Poker Crush Forums

Poker Winners - Won 1st place party Poker

spookth - 15.04.2008, 17:26
Post subject: Won 1st place party Poker
I won 1st place in an $11 buy in 10 seater at Party Poker. I won $50 for my troubles. I can't post my screeshot because I have reached my maximum upload here at Poker-Crush. I have about 5 or 6 screeshots that I haven't been able to upload. I e-mailed Geno to see if he can fix it for me!!!
PokerGuru - 15.04.2008, 17:51
Post subject:
Spookth, my man,

It makes me so happy to see the money you are earning with your advanced strategies that you have learned so well!

Keep at it. Practice makes perfect and remember: there is always more to learn!

I will try to start providing more lessons, so nobody will get rusty.


Your Guru

char1984 - 15.04.2008, 17:54
Post subject:
Very Happy Very Happy Way to go Spook and great thinking Very Happy Very Happy
valeria - 15.04.2008, 21:05
Post subject:
WTG spookth!!! GREAT THINKING and of course great playing!!
linnie16 - 16.04.2008, 03:09
Post subject:
wtg spook good thinking as always ...... Jump Thumbup
Bee12o3 - 17.04.2008, 15:57
Post subject:
Congrats Spookth that is just awesome! Party Poker was my very first poker room and I miss playing there.

Keep up the good thinking
Sisters - 20.04.2008, 07:47
Post subject:

Spookth very smart thinking...keep em coming...

sisters Smile
kaykyl - 25.07.2008, 22:21
Post subject:
wtg spook
sharon030161 - 30.07.2008, 04:04
Post subject:
wtg spook! keep it up!
mirrors34 - 30.07.2008, 07:17
Post subject:
well done spook........keep em coming
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