Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - FEB 2010 CONTEST #1 Closed! Winner Announced!

crzynana2001 - 04.02.2010, 04:51
Post subject: FEB 2010 CONTEST #1 Closed! Winner Announced!
<center>Our first contest for February asks the question.....



This is YOUR forum too, help me make it fun for you!!

I will try to formulate contests from your ideas/suggestions!!

The 2 most popular ideas/suggestions may find a surprise in their PC points!!!!</center>

1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 1 x $30 prize.

2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.

3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.

4. This contest will end on February 13th, 2010 and we will give away 1 x $30 prize.

<center>Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

Your Poker-Crush Staff wink</center>

allight - 04.02.2010, 06:23
Post subject:
Take one contest away and have a second poker tourney each it at different times so people from different time zones can play easier
ratfang - 04.02.2010, 08:35
Post subject:
I agree with my Love
MsChikaBoom - 04.02.2010, 08:37
Post subject:
Jump I like Al's suggestion ! Jump



As always, I would expect nothing less from AL !

crzynana2001 - 04.02.2010, 12:56
Post subject:
Great suggestion al, but budget wise, it just won't work. I am so sorry to say.
BARB711 - 04.02.2010, 13:10
Post subject:
id like it if it wasnt all poker contests kinda like at the bingo forum where you do posting contest..just my 2
msfilly - 04.02.2010, 13:23
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I like the crossword puzzles. But that scattergories that we did that was cool.

Or maybe we could use Als idea only just add once a month saturday tourney added so it is tourney for contest so the same funds are being used and no extra funds are required
shirlsplay - 04.02.2010, 13:58
Post subject:
I like the contests that you have us do a little research or thinking.I miss understood some of them but they were still fun.I really don't care for the ones were we make just 1 post and that's least the other ones keep us coming no good with coming up with ideas.I think you do a good job with coming up with these contests.
slotmom - 04.02.2010, 14:12
Post subject:
if it is all just poker stuff that leaves me out or to play poker same goes .
crzynana2001 - 04.02.2010, 14:17
Post subject:
msfilly wrote: ›

Or maybe we could use Als idea only just add once a month saturday tourney added so it is tourney for contest so the same funds are being used and no extra funds are required

This idea has merit. I will bring it up at the next staff meet. Thank you.
msfilly - 04.02.2010, 17:32
Post subject:
Al Broxi, and I will have to share the credit for this idea since Al wanted more tournies and broxi needs saturday tournies I being the glue just tied the two needs together...

After all, it hardly seems fair that PC's Member of the year for 2009, can't even play in the weekly poker games because he has to work during the tourney times and i am sure there are other members in the same boat.
Sisters - 06.02.2010, 03:19
Post subject:

How about:

**what do you do first at PC Contest

**make 4 words from Poker Crush Contest

**what is your favorite arcade game at PC

**who would you like to play poker against (famous poker player)

**a mini biography on your favorite poker player

It would be nice to see a few more personal contests at PC so we could get to know our PC'ers a little better..

Just my opinion..

sisters Smile
crzynana2001 - 06.02.2010, 04:10
Post subject:
great ideas sarah! thanks!!!!!!
msfilly - 06.02.2010, 05:25
Post subject:
How about "Have you ever" game

exampl: Have you ever been caught in a lie?

The next person who posts answers that question and than posts a new question and so on and so on.
crzynana2001 - 06.02.2010, 05:48
Post subject:
good one JoAnna
afulk8 - 07.02.2010, 12:58
Post subject:
I like the have you ever...contests; also, I like the neverending stories..and I agree, maybe another tourney could be added for the players who are in time zones that make it difficult to attend the regular ones..but every idea above me has been a good one!
kaykyl - 07.02.2010, 19:24
Post subject:
we could play trivia where we email the answers to you.
slotmom - 09.02.2010, 14:15
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how about a post a thon contest
shortstuff - 10.02.2010, 02:13
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I like the never ending story 2 Smile
sharon030161 - 10.02.2010, 02:27
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how about a contest where you start the topic with one word then the next person posts another word until it ends up as a story no 2 posts in a row, those are fun!
crzynana2001 - 10.02.2010, 20:24
Post subject:
please, keep them coming, these are all great!
win4maw - 10.02.2010, 20:29
Post subject:
there is also the alphabet posting

broxi - 11.02.2010, 08:00
Post subject:
how about a joint competition with cc...something that has a good prize to draw attention to it but needs members to answer a daily question on both sites...that way it would encourage members to be here every day for that week to have chance of winning and would maybe bring more members that have never looked at poker crush yet to come over and some may realise its a good place here and visit more often
msfilly - 11.02.2010, 10:27
Post subject:
Guess the next poster game. simple ust guess who you think will post next in the thread.
celestine - 11.02.2010, 12:03
Post subject:
I think the poker tourneys to suit different time zones would be just great Smile
anneandalan - 12.02.2010, 02:51
Post subject:
I like the never ending story contests
dmoney644 - 12.02.2010, 05:14
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i assume the never ending story contests is where someone posts a word, then someone else posts a word, and so on until the story is written?

If so, then it gets my vote too.
valeria - 13.02.2010, 05:28
Post subject:
Hide a graphic in a forum - we have to find it. Or tell us the Forum and we have to find the post... first one to find it gets the prize...

Happy Valentines Day everyone!
ratfang - 13.02.2010, 23:41
Post subject:
I would like to see Royal Flushes,So maybe more poker games & whoever has most ROYALS WIN.
crzynana2001 - 14.02.2010, 07:18
Post subject:
<center>Congratulations to the random winner of this contest!!!!!!!!!


please check your PM's to see if you are a random points winner!!!

Thanks for all the great entries!

Your Poker-Crush Staff

broxi - 14.02.2010, 08:13
Post subject:
wtg val enjoy your win
msfilly - 14.02.2010, 08:17
Post subject:
WTG Val congrats on the win enjoy
ojisplayin - 14.02.2010, 16:17
Post subject:
WTG Crushers!! Some really great input!!

What a wonderful mind Nana has(secret points winners) Razz HeHe!


Now hope to see that cable guy soon huh? LOL
Hapy Gaming Always!!

Bower50 - 14.02.2010, 18:01
Post subject:
Congrats Val.WTG PC point winners!!!
valeria - 14.02.2010, 20:34
Post subject:
WOW! TY!!! Great ideas everyone!!
slotmom - 15.02.2010, 02:38
Post subject:
Wtg Val
BARB711 - 15.02.2010, 12:07
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shirlsplay - 16.02.2010, 15:18
Post subject:
wtg val
shortstuff - 17.02.2010, 01:35
Post subject:
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