Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - June Featured Game CONTEST Closed Winner Announced

PokerGuru - 08.06.2009, 19:28
Post subject: June Featured Game CONTEST Closed Winner Announced
[B]Hello PC Members!

This month's featured game is really fun, once you've played a few to get the right rhythmn!




You must have 3000 earned PC points to redeem for a $30 cash prize. If you come up short, you will receive 3000 PC points instead of cash, so you will have them next time!

You must have informed us of how you wish to be paid, by filling out the form titled "My Payment Method", found at the top of every page.

Winner(s) will be determined by the use of a blind drawing box, into which names of participants will be placed. The box has a built-in stirrer which mixes the names and a built-in propellant which shoots out the name(s) of the winner(s). Yes. I, Guru, am the architect of this super-fair contraption, which I call The Winners Box.

You must post below that you are an entrant in the contest.

Deadline is the last day of the month at midnight.

The top 15 scorers will be the ones eligible to win. Their names go in the box.

Have fun! Train those dolphins well to go thru those hoops! Then go to Seaworld and ask for a job. Tell them you are experienced!

Your Guru

kaykyl - 08.06.2009, 19:40
Post subject:
count me in please
Bower50 - 08.06.2009, 21:24
Post subject:
Me too please.
ojisplayin - 08.06.2009, 21:47
Post subject:
I'll try.... LOL
cocakolakid - 09.06.2009, 04:01
Post subject:
i'm in
rainbow1 - 09.06.2009, 13:03
Post subject:
i'm in Smile
catty78 - 09.06.2009, 18:47
Post subject:
count me in on my way to play
sunspun - 10.06.2009, 02:56
Post subject:
This is a good game.


char1984 - 10.06.2009, 06:15
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy count me in plz Very Happy
zonn61 - 11.06.2009, 18:01
Post subject:
count me in
broxi - 14.06.2009, 23:41
Post subject:
i will give it a try ty
Malvax - 17.06.2009, 07:40
Post subject:
I'm in
OrangeCrush - 03.07.2009, 21:23
Post subject:
Hello PokerCrushers!!!

The featured game contest for June had 11 qualified PC'ers.

1 sunspun, 192242
2 cocakolakid 143658
3 rainbow1 88866
4 Malvax 26892
5 catty78 12181
6 broxi 10438
7 char1984 9459
8 PokerGuru 7666, disqualified
9 kaylee 7564
10 Bower50 7468
12 ojisplayin 6058

The above 11 names were placed into my tupperware bowl and Barry drew out the winning name.

The winner of June 2009 Featured Game, Dolphin Hoops is:

<center>broxi </center>

Congratulations Paul!!! I wish you the very best of luck with your winnings!!!

Happy Gaming Always!

OrangeCrush wink

broxi - 03.07.2009, 21:38
Post subject:
now i didnt expect that...ty oc and well done for putting the jigsaw together and finding out who finished where lmao
Bower50 - 03.07.2009, 22:39
Post subject:
WTG Broxi.Win big!!!
slotmom - 03.07.2009, 22:48
Post subject:
wtg Borxi
ojisplayin - 03.07.2009, 22:54
Post subject:
WTG ((((babes)))) AWESOME!! Smile
cocakolakid - 05.07.2009, 07:22
Post subject:
wtg broxi
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