The Archive - May Featured Game CONTEST - WINNER ANNOUNCED! PokerGuru - 08.05.2009, 04:10 Post subject: May Featured Game CONTEST - WINNER ANNOUNCED!Hello again, PCers!
We have been shootin' 'em up and blastin' 'em away for the last couple months.
So this month, we shall make a complete turn-around and go to a somewhat intellectual activity for our Featured Game.
This game sometimes has its technical problems, but the odds of it happening are the same for everyone, so that still makes it a fair contest with some luck involved.
I am talking about WHEEL OF FORTUNE, our Featured Game for May.
You must have 3000 earned PC points to redeem for a $30 cash prize. If you come up short, you will receive 3000 PC points instead of cash, so you will have them next time!
You must have informed us of how you wish to be paid, by filling out the form titled "My Payment Method", found at the top of every page.
Winner(s) will be determined by the use of a blind drawing box, into which names of participants will be placed. The box has a built-in stirrer which mixes the names and a built-in propellant which shoots out the name(s) of the winner(s). Yes. I, Guru, am the architect of this super-fair contraption, which I call The Winners Box.
You must post below that you are an entrant in the contest.
Deadline is the last day of the month at midnight.
The top 15 scorers will be the ones eligible to win. Their names go in the box.
Most importantly, enjoy the contest and keep your fingers crossed that the glitches in the game that sometimes show up, go to someone else's computer. LOL!
Your Guruchar1984 - 08.05.2009, 04:45 Post subject: wooo hoo count me in.yes sometimes there are problems as I have hit over the top and it said error when I submitted but I am liking that game...
cocakolakid - 08.05.2009, 09:06 Post subject:
I'll try PokerGuru - 08.05.2009, 09:53 Post subject: Well, playmates of mine, I just had to play one game of Wheel of Fortune to see how it was working. (any excuse to play LOL!)
It worked out just fine for me.
Wishing you the same kind of success!
Your Gurukaykyl - 08.05.2009, 13:59 Post subject:
count me in please
Bower50 - 08.05.2009, 14:06 Post subject:
Me too please.
rainbow1 - 08.05.2009, 18:20 Post subject:
i'm in
Malvax - 08.05.2009, 20:53 Post subject:
i'm in rsablebomb - 08.05.2009, 21:58 Post subject:
count me in thank you
sunspun - 08.05.2009, 23:50 Post subject:
I'm in again, please!
(Boy, this game can be just HEARTLESS sometimes with that BANKRUPT space, can't it??
@!$#%$meanrottenandjust HEARTLESS I tell ya@!%$#@
... sometimes!)
All part of the fun!
thx again!
ojisplayin - 09.05.2009, 05:10 Post subject:
I am definately in this one GLA!!!
valeria - 09.05.2009, 07:20 Post subject:
me too
linnie16 - 09.05.2009, 16:43 Post subject: ..Count me in plz...... beckie33 - 10.05.2009, 22:24 Post subject:
count me in please
catty78 - 11.05.2009, 00:09 Post subject:
countme in to play
paulajardine - 17.05.2009, 18:08 Post subject:
count me in too please afulk8 - 18.05.2009, 02:35 Post subject:
count me in please!
Sisters - 22.05.2009, 23:41 Post subject:
Also count me in plz..
sisters zonn61 - 23.05.2009, 16:37 Post subject:
count me in
annacris - 30.05.2009, 18:33 Post subject:
Count me in please Love that game PokerGuru - 01.06.2009, 06:18 Post subject: Hello PC Members!
The end of the Featured Game Contest was exciting, since we had some players on the backside of the racetrack, bringing up the rear, suddenly shifting to a burst of high speed and passing first one and then another ahead of them. That always makes it more interesting for us who just sit in the audience and watch!
It is also quite exciting to watch someone gain the lead early and hold on to it thru thick and thin all the way to the finish!
Guess you can tell that I like to watch what is happening in the two Arcade game contests we have for cash prizes every month! They are good deals for members, too, because it is always free to enter these contests! (That last sentence is for the sake of our visitors, who are reading about the wins, some for the first time!)
The winner of the Featured Game contest for May, Wheel of Fortune, is ......................................................................................................
Congratulations, Ambre! I believe you are a first-time games winner!
Thanks to all the other entrants, who made it a challenging contest! Maybe next month will be your turn to take the prize!
Your impressed Guru cocakolakid - 01.06.2009, 07:54 Post subject:
wtg Ambre!!!
annacris - 01.06.2009, 09:30 Post subject:
Congratulations Ambre Have fun and win big rainbow1 - 01.06.2009, 12:29 Post subject:
WOOT.................. GREAT JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
slotmom - 01.06.2009, 13:23 Post subject:
Wtg Ambre
afulk8 - 01.06.2009, 13:44 Post subject:
woo hoo! Thank you! My favorite game ever kaykyl - 01.06.2009, 15:44 Post subject:
WTG afulk8
ojisplayin - 01.06.2009, 15:49 Post subject:
WOOTWOOT!!! WTG Ambre!! Congrats & Enjoy MF Sisters - 02.06.2009, 10:32 Post subject:
WTG on your win
sisters emeraldharley - 02.06.2009, 12:35 Post subject:
wtg Ambre!!!! Good Job!!! and GL this month to you and all my fellow crushers! Em