The Archive - PC Poker Tournie THURSDAY NIGHT Bower50 - 05.11.2009, 03:17 Post subject: PC Poker Tournie THURSDAY NIGHT
WE are having our free tournie tonite (THURSDAY) at 7pm ET.Same prizes as last tournie.$30 to winner.
I know it's short notice so please tell anyone you know about it.
Click on Play Free Poker in red section above before 7 pm ET.
shortstuff - 05.11.2009, 05:15 Post subject:
count me in plz valeria - 05.11.2009, 06:21 Post subject:
hopefully I can make it again cocakolakid - 05.11.2009, 06:56 Post subject:
correct me if i'm wrong but i believe you will need to enter the "play free poker" room 30 minutes prior to 7pm ET to register. it is on a "first come, first serve" get in there quick to play.
good luck!
msfilly - 05.11.2009, 07:53 Post subject:
count me in please
shirlsplay - 05.11.2009, 18:19 Post subject:
i'll try and be there.what time would it be my time ?am pacific time?
Bower50 - 05.11.2009, 18:46 Post subject:
Not sure but I think 4 pm your time.
msfilly - 05.11.2009, 20:15 Post subject:
Yes 4:00 pm pacific standard time
broxi - 05.11.2009, 21:37 Post subject:
guessing thats midight my time and since im ill with flu i wont make sleeping lol ...good luck everyone that makes it shirlsplay - 05.11.2009, 23:00 Post subject:
ty e1 i got up oytta bed and no one was guess am early.i'll try again in an hour if i don't make it back cause am still sick gle1
Bower50 - 05.11.2009, 23:08 Post subject:
Starts in 52 minutes Shirls.
rsablebomb - 05.11.2009, 23:58 Post subject:
I wanna play
shortstuff - 06.11.2009, 00:51 Post subject:
I had a good time and ty