The Archive - June Arcade Games CONTEST Closed Winner Announced PokerGuru - 08.06.2009, 19:05 Post subject: June Arcade Games CONTEST Closed Winner AnnouncedHello, Poker Crushers ___
I'm sure many of you have started playing the Arcade Games for June. But let's now make it official as a contest for $30 cash going to the winner!
You become a contender by playing as many different Arcade Games as you wish (all free). At the end of the month, I add together all your scores for the month.
The top 15 scorers are then the official contenders.
You must have 3000 earned PC points to redeem for a $30 cash prize. If you come up short, you will receive 3000 PC points instead of cash, so you will have them next time!
You must have informed us of how you wish to be paid, by filling out the form titled "My Payment Method", found at the top of every page.
Winner(s) will be determined by the use of a blind drawing box, into which names of participants will be placed. The box has a built-in stirrer which mixes the names and a built-in propellant which shoots out the name(s) of the winner(s). Yes. I, Guru, am the architect of this super-fair contraption, which I call The Winners Box.
You must post below that you are an entrant in the contest.
Deadline is the last day of the month at midnight.
The top 15 scorers will be the ones eligible to win. Their names go in the box.
Most importantly, enjoy the contest and try to learn something new while having fun and continuing to develope your skills.
I hope I enjoy wwatching your progress up the chart as much as I did last month! Do it by going to MEMBERSHIP page, choose GAME POINTS, and then click on DESCENDING. It will list the winners at that moment in order!
Your Gurukaykyl - 08.06.2009, 19:41 Post subject:
count me in please, gla
Bower50 - 08.06.2009, 21:25 Post subject:
Me too please.
ojisplayin - 08.06.2009, 23:21 Post subject:
AND ME!! cocakolakid - 09.06.2009, 04:00 Post subject:
me toooo!
rainbow1 - 09.06.2009, 13:03 Post subject:
catty78 - 09.06.2009, 18:47 Post subject:
count me in
sunspun - 10.06.2009, 03:14 Post subject:
one more!
char1984 - 10.06.2009, 06:15 Post subject: count me in plz zonn61 - 11.06.2009, 17:59 Post subject:
count me in
notLOL - 21.06.2009, 20:00 Post subject:
count me in please....
good luck crushers!!!
broxi - 30.06.2009, 21:01 Post subject:
not as good at games as most but ill give it a try ty
rainbow1 - 01.07.2009, 15:17 Post subject:
WOOT!!!!! HERE I AM OrangeCrush - 03.07.2009, 21:12 Post subject: Hi Poker Crushers!
We did not have 15 PC'ers that qualified for this contest this month, there are 10. Here are the 10 qualified PC'ers and their scores:
1 - notLOL - 13648092
2 - sunspun - 3363873
3 - kaylee - 1120164
4 - cocakolakid - 950355
5 - emeraldharley - 267336, disqualified, did not post
6 - ojisplayin - 154097
7 - rainbow1 - 114258
8 - char1984 - 111279
9 - Bower50 - 550910
10 - Malvax - 490611, disqualified, did not post
11 - sisters - 412112, disqualified, did not post
12 - broxi - 379413
13 - catty78 - 306614
14 - PokerGuru - 261815, disqualified
15 - slotmom - 213716, disqualified, did not post
16 - shortstuff - 206317, disqualified, did not post
The above 10 names were put into my tupperware bowl and Barry drew out the lucky winners name.
The winner of the Total Game Points contest for June is:
<center>notLOL </center>
Congratulations Joy!!! I wish you the very best of luck with your winnings!!!
Happy Gaming Always!
broxi - 03.07.2009, 21:28 Post subject:
wtg notlol enjoy your winnings...and great to see ya back around the forums...look forward to reading your unique style of posting again Bower50 - 03.07.2009, 22:40 Post subject:
WTG notlol.Win big!!!!
slotmom - 03.07.2009, 22:47 Post subject:
wtg NotLOL
ojisplayin - 03.07.2009, 22:55 Post subject:
WTG notLOL!!
cocakolakid - 05.07.2009, 07:21 Post subject:
wtg notLOL
notLOL - 07.07.2009, 07:04 Post subject:
woooo wooo thank you...just decided to add a post...even though i do play just dont like document winning or chancing a win until i figure out the ifs, ands, ors, therefores and such of such and know it is the independance day know i live in washington state and well thats part of this big territory of land....which we have documented as united states well the big dude duds which have in so many ways allowed for us to be banned from gaming online....oh yea i know i know, again our allowance of placing a one person of many of which may not agrees yet the and the whom have snuck in the wooo WHO? yes again to do what i like which basically can now get me a rating, rating of
felony C, which our Freedom of choice has been violated yet such a simple thing which they can simply add a tax, as "they" "we" have before you know the boston tea party thing.....oh the prohibition which was added as a promise of not ever happening again...yet....whhooooops....we relive it due to geological placement of our human vehicles....yea really simple stuff as day to day.....i think maybe i made this so drawn out and boring if not confusing....fussing alll to say......Hey I MIss you guys, I appreciate the win....last one i donated to sable.....this one i think i can actually of them timing things....
Please Almighty of happenings , of the of the almighty being of God. please give our fella crusher charla and her family strength to make it thru these tuff for real times....allow them to heal healthy with ability to override which ever may have been timing of happening .....every good thought is a prayer.....true and therefore real. please know we have faith in our faith which is for micracle to happen with a jolt from our be it ..please....not with greed....need....yet with please.
thank you for the win.
annacris - 12.07.2009, 08:36 Post subject:
Congratulations Joy Have fun and win big notLOL - 13.07.2009, 10:14 Post subject:
thanks again for this win.....looking it.