Poker Crush Forums

The Archive - Be one of our first 100 members and WIN CASH!

crushadmin - 25.07.2005, 20:48
Post subject: Be one of our first 100 members and WIN CASH!
Dear Poker Crushers,

In order to be eligible for one of these prizes, all you need to do is the following:-

- All members registering before the 101th member.
- Your registered forum email MUST match the one you use for Neteller.
- You must have visited Poker Crush forums within 7 days of our 101th member joining us in order to be picked.
- You must have at least 3000 PC points (earned by posting new topics and replying - please do not spam, post nonsense or rubbish in order to gain points or you risk being banned) to redeem for the $30 prize.
(you will earn more points per post if you sign up to our Promotional Mailers group by clicking on UserGroups and selecting Promotional Mailers and clicking on Subscribe). Also, once your ranking (for the number of posts you've made) increases, your points earned per post, reply etc will also increase Smile

The Draw:
- 2 members will be selected from those eligible to win $30 to be put in their Neteller account.

- Prizes will ONLY be credited to Certified/Premier Neteller accounts (this can be done FREE by supplying the required documentation - login to your Neteller account and click on Certification/Upgrade account links).
- Prizes will be credited within 10 days of the winners being announced.
win4maw - 26.07.2005, 21:37
Post subject:
Sounds good to me Geno

yosbree - 31.07.2005, 02:50
Post subject:
Sounds cool to me too
annacris - 31.07.2005, 17:40
Post subject:
Souns good to me, Geno SmileSmileSmile
mojojds - 01.08.2005, 00:08
Post subject: contest
sounds good GENO

almost half way there in points lol

good luck everyone

beckie33 - 13.11.2005, 16:15
Post subject:
wow this forum has been here a few months and I missed it Shocked
Anonymous - 15.11.2005, 04:57
Post subject:
good luck to everyone Smile
liquidsoap - 17.11.2005, 21:15
Post subject:
hey, i cant believe this site has been here that long, o well gl all
Anonymous - 27.11.2005, 17:16
Post subject:
So why does the email addy here need to be the same as my Neteller email addy? Are you nuts? I use a serious personal email address at neteller and would never use that in any forum or other setting similar. I do not need all that spam sent to my personal addy.

Guess I miss out on this promo!
Anonymous - 28.11.2005, 08:21
Post subject:
Hi There greedy4chips and Welcome to Poker Crush..Smile. The reason we ask you register the same email address here as you use for NEteller is that in order for us to send you any cash prizes via NETeller we need to know what email address at NETeller to send it to.

NETeller is the only way we are able to send any contest and prize winnings at the moments. Please feel free to refer to our main site and you will see we have awarded in excess of $20K in cash prizes in 2 years.

There is no way by knowing your email address you have registered with NETeller any of your personel account info at NETeller. NETeller employs the very best in security protection for it's customers and there is no way of knowing all your details or even your account number unless you gave someone that information. That is why NETeller asks for both your account number/sercurity number and your password in order to log into your NETeller account...Smile. They so this for your protection..Smile

If you would feel more comfortable to only our webmaster having this email address so as it is not registered on our forum please feel free to forweard it to

Gene will then log this and if you win a prize direct the NETeller transfer to this email address. Feel free to send me a PM at any time if you need any help..SmileSmile I hate the thought of a member loosing out on cash prizes and we intend on awarding loads of them as we grow..Smile

Good Luck and hopefully you chose to enter the contest...Smile

sorrelltop - 28.11.2005, 23:02
Post subject:
I have to agree with Greedy on this. My Neteller email is also different from my forum email address. I too, do not feel comfortable having it available to all.

BTW, Crazyhorse sent me. Nice forum. Smile
Anonymous - 29.11.2005, 01:51
Post subject:
Hi Sorrell, I'll enter you both for the contest. If you are a selected winner we will email you and see if you wish to send us the addy we need in order to transfer you funds to your certifed NETeller.

As a forum owner/mod Sorrell you know we need this in order to transfer funds member to member with NETeller...Smile I am actually rather surprized by this because we have given away loads of free cash on our other forum and this has never been an issue...Smile

Best of luck to you in the contest..Smile

chrisdaman77 - 29.11.2005, 13:52
Post subject:
I wish I could understand what the big deal is. The sites ie paypal, neteller, etc. are they not secure. Also hide your email from the rest of us just let the mods know it. I think this is an awesome deal. There are always ways around things.
notLOL - 30.11.2005, 04:17
Post subject:
i am proud to be one of the first 100 to join Poker Crush.........I am sure that its all cool reguarding the security of info provided, for the simple fact i have not had any issues of the negative with my neteller during the years of my membership with big sister site, Casino-Crush!! Good Luck Poker Crushers!!!
charly75 - 27.12.2005, 20:12
Post subject:
yooo guys

it's the same everywhere !!! lol !!

i'm in good company
Anonymous - 29.12.2005, 01:06
Post subject:
HI THERE CHARLY!!! and Welcome to Poker Crush...Smile If you have any questions please feel free to send me a pm and I'll do my best to help you out..Smile

Good luck in the contest..Smile

msholland - 30.12.2005, 22:07
Post subject:
hi everybody
finally succeeded in registering, after being a "robot" twice !

I am not sure yet how to win 3000 points, but I will go read all about it,have to get used to this new brothersite,but is good for my english, thats why I often play the puzzelwordsgames.

before I forget it.Notlol send me (or must I post this somewhere else?)

well I am sure I will get used to this site.

Wishing you all a loving and healthy 2006!

ps...must one have banners here too as attachment? and can somebody help me with that? Embarassed
sunspun - 31.12.2005, 05:40
Post subject:
Hi annacris (and everyone!)
That's funny - I was a robot (twice) too when trying to register for this forum!
Wonder why.
Although those anti-robot codes ARE very hard to read sometimes! Even for human non-robots.

And by the way, I've complimented you on your English before, but since you mentioned it, I will again here. I honestly would almost never know you weren't a native English speaker from reading your posts.
I tried to learn French in school - took over 7 years of it and graduated from University with a minor in French, even tutored high school French students, in fact, but I could NEVER speak it!

Twice, I went to France, and I was just awful. The time I went with a boyfriend, he ended up being better at understanding and making himself understood than I did, and he did not know one word of French! He was just better at picking up clues from the situation etc in general, while I missed all those while trying to separate syllables I was hearing.
Maybe I would have done better learning it if I'd tried to do it by, say, joining a French forum on the Internet!

Well, wish I hadn't taken this long to get over here and join PokerCrush but I made it anyway. So thanks and good luck everybody - have fun!

sunspun - 31.12.2005, 05:46
Post subject:
Oops, I just noticed there are no banner ads in my signature - I went to my profile and attempted to add one without going to read the rules on how to do it - I've never done this before, so may not work - let's see... (if not, I'll go read the rules and try again)
royalblush - 01.01.2006, 04:47
Post subject: TO: Ms.Holland, Charly, sunspun, & annacris
Smile MsHolland ~

I am tickled to death to see you here! Your postings are always so touching and pleasant to read.

Charly ~

I'm just getting to know you, but from what I have seen of you so far, I am very happy to have you here with us!

sunspun and annacris ~ As always, it makes me happy to see you and proud to call you my sitemates!

Sorry, crushers, that I haven't yet checked out who all else is here, but I hope ALL the CRUSHER FAMILY is!!!!!!!!!

Razz Very Happy royalblush

leifen - 08.01.2006, 15:34
Post subject:
Hi all!

Any good winnings lately?

I have just won 46$! in a freeroll... first time i got over 10$ in a freroll Very Happy

So now im gonna try some higher stakes.. So let the royal comes!!
LadyC - 08.01.2006, 20:36
Post subject:
WTG Leifen!!! That was a nice win!

Continued good luck to you!

Happy gaming always,

LadyCrush Cool

CrazyHorse - 09.01.2006, 15:53
Post subject: Poker contest
Well I don't have a problem with neteller and email addy being the same here. Besides that no matter what email accounts I use wherever I go I always get all kinds of spam and I have several email addys. Also before I got booted from the other forum here (lol) it came in quite handy for winnings I recieved from the different contests. No one here is asking for your acct# just email to make it easy to send money to neteller if you were to win thats all. But whatever rocks your boat here and how you feel the most secure. But poker sites or casinos ask for alot of personal info from us and reputable sites we all trust, but there could always be a theif working for poker site or casino and get hands on your info. Sure if he or she got caugth bam gone but now they have gotten your personal info. I always think about this where ever I am registering but if want to play you gotta give info. I will add to this post about a scam that was running just by putting your phone number online and I was using verizon at the time and was monthly getting a $16.30 from OAN a long distance carrier on my verizon bill. I will post the specifics of this scam later when I sort thru my info. I can tell you this it was a legitmate online long distance service that was getting hacked by just a simple phone number. Like I said I will post thread to this scam once I find it. CrazyHorse
CrazyHorse - 09.01.2006, 17:42
Post subject: contest
Ok I could not find the exact one I was looking for but this is close enuff. Prvasafe is an online voice email and I was getting charged like I said $16.30 a month. Now wife was paying this bill and finally asked what OAN was and I said I did not know but privasafe was billing OAN which in return was billing my verizon bill but it could be sprint or whoever you use as a phone carrier.. Now I never used this as I have long distance and if not can use any messenger to talk to whoever wherever. I called privasafe and was pissed and they immediately removed all the charges. Point is privasafe is a legit co. But like I told this guy someone is hacking your co and getting other peoples phone numbers for their personal use off the net. This guy was apologetic about the situation here but this makes you think how safe are we all online just a thought folks heres the link which is similar to my complaint and believe me this has happened to milllions and millions of people. CrazyHorse

notLOL - 14.01.2006, 10:24
Post subject:
thanks crazyhorse!!!! does make you think......darn our phone bill has been soooo much higher lately i will check for this. you just never know could be hacking into anything.....darn. way to go on figuring it out

nice to see you sunspun and good job on the banners.....hey you on holiday???? says so under name. lol happy holiday none the less.

i agree with you royal......mshollands posts are always a pleasure to read.

Happy day and gaming Poker Crushers!!! Very Happy
notLOL - 14.01.2006, 10:26
Post subject:
Oh Yea WAY TO GO LEIFEN!!!!! very nice ive never won 10.....whooo whooo gotta like that free money!!!!
annacris - 14.01.2006, 18:25
Post subject:
WTG leifen SmileSmileSmile I never won at poker SmileSmileSmile
allight - 30.01.2006, 19:46
Post subject:
cool, hope I can win!
Anonymous - 30.01.2006, 20:03
Post subject:
Hi There Allight!!! and Welcome to PokerCrush..Smile If you have any questions please feel free to message me and I'll do all I can to help..Smile

Good luck in the draw..Smile

Phoenix21 - 31.01.2006, 03:23
Post subject: 100 Contest
Hello new and old crushers - still finding my way around this site. Nice to see some friendly faces here.

GL to all!

<a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Grand Bay Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Hollywood Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Paradise Poker' border='0'></a><a target='_blank' href=''><img src='' alt='Wild Jack Poker' border='0'></a>

itattoou - 31.01.2006, 05:55
Post subject:
royalblush - 31.01.2006, 08:12
Post subject:
itatoou ~

I am WITH YOU, itattoou!!!

By the way, I love your signature statement! lol

RoDa77 - 11.02.2006, 20:51
Post subject:
my friend joe clued me in to u so i figured i better get on over and say yoohoo from all us Smile
Anonymous - 12.02.2006, 18:31
Post subject:
Hi There RoDa77, many thanks for stopping by and saying Hi..Smile It is always great to see a familer face here and I wish you the best of luck in the contest and at the tables..Smile


CrazyHorse - 13.02.2006, 20:10
Post subject: contests

Thanks Sorrell for joining and good luck to all in the contest lmao I have posted all over this forum and I forgot to stop by here so here I am lol-man this aging process is rough

CrazyHorse - 13.02.2006, 20:17
Post subject: Re: contests
CrazyHorse wrote: ›

Thanks Sorrell for joining and good luck to all in the contest lmao I have posted all over this forum and I forgot to stop by here so here I am lol-man this aging process is rough

Like I said this aging process is rough thanks Roda for joining also-if I missed anyone else I thank you all

And I have posted here man this aging process sucks someday I will get it together lol-CrazyHorse Again

Anonymous - 16.02.2006, 18:34
Post subject: Winners Posted

We finally hit the 100 member mark today and this means we get to get out our prize bag and shuffle it untill two winners are found..Smile

Many Many Thanks for choosing to join us here at PokerCrush and many thanks for your support. It is truly some exciting times here as we start to grow and develope our sponsors to bring you many more offers and freerolls.

And of course we were lucky enough to attrack our PokerGuru to join us and offer up some great advice on the game we all love.

NOW!!...The Winners for this contest are.....




Congrats to you both!! and many thanks to all who have joined and posted to help us reach this mark..Smile

Stay tuned my friends as you all know there will be many more Cash giveaways in the future..Smile

DrCrush and the PokerCrush Team

LadyC - 16.02.2006, 19:46
Post subject:
WTG and Congrats CrazyHorse and Allight!!!

Enjoy your wins!

Happy gaming always,

LadyCrush Cool

allight - 16.02.2006, 19:53
Post subject:
Thanks Poker Crush!!! And all who posted to congrats the 100 memeber contest winners.
CrazyHorse - 16.02.2006, 20:13
Post subject: contests

Thanks so much Poker Crush and all that joined this forum and have made contibutions with posts.I am usually not a lucky contest winner but I will glady accept this.Thanks Dr.Crush who has done a fabulous job here and all the other mods at CC I know who you are and so do you lol Geno,Orange Crush and Lady Crush. Your Friend-CrazyHorse

May the flop fall your way

Anonymous - 16.02.2006, 20:36
Post subject:
Congrats to crazyhorse! I think he definitely deserved to win.


Sorry I was so harsh about the email addy here being the same as the Neteller email addy. Its just that many people do not use their yahoo or similar email addresses for neteller. I just do not want emails from forums and/or their members to go to my personal email acct. That's just my policy. Some forums will send out mass emails with many addresses visible to the other forum members.

Just my opinion on the subject.

Congrats on reaching 100 members! Very Happy
Anonymous - 17.02.2006, 00:13
Post subject:
Hi there Greedy and not a problem at all..Smile Just so you know though..Smile We only send out mailers if a member has selected to join our mailing group..Smile

Many thanks on the congrats..Smile It is appreciated and hope things are going well for you my friend.

royalblush - 17.02.2006, 20:17
Post subject:
CrazyHorse and Allight ~

Can't think of any two who deserved that win more. I am glad the Fates were with you!

Just wanted to stop by and give you my congratulations! You are valuable members.

NonoNanette - 18.02.2006, 13:56
Post subject:
Congrats Crazyhorse and Allight. I hope this is the first of many wins for both of you here at Poker Crush


royalblush - 18.02.2006, 14:23
Post subject:
Crazy Horse ~

I may talk about it too much, but I know what you mean when you say this aging process is rough.


HEY! That may be the answer. I just WON'T! lol

notLOL - 21.02.2006, 17:40
Post subject:
woo woooo WTG crazyhorse and allight!!!
annacris - 21.02.2006, 22:10
Post subject:
WTG CrazyHorse and Allight!!!

Enjoy your wins! Smile
crushadmin - 24.02.2006, 00:13
Post subject:
Hi there all,

Congratulations to both CrazyHorse and Allight - your prizes have now been credited to your Neteller accounts Smile

Watch out for more Neteller Cash contests, freerolls and buy-in tourney's here at Poker Crush Smile

valeria - 28.02.2006, 18:22
Post subject: Hello All you Crushers!
Hello all you CC Crushers! It isn't enough I spend half a day at CC now your got my other half of the day tied up here!! ROFL
Dang.. I will never leave home! Laughing
royalblush - 01.03.2006, 11:24
Post subject:
And now entering center stage, ladies and gentlemen -- to my delight and to become yours -- VALERIA!!!!!!

Welcome, Val! Been hoping you would be a regular here! I love your posts!

Now don't start any lewd trouble over here! (not!)

Things will heat up now!

notLOL - 01.03.2006, 20:23
Post subject:
i know what you mean Valeria!!! sure is nice to you here, i agree with royalblush, your posts are most definatly welcome. woo wooo things are heatin up. so as i said in another topic . please fasten your seatbelts, and make sure your seat is in the upright position, PC is gettin ready to ........take off like rocket........wheres guru?
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