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* Monday - 3rd Mar 2025 - 14:18 * 

POKER LESSON: Many poker forum teams for us to defeat!

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Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 04:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

My dear PC poker enthusiasts!

WE NOW HAVE A PERMANENT POKER TEAM OF OUR OWN where we don't have to take only one another's money, but money from members of more poker forums than I knew existed! While playing not only with them, but also with members of our own PC at the same tables!

NAME of our team: Guru\'s POKER CRUSHERS


What it costs you to join: NOTHING!

What kind of tournaments: Freerolls, some with extra money thrown in by a sponsor AND ALSO some small-money buyins with extra money also thrown in often.

What can you win? If you finish some of the freerolls and some of the buyins in pretty good position, you can win PRETTY BIG MONEY in a freeroll with a sponsor at the end of every month!

How often do we play? There are so many tournaments going on all the time among our registered opponents that you will be able to play as often as you wish! Maybe even every night of the week!

Who is our team's owner? I couldn't sign my own name again, and I didn't want to bog Geno down with the details, sooooo.....I called on my good friend and co-worker, RoyalCrush (who is "royalblush" here at PC as a regular member) and she came thru for us as our team owner! She will also play with you as a regular member and her username will be: DaPlaya

OKAY! Remember how hard it was to get signed up at PitBull Leagues? Well, NO MORE.

HERE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS TO GET YOU SIGNED UP AS ONE OF OUR TEAM MEMBERS at The Poker Forum Challenge: and you won't need a penny!

1. Go to

2. At the top of the page you can create an account by clicking on SIGN-UP


type: Select "member account"

team: Select Guru\'s Poker Crushers

username: fill in

password: fill in

retype password: fill in

valid e-mail: give your real one

CLICK "signup"

YOU ARE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure to select the forum you would like to play for (Guru\'s Poker Crushers). When you create an account on the main site you will have the same username and password for the forum. In your activation email please only click the link once. Once you are signed up you can edit your profile in the forum.

That's enough for now. Go signup, read over the site (Which is the BIG forum), then come back and ask me any questions you want to, if any!

Your ever-lovin' Guru

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 05:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well all signed up! I tried to edit my usernames (I saw that allight did) for some poker rooms but I can't get it to show anything but my account name and email when I check my account. Maybe I need to wait a day even - though I validated my account - before I can see that option.


Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 05:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

Awesome Guru.One problem though.I'm a member of Bee's
Bayou Poker Forum team and TPFC only allows you on one team.
I emailed them to see if I could change teams.Hopefully I'll hear
from them soon.

PC Flusher
PC Flusher

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 05:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

It is really exciting to see Poker Crush with a TPFC TEAM! I am very happy that I was able to have at least a hand in creating the team, even though I will not be able to be a team member.

You are permitted to post ALL of the open games here are Poker Crush. I belive they are being held on Iron Duke, Cake and Poker Nordica this month.

Sadly I will hate to see you leave, but I know where your heart is. It may take a day or two, but the admin at TPFC will change out your team as you requested. Let me know in a few days if it has not been changed, because I do have the option to "boot" you off the team...... rofl of course I would not get any joy in doing so.

If any PCers has any question at all about the TPFC please ask away. I have been trying to stop by here several times a day, and you can always catch me at Bee's.

You guys will have so much fun playing these games. I would like to be sitting on the RAIL watching the first PCer to reach a final table. Please be sure to buzz me!!

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 06:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well just for everyones info I can only play at Iron Duke (and maybe cake I have to check that) because Nordic doesn't allow me Sad banned state and all that.

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 08:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

I understand, Sparkles, but not to worry.....I have just begun to sign up poker sites!!!!

Btw, Wingows is on my list - and so is Iron Duke.

Your Guru

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 09:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

Poker Guru please check my post in Banter N Bitchin about Wingows

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 09:44 Reply with quoteBack to top


Bee and Bower and Valeria........

LADY BEE : Just WHY can you not play on the PC team????? You ARE a PC member! One in extremely good standing!!! It would so honor us!

HERO BOWER : My friend, I am truly sorry for your torn alliances. I wish you did not have to make that decision. But after all, you were here with me from DAY ONE, helping every step of the way in building this forum, right beside me! So now that we are just beginning to take off in flight, I can think of no one who deserves more to be on that flight.......FIRST CLASS!

LADY BEE: My heart breaks for you, too, for having to give me back some of my stars. But I have so much admiration for the gracious and teasing "good sport" way you are doing so! You, my new friend, are one great lady and I will always be grateful to you for responding the way you have. You have the heart and soul of a Poker Crusher family member!

Valeria : How far you have come from that little gal, afraid of even trying to learn poker! Now here you are -- one of our leaders right out there on the front lines! If I wore a hat, it would be off to you......very seriously!
Now just stay very calm about everything because we WILL get it all worked out.....and I don't want you worn out from worry when you take your first chair at our first TPFC game.

I thank all three of you for your dedication to what is right, even when it hurts!

Your proud-of-you-all Guru


Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 14:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wow!!!TPFC changed me over night.With PC now.

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 14:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

im just waiting for my activation email....and wow i cant seem to get into my sure is messin up lately...atleast with my account...

PC Flusher
PC Flusher

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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 18:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

To change your account info, you have to login to the HOMEPAGE not the FORUM. The home page login is up in the upper right hand corner of the website.

From there you will need to click on: MY ACCOUNT and you can proceed with editing your user names on the different poker rooms. You will find the MY ACCOUNT in a tab. There is also a tab to take you to the forum.

Al, you may want to go back and edit one of your IDS. You would want to change out your login information to your TABLE id. The way you have it right now it is showing your email address. Before long you may have a mailbox full of spam.

Guru it pleases me to see the team growing so fast. I do not mind losing a few players to you at all!! Sadly I still cannot join the PCers team, because I do have a team of my own. You are only permitted to play on 1 team, but the PC team would be my second pick!! It has been my pleasure to help out here. After all, this is one of my homes away from home. Let me know when you are "caught up" and I'll send you some more info......... lol

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 18:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thats a bummer Joy as mine came right way.I now am signed up but I just need to downlown the poker sites as I havent played at any of them. Very Happy Very Happy

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 13.03.2008, 18:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy Oh by the way a great big thank you to bee who has helped the Guru start out.What a wonderful and unselfish thing to do.....

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 14.03.2008, 06:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

I got it finally... lol I didn't notice the little buttons on botton that said username.... got it all filled in.

And I second the motion of char!! Bee you have bent over backwards to be kind and helpful to our Guru and the members. We really do appreciate it!!! Soon we will be giving Bee's a run for their money - makes the heart beat faster just thinking about it. How fun that would be to play against gooood poker players who think and play not just go all in everyhand ....

We are very grateful to you and as Guru said.... Lady Bee fits you to a "T"

PC Flusher
PC Flusher

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PostPosted: 16.03.2008, 03:13 Reply with quoteBack to top

Valeria its my pleasure to help out. As I told the Guru in pm, when I first started out, there were a few good people that helped me along the way. This is just my way of "paying it forward".

I cannot wait to see the Guru's/Poker Crush team mates on the tables, not because it will be team against team, but because I am still a part of PC too.

I will be very happy to see the first PC winner of a tournament game

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