The Archive - $30 Poker Tournie Wed Sept 29 Bower50 - 29.09.2010, 03:33 Post subject: $30 Poker Tournie Wed Sept 29
Join us in our Play Free Poker Room Wed Sept 29 at 7 pm ET.The game is NLHE and the winner gets $30.Other prizes also.Only 10 seats so don't be late.
Bower50 - 29.09.2010, 17:19 Post subject:
FYI Geno said he might show up tonight
Bower50 - 29.09.2010, 23:47 Post subject:
Small group tonight.The women outlasted the guys.
Starting next week the prize structure will be $20 for winner and $10 for second place.
win4maw - 30.09.2010, 00:04 Post subject:
Thanks Bower
I can't believe I really won LOL
congrats all
ojisplayin - 30.09.2010, 02:36 Post subject: LOL
I KNEW YA COULD DO IT!!! WTG JANE!!shirlsplay - 30.09.2010, 10:36 Post subject:
wtg win4maw
I remembered but i was tired and was only going to lay down for a half hour which turned into 2 hours,sorry maybe next week.good luck e1
crzynana2001 - 30.09.2010, 14:55 Post subject:
WTG Maw!!!!!!!!! I WILL be there next week!!!!!
broxi - 04.10.2010, 18:08 Post subject:
wtg maw enjoy your win, if i ever take a wednesday night off work ill join you all in a game