The Archive - Free Poker Tournie Wed Apr 13 Bower50 - 13.04.2011, 04:12 Post subject: Free Poker Tournie Wed Apr 13
Join us in our Play Free Poker room Wed Apr 13 @ 7 pm ET for a game of NLHE poker.$30 in prizes and some PC points.Only 10 seats so don't be late!!!!
Bower50 - 13.04.2011, 23:49 Post subject:
Awesome tournie guys!!One of the quickest I believe.Petie dethroned Tweet this week.
1 - Petie55 $20 + 1000 PC points + 400 pp
2 - Tweet21 $10 + 2000 PC points + 240 PP
3 - Josie46 1000 PC points + 160 pp
4 - Rsablebomb 500 PC points
5 - Crzynana2001 250 PC points
6 - Shirlsplay 7 - Win4maw 8 - Dickynormis
ojisplayin - 14.04.2011, 04:58 Post subject:
WTG Petie!!!! WTG Tweet!! WooHoo!!
Congrats to you both
Boys are prevailing this month ladies, and HOW!!!
Great Playing Crushers!! TY Archie for being our killer Host again!!!
shirlsplay - 16.04.2011, 20:24 Post subject:
wtg petie and tweet