The Archive - Poker Knowledge Contest November- Closed! Winner Announced! ojisplayin - 04.11.2009, 00:01 Post subject: Poker Knowledge Contest November- Closed! Winner Announced!
WIN $30 Cash +++ RANDOM PC-Points!! Just make a post to enter. Contest ends by December 4th, 2009.
Before you start betting like a madman when you get two eights in the pocket, you need to carefully consider all factors involved in solid preflop strategy.These are the factors you should consider-
-Number of players:
With 10 people in the game, it's much more likely that someone else has a strong hand in the pocket than in a short-handed game. Also, you'll need to be more cautious in larger games, as the chances of someone's preflop hand fitting the flop will be much better. More competition means stiffer competition.
-How aggressive the players are:
Assuming you've been playing with a few people for several hands, and you noticed some jackass is raising every hand preflop, you'll want to play tighter. Let the guy win the blinds (big deal) and nail him to the wall when you have a solid hand in the pocket preflop.
-Your bankroll:
If you have $2 left, you'll want to play extremely carefully and select one hand to bet on, hoping to get as many players involved as possible for a larger pot. You'll want to be all-in before the flop is dealt. On the flip-side, if you have $1000 at a $1/$2 table, you can take the high-risk, high-payout bets.
-Your position:
People in late position have the ability to influence the size of the pot much more than those in early position. This is especially true preflop.
1- Everyone making a post is entered into this contest. All members that enter will be placed in a drawing where the winner will receive a $30 Prize.
2- 3,000 pc-points will be deducted when prize is paid. If you do not have 3,000 pc-points to redeem for a cash prize, you will be credited 3,000 pc points to redeem on your next contest win.
3- You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!
POKER CRUSH STAFF msfilly - 04.11.2009, 00:15 Post subject:
LOL I am a passive/aggressive player sometimes I I am out the box with a large bet and than I will back it off a little if raised or called to quickly
allight - 04.11.2009, 00:50 Post subject:
all depends on stack size, position and how far into the tournament i am....but generally, I am a tight/agressive player
afulk8 - 04.11.2009, 01:06 Post subject:
It depends on how much $$ I have, and where I am in the tourney...I don't usually make big bets pre-flop(I'm kind of a candy ass) but I will call if I think I have something decent...but after the flop and I know I have something good, then I get I guess I'm passive aggressive too, lol. And the higher the stakes are, the more cautious I am.
valeria - 04.11.2009, 04:13 Post subject:
Ya gotta keep them guessing! LOL Passive/ Agressive but I would say more agressive than passive. It really depends on who I am playing with, pot size etc. Lots of variables.
shirlsplay - 04.11.2009, 17:54 Post subject:
am not sure what am supose to say so am just
PUZTIME - 05.11.2009, 13:52 Post subject: Well guess I could be considered Aggressive Sometimes
And Passive other time ... LOL
When I think I have a good hand I am definitely aggressive in
a cautious kind of way
Online Poker still scares mebroxi - 05.11.2009, 16:18 Post subject:
hard to answer this question as it all depends on type of game and mood you are in..if it was a cash game then i would be quite passive especially with a pair of 8s lol...but in a tournament especially if its been running a while(i get bored easy) then i would tend to be far more aggressive...also depends on what other players are like at the table BARB711 - 05.11.2009, 23:14 Post subject:
im not all that good at poker ...unless its 5's and 10's and stuff like that case id just wing it
shortstuff - 05.11.2009, 23:32 Post subject:
LOL..I like the question...I think I am a little of both cocakolakid - 06.11.2009, 01:21 Post subject:
with pocket 8's - i'll call the blind or a reasonable raise to see the flop...and depending on position and bets/raises i would see it to the end. And an all-in preflop...if my chips stack is the bigger stack by at least a 1/3...i will call...any less i'll fold them.
rsablebomb - 06.11.2009, 01:40 Post subject:
I would like to win plz so count me in thanks
DixiesMom - 07.11.2009, 06:03 Post subject:
I'm a pretty passive player. I very rarely bluff and usually only raise pre-flop if I have an ace or a pair in the hole.
shirlsplay - 07.11.2009, 15:13 Post subject:
lmao. how do i miss these questions.I think am a little of both,equually.ty:)
soljah11 - 08.11.2009, 01:35 Post subject:
definately aggressive
anneandalan - 19.11.2009, 03:33 Post subject:
It totally depends on my mood - if I am feeling aggressive, I play aggressive, If I am relaxed - I am much more passive...also, if I feel lucky, I just go for it!
spookth - 19.11.2009, 17:11 Post subject:
My preflop strategy is to be as consistent as possible so as not to give anything away as to what cards I'm holding in the pocket. For instance, if the Blinds are 100-200, then I'll bet 200 pre-flop no matter what I'm holding, if I'm going to bet at all! I will keep that pre-flop bet until the blinds go up, at which time I'll raise my pre-flop wager.
This does NOT mean I will bet pre-flop no matter what I have. There must be a good chance of winning the hand or my chips are staying where they are!
Kidder79 - 22.11.2009, 12:23 Post subject:
I play extremely tight at the beginning of a tournament. Especially if it is a rebuy. I play mainly premium hands and from good position. As the tournament progresses,I become more aggressive.
win4maw - 22.11.2009, 14:50 Post subject:
I guess you would say I'm a gut player LOL
gjr1961 - 23.11.2009, 18:59 Post subject:
Since I am pretty inexperienced, I tend to think the other players are better then me, so I am pretty passive. I think that the more money I have, the more aggressive I will be. However, even then, I am not really bold.
rsablebomb - 23.11.2009, 23:16 Post subject:
not sure if I entered this one or not so just to be sure I am posting now.
IRIEDREAMING - 28.11.2009, 19:23 Post subject:
depends on so many situations. But usually I just play conservative
Kidder79 - 29.11.2009, 09:47 Post subject:
Im playing loosely at the moment because Im in such a good mood. I thought you only tilted when things dont go your way. Not so. Ive just lost a fiver in seconds. I felt like I was giving money away so Ive come off for now.
You might be tilting x
Kidder79 - 29.11.2009, 10:33 Post subject:
The way I play depends on my mood. If I'm relaxed, I play relaxed. If I'm in a passive mood, I play passive. If I'm in an aggressive mood, I play aggressive. And if I'm feeling horny, I leave the table and go and have sex LMAO x
Sisters - 01.12.2009, 17:51 Post subject:
I would say that I'm a little of both...
Good Luck,
sisters rsablebomb - 04.12.2009, 02:22 Post subject:
I don't remember if I posted here or not so posting now or again lol.
good luck everyone
ojisplayin - 04.12.2009, 20:33 Post subject: Without a doubt, we have our winner- TY Crushers!!