Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - PC's Birthday Bash Contest #27 CLOSED! WINNER ANNOUNCED!

ojisplayin - 27.08.2009, 03:43
Post subject: PC's Birthday Bash Contest #27 CLOSED! WINNER ANNOUNCED!
Hello My Wonderful Poker Crushers!

Our 27th Contest for August is easy. Are you a Nosey Neighbor? LOL I am not, but I have got 1!!

<a href=""><img src="" width=420 height=313 border=0></a>


1. All members making a post will be placed into a random drawing, where we will be giving away 1 x $30 prize

2. The winner(s) must have at least 3,000 pc points in order to claim a cash prize. If the selected winner(s) has less then 3,000 pc points then they will receive 3,000 pc points in lieu of the $30 prize.

3. You will need to advise us which payment method you would like us to use to pay you. To do this, please go to the section above and click on "My Payment Method" and follow the instructions. You only need to do this once (unless you later wish or need to change your payment method option). If you have any questions, please send OrangeCrush or Crushadmin a private message.

4. This contest will end on August 28, 2009 and we will give away 1 x $30 prizes.

Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

Your Poker Crush Staff

Lori212 - 27.08.2009, 04:01
Post subject:
yes i am a little nosey i just like to know whats going on around me LOL!!!
lilnickie25 - 27.08.2009, 04:06
Post subject:
I am a little nosey but it's only when there is something going on or the cops are around cause I like to see what's going on around in my neighborhood. other than that I mind my own business and stay out of otherr peoples. I have some very very nosey and bad neighbors around my house
Kraziegurl79 - 27.08.2009, 06:50
Post subject: if I see a police car or an ambulance or something. I live in a small town, so I need a little excitement sometimes. LOL!
cocakolakid - 27.08.2009, 07:49
Post subject:
nope...i like to mind my own business and like it even more that the neighbours don't mind
valeria - 27.08.2009, 07:57
Post subject:
not really nosey unless there is some big hulabuloo going on around me. Though I like to see what strangers are doing around. I have grandkids and when they are out front I keep a close eye on people.
kildemosus - 27.08.2009, 08:09
Post subject:
Nope..I dont care what others do..My neighbours are very helpfull
casino$teve - 27.08.2009, 08:13
Post subject:
not even... I have had a few tho- Smile
broxi - 27.08.2009, 08:45
Post subject:
well ive got good neighbours...but lets face it its human nature to be nosey lol
slotmom - 27.08.2009, 08:58
Post subject:
ya just a little some times LOL
Kdal29 - 27.08.2009, 10:29
Post subject:
Not nosey, just inquisitive! I like to keep an eye out.
BARB711 - 27.08.2009, 11:39
Post subject:
PUZTIME - 27.08.2009, 11:42
Post subject:
Same here I'm not a Nosey neighbor - but I have two of them
tduterte - 27.08.2009, 12:41
Post subject:
I dont get along with my neighbor, so I cant be nosey to them... LOL
IRIEDREAMING - 27.08.2009, 12:41
Post subject:
I can't stand and don't get along with people who don't know how to mind their own business. And I also believe in the saying "Do unto others as you would h<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Casino Crush Online Gambling Portal & Forums' border='0'></a>ave them do unto you."
IRIEDREAMING - 27.08.2009, 12:47
Post subject:
Please have patience with me!! Don't have it down packed but I'm trying to get it right<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Casino Crush Online Gambling Portal & Forums' border='0'></a>!!
win4maw - 27.08.2009, 12:47
Post subject:
I wouldn't say nosey but curious LOL

crzynana2001 - 27.08.2009, 13:02
Post subject:
Iriedreaming, you are doing just fine, hun!
Monica - 27.08.2009, 13:19
Post subject:
Nope, don't believe I am nosey. Heck been living here 2 years and don't even know my neighbours names.. any of them. LOL
afulk8 - 27.08.2009, 13:44
Post subject:
Not really...however, we are pretty close with our neighbors, so if I see an ambulance, I do have to find out what's going on.
rsablebomb - 27.08.2009, 16:05
Post subject:
oh yes I am a very nosy neighbor. A car pulls up or people are talking outside I have to run to the window lol
Sisters - 27.08.2009, 17:10
Post subject:

I can honestly say I'm not a nosey neighbour...mind my own business, and pretty much keep to myself...If I see a neighbour I will say hello ect, but that's it...

Good Luck,

sisters Smile
DixiesMom - 27.08.2009, 18:55
Post subject:
I'm pretty sure I would not be called a nosy neighbor, I don't even know most of my neighbors names lol.
anneandalan - 27.08.2009, 20:28
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I don't even think I know anyone's name - so definitely not
kaykyl - 27.08.2009, 21:50
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No iam not, but i have one that is nosey
gjr1961 - 27.08.2009, 22:34
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No, I keep to myself. There are neighbors here that seem to know about my business and it bothers me. Expeially since I don't know HOW they got to know my issues in the first place. To me it is a matter of respect.
catty78 - 27.08.2009, 23:30
Post subject:
not too nosy but like to know what is going on lol
allight - 28.08.2009, 01:26
Post subject:
not nosey at all unless it's someone i'm concerned about
rainbow1 - 28.08.2009, 02:30
Post subject:
i'm female of course i'm nosy lol
crzynana2001 - 28.08.2009, 04:03
Post subject:
<center> Tonights winner is.......................

drumroll, please............


congratulations Lori! May your winnings grow!!!!

Your Pokeer-crush Staff
win4maw - 28.08.2009, 04:10
Post subject:
Congrats lori212
OrangeCrush - 28.08.2009, 04:26
Post subject:
WoooooooHooooooooo Way to Go Lori!!! Congratulations hun!!!
IRIEDREAMING - 28.08.2009, 07:40
Post subject:
gjr1961 - 28.08.2009, 08:45
Post subject:
wtg lori212! congratulations!! Very Happy
slotmom - 28.08.2009, 11:37
Post subject:
Wtg Lori
BARB711 - 28.08.2009, 11:46
Post subject:
PUZTIME - 28.08.2009, 12:41
Post subject:
WTG Congrats Lori May Your Winnings Multiply
Lori212 - 28.08.2009, 13:09
Post subject:
ty all!
kaykyl - 28.08.2009, 13:18
Post subject:
lilnickie25 - 28.08.2009, 13:29
Post subject:
wtg lori
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