The Archive - CD Poker ReBUY Tourny - Thursday February 16th 7PM EST leifen - 15.02.2006, 15:12 Post subject:
I will give it a try..
see you at the tables
CrazyHorse - 15.02.2006, 19:16 Post subject: cdI'll be there and see if I can get others also
Anonymous - 16.02.2006, 03:24 Post subject:
Hi Crazy, many thanks. Hopefully more join up for this game. Currently we are short of the minimum needed to start the game.
Come on Crushers!!..We need your support on this if we are to continue bringing you these freerolls..
jerseykingpin - 16.02.2006, 10:53 Post subject: whts the pass
in the email i recived i didnt see the pass i tryed the old pass crush but no good
Anonymous - 16.02.2006, 20:43 Post subject:
Hi Jersey, I have now posted the password as well as pm'd this to you..
Good luck in the game
leifen - 17.02.2006, 02:09 Post subject:
I WON!!!
I was very short of chips for a while, but did make my way to the top, what a rush!
Thanks for the tournament!
CrazyHorse - 17.02.2006, 16:18 Post subject: cd freerollNext time I ain't taking a nap before freeroll woke up 40 mins late and my stack was 600 and blinds at 80 wtg Horse lol and congrats to winners. When I am awake look out lol CrazyHorseAnonymous - 17.02.2006, 19:08 Post subject: WELL DONE LEIFO!!! on your win last night.. and congrats to those who placed in the $$$...
A good time was had by all and we hope to bring you many more in the future..
again...CONGRATS and many thanks for coming out for a great night of poker..
DrCrush royalblush - 18.02.2006, 14:30 Post subject:
This tourney was a highlight for me!
I have no idea where I finished, but it sure wasn't in the money. No matter. Was in the FUN!
Congratulations, winners!
royalblush - 18.02.2006, 14:33 Post subject:
I just learned you were the winner1!! I am SOOOOooo happy for you!!!
What a rush that must have been.
I can't wait until the next one to try to beat you! LOL