Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - May Arcade Games CONTEST - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

PokerGuru - 08.05.2009, 04:00
Post subject: May Arcade Games CONTEST - WINNER ANNOUNCED!
Hello, Poker Crushers ___

I'm sure many of you have started playing the Arcade Games for May. But let's now make it official as a contest for $30 cash going to the winner!

You become a contender by playing as many different Arcade Games as you wish (all free). At the end of the month, I add together all your scores for the month.

The top 15 scorers are then the official contenders.


You must have 3000 earned PC points to redeem for a $30 cash prize. If you come up short, you will receive 3000 PC points instead of cash, so you will have them next time!

You must have informed us of how you wish to be paid, by filling out the form titled "My Payment Method", found at the top of every page.

Winner(s) will be determined by the use of a blind drawing box, into which names of participants will be placed. The box has a built-in stirrer which mixes the names and a built-in propellant which shoots out the name(s) of the winner(s). Yes. I, Guru, am the architect of this super-fair contraption, which I call The Winners Box.

You must post below that you are an entrant in the contest.

Deadline is the last day of the month at midnight.

The top 15 scorers will be the ones eligible to win. Their names go in the box.

Most importantly, enjoy the contest and try to learn something new while having fun and continuing to develope your skills.

Your Guru

char1984 - 08.05.2009, 04:46
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy count me in plz
cocakolakid - 08.05.2009, 11:43
Post subject:
me 2 plz Flex Weight Lift Flex
kaykyl - 08.05.2009, 13:56
Post subject:
count me in please
rainbow1 - 08.05.2009, 18:20
Post subject:
Bower50 - 08.05.2009, 19:22
Post subject:
Me too please.
Malvax - 08.05.2009, 20:53
Post subject:
i'm in Very Happy
ojisplayin - 09.05.2009, 05:12
Post subject:
Sue why not? LOL
valeria - 09.05.2009, 07:19
Post subject:
I always want to be counted in Just in case I can actually play LOL
sunspun - 10.05.2009, 00:05
Post subject:
catty78 - 11.05.2009, 00:08
Post subject:
count me in on my way to play
beckie33 - 11.05.2009, 10:07
Post subject:
count me in please Smile
slotmom - 11.05.2009, 20:04
Post subject:
count me in
linnie16 - 15.05.2009, 03:13
Post subject:
Jump ..Count me in plz..... Jump
paulajardine - 17.05.2009, 18:07
Post subject:
count me in Smile
afulk8 - 19.05.2009, 06:17
Post subject:
I'm in, even though I never do well at these Smile
Sisters - 22.05.2009, 23:42
Post subject:

Count me in also..

sisters Smile
zonn61 - 23.05.2009, 16:35
Post subject:
count me in
annacris - 30.05.2009, 18:36
Post subject:
Count me in please Smile
PokerGuru - 01.06.2009, 06:52
Post subject:
Hello PC Members!

It is now time to announce the winner for the May Arcades Games contest!

It turned out to be quite a competition and my hat is off to all who played so skillfully in this free monthly contest.

As always in this competition, no matter how hard all the competitors try, we always end up with one final winner.

This month, our winner, with impressive play, is ......................................................................................................

--> --> --> For $30 cash .......... annacris <-- <-- <--

Congratulations, Annacris! Bet you can't do it 2 months in a row! LOL!

My thanks to all the entrants, without whom there would be no contest!

Your Guru

cocakolakid - 01.06.2009, 07:54
Post subject:
wtg annacris!!!
annacris - 01.06.2009, 09:29
Post subject:
WOW Smile Thank you so much Smile
rainbow1 - 01.06.2009, 12:31
Post subject:
slotmom - 01.06.2009, 13:22
Post subject:
Wtg Anna
afulk8 - 01.06.2009, 13:45
Post subject:
way to go Anna!
kaykyl - 01.06.2009, 15:39
Post subject:
ojisplayin - 01.06.2009, 15:49
Post subject:
WTG Annacris!! Well Done!!
Sisters - 02.06.2009, 10:33
Post subject:

WTG annacris Smile

sisters Smile
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