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Poker Room School $150 absolutely free

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PostPosted: 04.08.2008, 00:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello to my PCers!

I am editing this post just to add these few lines:

I do approve of you joining this site and hopefully learning something there. Thought you should know that.

I am not afraid of any competition in teaching how to play poker, so such banners and posts are welcome.

However, if these people teach something that does not agree with what I teach, ---------I AM RIGHT and THEY ARE WRONG! lmbo!

Very seriously, I disagree with them on one very important point. I think you should start out playing the kind of game you are going to earn the most at when you get good! They recommend you start with Limit No Hold'em instead of No Limit.

My opinion is: why waste time learning how to do something the WRONG way, because there IS a big difference in how you play the two types.

So start learning to play the game you are going to play to earn money from now on! That is where you need the practice and that is what you need most to learn -- NOT some other game!

Thanks for your attention.

Your Guru

Poker Room SchoolPoker Room SchoolPoker Room SchoolPoker Room School

This is PokerRoomSchool, the best place on the net to learn how to become a winning poker player!

If you’re new to poker, or whether you’ve been playing for a while and just want to raise your game, you’re in the right place. We’re going to teach you how to become a good, solid, creative poker player — one who has a decided advantage in know-how, strategy, tactics and all the skills that go into the making of a winning poker.

And to get you started on your poker journey, we are going to give you $150 absolutely free to get your poker career up and running. We want you to play with our money as we know that by following our approach, we will turn you into a winning player!

We will help you get your feet wet in poker games against real, live opponents, and if you have the right stuff, you’ll be able to take our initial seed money and turn it into a substantial playing stake.

Our lessons and live coaching will prove an invaluable source of poker knowledge.

And you can work at your own pace. You’ll start in our Entry Level and then work your way up to the higher levels of study, all the way to our Pro Level.

You’ll be growing as a player while you do this, reinforcing the lessons learned in PokerRoomSchool with the realities encountered at the poker table, and having fun in the process. Best of all, you can do it all on our money.

If you’ve watched poker on television, you’ve probably seen no-limit tournament Texas hold’em. That’s what the majority of shows feature, but it’s not the place to start.

We feel strongly that you learn the principles of Texas hold’em in fixed limit games.

Fixed limit is not as fraught with danger as no-limit wagering. When all of the chips stacked in front of you are potentially at risk on every betting round of every hand you play, one misstep can cost you all of the chips you may have won that session and all of the money you bought into the game with.

Needless to say, it can be a minefield. In fixed-limit betting the amount that can be wagered is fixed and the last two wagering rounds in Texas hold’em are usually double the amount that can be wagered on each of the first two betting rounds.

In a $0.02-$0.04 fixed limit game, wagering is in increments of 2c on the first two rounds and in increments of 4c on each of the last two. So regardless of how badly you may stub your toe on any one hand — as if you’re just learning you’ll probably make lots of mistakes; it’s how we learn — you’ll never lose more on that hand than the sum of the betting limits.

In other words, if you play badly on any one hand in a fixed-limit game, it can cost you some chips. If you make the same mistake in no-limit, you can go broke on one hand.

So, once again, welcome to PokerRoomSchool and good luck at the tables!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 04.08.2008, 23:03 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello to my members and friends!

Please read the post just above this one to see how I have edited it.


Your Guru

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PostPosted: 06.08.2008, 12:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

great point guru. i stand corrected. after all you are the

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PostPosted: 09.08.2008, 19:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

Okay so I take everything you say as gospel. So the above post, am I to enter the poker class and play no limit? Or ummm ahhhh can you like maybe nutshell above info like for us little, yellow, bus riders. I promise to really concentrate. And not rock back and forth too much..... Seriously.... I don't want to sound like a stalker or anything but I have gotten so much from your lessons etc. that its like given me an extra spunk in my step. TY !!! You are very appreciated Guru! Diasker
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PostPosted: 09.08.2008, 20:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

Diaslker ~

I know you, but who is Disteves? Sorry, but I don't get over here enough to know what is going on. Maybe the other PCers know about Diasker/Disteves.

Anyway, what I want to say is that I DO know that I would not give this other "school" a single penny, when I already have the best poker teacher in the world and that is our Guru!

I think Guru is being much too polite about somebody advertising another poker teacher on his site! It certainly would not be alright with me and I most definitely would not approve of anybody signing up there!

But that is me and he is he. LOL!

Diasker, he has been a blessing to me too, putting a spring in my step, too, by making a winning player out of me!

I'll bet YOU, Diasker, would not make a post like that, picking a banner that advertises a different poker teacher and waving it right under Guru's nose, would you?

I would not either.

It amazes me that he does not mind!

Just my 2 cents.


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PostPosted: 09.08.2008, 21:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

TYTYTY. NO WAY!! Guru is being way too polite. I would never want that. Thanks so much Royal for schooling me. I had no idea what I was getting into. I am embarrassed that I didn't catch what was right in front of me. Luckily when I went to the site I couldn't register for some reason and I am so so happy you rescued me from well, myself. Great to hear from you girlfriend. Love you! Diasker or (Di+Steve = Disteves) P.S. I only came here after hearing all your feedback and all the great things you and everyone at CC had to say about Guru and all he has done here at PC. I only wish I came sooner. As for you Royal, I hope you already know how I feel about you. I consider you a trusting friend and I was so happy to see your response I like almost tripped trying to reply. Thanks for all your helpful imput and more importantly your caring nature. You are very good for the world. Chat soon okay? Love, Di
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PostPosted: 11.08.2008, 00:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

ss i posted that one royal Embarassed

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.08.2008, 04:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

Don't worry about that, dear Sharon!

I shall tell Royal that you are allowed to be human. I am sure Royal was not directing anything at you personally, because I happen to know she likes you VERY much. It was just the article that caught her by surprise.

I have visited that site since our last posts, and I CANNOT and DO NOT recommend it to anyone wanting to learn how to play WINNING poker!

Your Guru

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PostPosted: 12.08.2008, 13:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok, no problem Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 12.08.2008, 19:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you, sharon, for your sweet and courteous response.

You are a lady with class, and that just proves it!

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PostPosted: 12.08.2008, 21:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear Sharon ~

The Guru knows me pretty well, and he is right. I don't think I even noticed who made the post about the other poker school. I just read the post half way thru and thought, 'Oh man, this is really gonna hurt Guru's feelings!'

My guess is you didn't pay much attenion to what it said, either, and probably didn't even know it was advertising for a different poker teacher.

Nothing directed at you at all, girlfriend! Wouldn't do that. I luv ya!

RC / royalblush

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PostPosted: 13.08.2008, 01:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

aw thats ok royal one..i wuv ya too!
i really didn't mean any harm...especially to guru.

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