The Archive - Sept 2009 Total Game Point Contest Closed! Winner Announced! ojisplayin - 01.09.2009, 16:27 Post subject: Sept 2009 Total Game Point Contest Closed! Winner Announced!Hello PokerCrushers!!!
Everyone's Game Points have been reset to 2,000 Game Points today (September 1st, 2009).
On the 30th of September, 2009, the top 15 qualifying members that have made a post, with the most game points qualify. The top score (with 2 tickets) plus everyone else is put into a random drawing where the winner will receive a $30 prize. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO POST HERE THAT YOU ARE IN THIS CONTEST, PLEASE.
IMPORTANT: You must have at least 3,000 pc-points to qualify! 3,000 pc-points will be deducted as a redeem only if you win the contest in exchange for your free $30.00 cash prize! If you do not have the 3,000 pc-points you will be credited 3,000 pc-points to be used in a future contest.
Terms for winning a Cash Prize
You must post that you are participating in this contest.
You will need 3,000 pc-points in to redeem a cash prize of $30.00.
If you do not have enough pc-points to win a cash prize yet, you'll be credited with 3,000 pc-points instead - so next time you win - you'll be able to cash out.
You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the red section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.
Please support our featured Poker rooms and Casinos which all help us to bring you the Free Games CASH Contests.
Happy Free Gaming Everyone
Good Luck!!!
Your Poker Crush Staff BARB711 - 01.09.2009, 16:41 Post subject:
Monica - 01.09.2009, 17:27 Post subject:
count me in plz
shortstuff - 01.09.2009, 18:23 Post subject:
Count me in plz kaykyl - 01.09.2009, 18:59 Post subject:
count me in please
paulajardine - 01.09.2009, 20:31 Post subject:
Count me in please linnie16 - 01.09.2009, 22:07 Post subject:
count me in plz.... Sisters - 02.09.2009, 03:09 Post subject:
Count me in plz...
sisters anneandalan - 02.09.2009, 06:09 Post subject:
Im in!
rebeccalynne123 - 02.09.2009, 09:30 Post subject:
count me in cocakolakid - 02.09.2009, 11:46 Post subject:
count me in please
rainbow1 - 02.09.2009, 15:19 Post subject:
i'm in
tduterte - 02.09.2009, 15:26 Post subject:
i'm in pls.
rsablebomb - 04.09.2009, 14:02 Post subject:
count me in plzz
soljah11 - 06.09.2009, 06:32 Post subject:
COUNT ME IN, <a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Aspinalls Poker' border='0'></a>
BARB711 - 06.09.2009, 12:59 Post subject:
ME 2
catty78 - 06.09.2009, 21:34 Post subject:
on my way to play count me in good luck everyone
ojisplayin - 23.09.2009, 18:22 Post subject: Here are the Top 20 Game Points so far this month
BARB711 - 23.09.2009, 19:13 Post subject:
im in, if i didnt say already
shirlsplay - 24.09.2009, 01:54 Post subject:
count me in.plz ty. BARB711 - 24.09.2009, 02:03 Post subject:
gjr1961 - 24.09.2009, 23:41 Post subject:
I am not sure if I need to post but I want to be counted in also
win4maw - 30.09.2009, 18:19 Post subject:
I'm in
sunspun - 30.09.2009, 23:01 Post subject:
Have I posted yet? I'm in just in case!
allight - 01.10.2009, 01:14 Post subject:
count me in please
ojisplayin - 01.10.2009, 04:09 Post subject: Here are the Final Scores