Smile TY=ThankYou
And lately seeing good players having to stoop to those
Maniacs with no hand, but reraising you every chance-
I use GC=GoodCall to the players winning against them.
ratfang - 13.09.2009, 07:24
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Allway'skeep your Cool!!
Never show frustration,And allway's Congratulate the winner!!
shirlsplay - 17.09.2009, 20:25
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I would have to say don't be a bad loser and don't talk about others hand.I havn't played yet so am guessing here lol:)
gjr1961 - 18.09.2009, 02:07
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Well, I am really new at poker, but I think giving all the players respect is what is important. Never show off to other players when you are winning and never put down other players when they not, nobody needs help feeling like a loser.
msfilly - 19.09.2009, 02:20
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Here is one that I am confronted with quite often:
That is the PUSHER, this is the player that gives everyone grief for taking to long. Sometimes one needs a moment to evaluate the game. Whereas, a snap decision can sometimes be the difference between winning or loosing a game. The site you play on has allotted a certain amount of time for each player and the PUSHER needs to respect that equal time.
msfilly - 19.09.2009, 02:24
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On that same note as my above post is the opposite of the PUSHER and that is the LAGGER, This is the player that is watching tv, or making dinner, diapering babies etc.... If you are going to play at the poker tables please try to keep your head in the game and pay attention. Everyone will benifit from this bit of etiquette.
BARB711 - 19.09.2009, 17:08
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always smile
shortstuff - 20.09.2009, 14:02
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Keep a good poker
broxi - 20.09.2009, 14:53
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take losing graciously...and dont name your cards during hand
BARB711 - 21.09.2009, 00:59
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char1984 - 22.09.2009, 05:24
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well I would say keep all sacastic comments to yourself and dont let it show if a person really annoys you by watching your body movement oe expressions.
rsablebomb - 23.09.2009, 16:36
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don't throw you chips at the dealer when you lose and you need to keep your cool, so no yelling and cursing
BARB711 - 24.09.2009, 02:02
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PUZTIME - 24.09.2009, 20:11
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Not degrading another players
Enjoying to game .. but not being rude or boasting too much
And definitely not going all in - on every hand
Bower50 - 24.09.2009, 20:24
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With all these replies I'm sure we will definitely have the poker table with the best etiquette.
I'll add one to your awesome list.
If you are not involved in a hand you should never react to community cards in such a way that may allow active players to guess what you may have folded.
anneandalan - 28.09.2009, 05:34
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you know what Bower, I actually have never thought of that and I am terribly guilty of it when playing with friends....thanks for the heads up!
tduterte - 28.09.2009, 10:21
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Good one Bower.
char1984 - 28.09.2009, 21:14
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That was a great one Bower as I have found people to do that and can ruin your hand when they are wondering if you have that 4th 3 or not just for someone to say dam i folded a 3 then they know you dont have it grrr.
sunspun - 30.09.2009, 23:08
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Somebody's probably already mentioned this, but maybe it's worth saying again... don't take forever to make your move!
I see people timing out sometimes, only to immediately see them say "I'm back" and then do the same thing their very next turn, and again and again. Drives me crazy. Either play or sit out.
And speaking of sitting out, usually you'd be better to just leave your seat to someone else, instead of sitting out til you're automatically withdrawn anyway.
ojisplayin - 01.10.2009, 01:43
Post subject:
Congratulations & Happy Gaming!!
crzynana2001 - 01.10.2009, 02:14
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WTG Linnie and Lena!!!! WTG Valeria..... May your winnings grow!!!!!!!!
PUZTIME - 01.10.2009, 02:22
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Congrats Linnie and Valeria On Your Wins
And Wooooooooooo Hooooo I Won PC Points Tooooooooooo
Thank You Thank You
shortstuff - 01.10.2009, 02:28
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valeria - 01.10.2009, 03:57
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Oh wow. Congrats Linnie and Lena and thanks too!!
OrangeCrush - 01.10.2009, 06:25
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Congratulations ((Valeria, Lena and Linnie))!!! Way to Go Ladies!!!
broxi - 01.10.2009, 06:27
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wtg winners
BARB711 - 01.10.2009, 10:50
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shirlsplay - 01.10.2009, 17:24
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wtg evergren and puzplus
msfilly - 02.10.2009, 06:23
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WTG Winners Congrats to you all
afulk8 - 02.10.2009, 13:20
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wtg winners!
allight - 03.10.2009, 00:51
Post subject:
wtg linnie and puz
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