Poker Crush Forums


Anonymous - 10.05.2006, 16:15
HELLO CRUSHERS - The password for tonights freeroll is "pcfair ". Good luck and may the cards be with you.SmileSmile

NOTE: The password has now been emailed to all those signed up to the FreerRoll notifications group (click on UserGroups, select FreeRoll notifications and follow instructions to join).

No more emails will be sent today, and PM's asking for the password will be ignored (sorry but we get far too many). The password will be posted here approx 30 minutes before the games start tonight. Join the Freerolls mailer group means you will always get the password earlier wink

<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Fair Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Fair Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Fair Poker' border='0'></a>

POKER CRUSH is pleased to announce our first FREEROLL with Fair Poker on the 16th of mMay at 8pm EST!!

Fair Poker is an excellent choice for the poker player in you and offers some great ring games as well as all the tourny games you expect to find in a top notch poker site.

<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Fair Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Fair Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Fair Poker' border='0'></a>

Please join us on the 16th of May for a great night of Poker and fun...Smile

The PokerCrush Team
graidar - 10.05.2006, 17:58
Post subject:
Fair Poker is very good site, Dr. Crush continue witch fantastic work in forum, thanks very match !!! Smile
Anonymous - 11.05.2006, 21:34
Post subject:
Thanks Graidar..Smile Your comments are much appreciated..Smile

leifen - 12.05.2006, 00:22
Post subject:
I'm in. I havent playd there before, so this is gonna be the first
sharksteeth - 12.05.2006, 04:27
Post subject:
i'll be there, first time for me
seeya all there
Anonymous - 13.05.2006, 21:36
Post subject:
Great to hear Shark and Leifen...Smile I'll see you at the tables..Smile

PokerGuru - 13.05.2006, 22:28
Post subject:
sharksteeth and graidar !

I would like to grab this chance to welcome you whole-heartedly to Poker-Crush!

I'm sure you will both be excellent additions to our Crusher poker family.

Also would like to personally invite you to take part in the posted discussions in my posted Poker Lessons! Any and all comments or questions in those threads will be much appreciate4d.

THIS GOES FOR ALL, as in A-L-L, every Poker-Crush member!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading and hope you respond in the latest Guru's POKER LESSON #1-A thread that I posted a couple days ago.

Thanks. And again, WELCOME!

PokerGuru, Poker-Crush's resident professional poker player

allight - 15.05.2006, 19:34
Post subject:
I'll give it a try-2nd freeroll, first at fair poker. Better get to downloading and signing up!
Chopper - 16.05.2006, 03:43
Post subject:
I ´m ready for play. Thank you for freerolls

Best Regards
crushadmin - 16.05.2006, 18:09
Post subject:
NOTE: The password has now been emailed to all those signed up to the FreerRoll notifications group (click on UserGroups, select FreeRoll notifications and follow instructions to join).

No more emails will be sent today, and PM's asking for the password will be ignored (sorry but we get far too many). The password will be posted here approx 30 minutes before the games start tonight. Join the Freerolls mailer group means you will always get the password earlier wink

treehug - 16.05.2006, 19:02
Post subject:
hello and good day all. Is anyone else having a hard time registering for this one. I am unable to login, and keep getting a message that there is no response from the game server. Hmmmmm, hope its just a temperary problem cause looking forward to playing again tonight.

Have a great day all,

Anonymous - 16.05.2006, 19:28
Post subject:
Hi Treehug, all looks fine on my end. I suspect it is just a tempory thing..Smile

win4maw - 16.05.2006, 20:07
Post subject:
When I tried to sign up for real account it told me I was in a jurisdiction that did not permit it

Any help????
treehug - 16.05.2006, 20:17
Post subject:
yes it was a temporary problem. I am now registered for the tourney and funny thing is I am the only one so far.

Hope to see you all there, user name there is crazycrazylady hehehehe

good luck all,

OrangeCrush - 17.05.2006, 03:11
Post subject:
Hello PokerCrushers!

I also had a problem with the jurisdiction thing maw and I finally was able to register and was 1 minute late to play in the tourney. lol

I was able to watch however. There were a total of 50 registered and the following is the results of tonights game:

ldusch $20.00
pokahwiz1979 $12.50
1stbballstar101 $7.50
XxxGrimReaperxx $6.00
DevilsGun1 $4.00

Congratulations winners!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

OrangeCrush Wink

Anonymous - 17.05.2006, 14:57
Post subject:
A BIG CONGRATS to all our winners from last nights game with Fair Poker. I hope fun was had by all...Smile and remember my friends, we will be hosting a small buy in game in a week or so with Fair Poker and would love to see the same turn out for that game as we had with our freeroll..Smile

Your support is always appreciated...Smile

The Poker Crush Team

annacris - 17.05.2006, 21:02
Post subject:
Congratulations winners SmileSmileSmile
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