Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - Valentine's Day Contest (Quickie) Closed! Winners Announced!

ojisplayin - 11.02.2010, 04:10
Post subject: Valentine's Day Contest (Quickie) Closed! Winners Announced!
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

This contest is for the true romantics at heart.

<a href=""><img src="" width=394 height=387 border=0></a>

All you need to do is fill in the following statement!

I am a [guy/gal] and for my valentine,
<a href=""><img src="" width=142 height=91 border=0></a>
I choose [ any member from PC ].

There will be 2 random winners in this contest.

<a href=""><img src="" width=222 height=194 border=0></a> One guy and one gal. <a href=""><img src="" width=222 height=194 border=0></a>

If you do not fill in the [guy/gal] section of the statement,

you will be, unfortunately,

DISQUALIFIED from the draw.


1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 2 x $30 prizes.

2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.

3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.

4. This contest will end on February 14th, 2010 and we will give away 2 x $30 prizes.

Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

Your Poker-Crush Staff

afulk8 - 11.02.2010, 04:27
Post subject:
I am a gal and I choose broxi. (Sorry patticakes, you have to share him for this contest!) Smile
anneandalan - 11.02.2010, 05:39
Post subject:
I am a gal and I choose broxi!
tduterte - 11.02.2010, 05:45
Post subject:
I am a gal and for my valentine, I choose Orangecrush.

tduterte - 11.02.2010, 05:48
Post subject:
Ooops sorry supposed to put guy...lolol
msfilly - 11.02.2010, 06:16
Post subject:
I am a gal and I choose Bower if he will be my alentine
msfilly - 11.02.2010, 06:17
Post subject:
I am a gal and for my valentine,

I choose Bower.
shortstuff - 11.02.2010, 07:00
Post subject:
I am a gal and I wish for Bower to be my valentine. He is so distinguished In Love
broxi - 11.02.2010, 08:33
Post subject:
guessing i can only choose one name so thought id be original and not choose my wee darling so picked 12 names and put them in hat and picked one out and name was went no not picking her so ill give them all a number and roll 2 dice and i rolled a 6 and 2 and guess what number 8 was patti...went HELPPPP so rolled again and got double 4 OH NO... so said to myself one more try what can i noticed a 12 runner horse race and gave every runner a name from here...looked at odds as race was going off and patti was a total outsider so went this is it ive got a different name to post...watched the race and damned outsider with pattis name won....give in now must be fate LMAOOOOOOOOO ................. so i tried hard but at end of day i guess deep down there was only ever going to be one name i put lol................. SO I AM A GUY AND FOR MY VALENTINE I CHOOSE PLAYINCRUSH(patti) Love It In Love
gjr1961 - 11.02.2010, 10:54
Post subject:
I am a gal and for my valentine I choose Bower.
cocakolakid - 11.02.2010, 11:59
Post subject:
I am a guy and for my valentine,

I choose SisterCrush.
cocakolakid - 11.02.2010, 12:03
Post subject:
Oops SisterCrush belongs to CasinoCrush...for Poker Crush I choose NanaCrush to be my valentine =)
celestine - 11.02.2010, 12:46
Post subject:
I am a gal and

I choose cocacolakid to be my valentine Cool
crzynana2001 - 11.02.2010, 13:32
Post subject:
cocakolakid wrote: › Oops SisterCrush belongs to CasinoCrush...for Poker Crush I choose NanaCrush to be my valentine =)

SisterCrush is a member here..... she goes by the name of 'sisters' !!!
BARB711 - 11.02.2010, 13:32
Post subject:
i am a gal and id choose broxi as well
slotmom - 11.02.2010, 14:16
Post subject:
I am a gal and for my valentine,

I choose Karen as my Valentine
slotmom - 11.02.2010, 14:19
Post subject:
This is for all my other Valentines I love you all and you all are mine too .
sharon030161 - 11.02.2010, 14:51
Post subject:
I am a gal and for my valentine, I choose mirrors
where have you been mirrors!?, Come backkkkkkkkkk!
win4maw - 11.02.2010, 14:53
Post subject:
I'm a gal and I choose He's going to love this!!!! No it's not Barry!!!!!

I don't know why I choose him LOL

Maybe cause I'm not a gal

OH that's wrong >> I"m a girl

OK so I choose ALLIGHT


kaykyl - 11.02.2010, 15:21
Post subject:
I am a gal and I choose Bower
shirlsplay - 11.02.2010, 15:58
Post subject:
what a cute contest playin.

I am a gal and i choose r8er4ever to be my valentine
pmarston - 11.02.2010, 16:21
Post subject:
Embarassed Rolling Eyes Embarassed Rolling Eyes Embarassed Rolling Eyes Embarassed Rolling Eyes

I am a gal.....and for my valintine ..I choose bower.....


WOW..Bower you are popular....

Rolling Eyes Embarassed Rolling Eyes Embarassed Rolling Eyes Embarassed Rolling Eyes Embarassed
josie46 - 11.02.2010, 18:30
Post subject:
i am a gal , and i choose bower he is the perfect host at poker tables ty, jo23
Bower50 - 11.02.2010, 22:46
Post subject:
It's not my wealth pmarston.They must like my kilt.
I can't choose one so I'll split my valentine with Patti & Donna,my partners in crime.LOL!!!!
Kraziegurl79 - 11.02.2010, 23:45
Post subject:
I'm a gal and I'll choose PlayinCrush (Patti) to be my valentine...because she's cool! Smile
dmoney644 - 12.02.2010, 05:12
Post subject:
I feel a bit left out, guess cause i'm the strange new guy, lol

Ok, well,

i am a guy, and i choose afulk8 as my valentine(because i didn't know she was a gal) roflmao
rebeccalynne123 - 12.02.2010, 10:10
Post subject:
I am a girl & I pick Geno for my Valentine.
he he he lol
valeria - 13.02.2010, 05:22
Post subject:
Ok I was going to pick bower then he might get a big head with all the gals asking him, then I thought of allight but too much competition with his dolls... so then reading down I saw dmoney644 and so since he has been cool and active here...

dmoney644 will you be my Valentine??? Smile
valeria - 13.02.2010, 05:24
Post subject:
ooops and yes, I am a gal LOL
ojisplayin - 13.02.2010, 22:17
Post subject:
Kraziegurl79 wrote: › I'm a gal and I'll choose PlayinCrush (Patti) to be my valentine...because she's cool! Smile

Not even!! LOL Awwwww Monty!!

Kraziegurl!! You're the coolest- just like ice cream!!

ratfang - 13.02.2010, 23:53
Post subject:
I Am a gal,I choose "Al" as my Valentine
crzynana2001 - 14.02.2010, 09:23
Post subject:
<center>GOOD MORNING !









ojisplayin - 14.02.2010, 16:27
Post subject:



Thank You Donna! Thank You Crushers!!

<a href=""><img src="" width=360 height=397 border=0></a>

Bower50 - 14.02.2010, 17:59
Post subject:
WTG Tduterte & Pmarston.Win big!!!
msfilly - 14.02.2010, 18:24
Post subject:
WTG TDUTERTE and PMARSTON congrats on your wins
valeria - 14.02.2010, 20:39
Post subject:
WTG you 2!!!!!!
slotmom - 15.02.2010, 02:39
Post subject:
Wtg Winners
dmoney644 - 15.02.2010, 02:50
Post subject:
WTG you guys or gals! Congrats on your win, enjoy your winnings and have a great Valentine's Day!
BARB711 - 15.02.2010, 12:08
Post subject:
congrats on ur win!
shirlsplay - 16.02.2010, 15:16
Post subject:
wtg TDUTERTE and PMARSTON nice win
shortstuff - 17.02.2010, 01:36
Post subject:
WTG U 2 Smile
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