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* Monday - 3rd Mar 2025 - 01:12 * 

Hey Crushers! HOW TO MAKE $$$$$$ THE EASY WAY!

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PostPosted: 23.03.2006, 01:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

That reminds me of something that happened on some awards show a few years ago when someone used the word "agreeance" in his speech and unwittingly created a little more publicity for himself.

I think it was Fred Durst at the Grammy's - remember anything about that?

Certain columnnists/reviewers/people like that tried to make fun of him for using the word, but I just grabbed a quote on this from elsewhere that gives this story a nice little conclusion:

"I was reading all the hoopla about Limp Bizkit leader Fred Durst's use of the word 'agreeance' in his anti-war speech during the Grammys. I've read everything from those calling him a blithering idiot to re-naming him 'Fred Dunce'. All saying that they agreed that 'agreeance' wasn't a word. But apparently, they were the ones who didn't know what they were talking about. 'Agreeance' is in the Oxford English Dictionary and Mr. Durst used it properly. You won't hear it much anymore in the US, but it's still a valid word. And ask any Aussie - it's used more in Australia nowadays than elsewhere in the world."

So there ya go - so yep, we can all be in agreeance - it's official!

now someone is forcing me to pry myself off the computer for the moment grumble grumble grumble !#!@#!
haha jk



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PostPosted: 23.03.2006, 17:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am in agreeance...Smile and I knew it was a can journalists whiz..Smile


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 24.03.2006, 00:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear notLOL,

Good for you! For not re-reading what you wrote when it was obviously exactly the way you felt and the way you were thinking at the time!

I think we miss a lot of masterpiece bits of good philosophy just because too many people are too resistant to openly being more, no less...... So they go back and reread their original thoughts.....which too often leads to their covering themselves up to prevent, God forbid, that they should stand out as being a little or a lot different from the maddening crowd.....and so as a result WE ALL LOSE by not hearing what it was that inspired the post in the first place!

What if every fine artist had gone back and repainted all our favorite masterpieces? Makes one think, does it not?

I will not reread whatever I just wrote before hitting SUBMIT!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 24.03.2006, 00:59 Reply with quoteBack to top


Dear Crusher Sunspun,

Why be humble? is my question to you. As was said by someone before, "If you've got it, flaunt it!"

And you, sweetheart, are one gal who absolutely has flaunt away to your heart's content! It will give us all a treat!

By the way, I. too, love playing computer games. Just wish I had an extra hour or two in each day. Crying or Very Sad

Wink PokerGuru
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PostPosted: 24.03.2006, 01:09 Reply with quoteBack to top


Dear Crusher NotLOL,

ALWAYS good to see you, too, friend!

That was just a thought I had. So decided to make it a written thought.

Maybe in a few thousand years, if anthropologists are still around, they will dig up this old computer and its pages and no matter how simple the machine may seem to them, the thought will never be ancient!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 24.03.2006, 01:19 Reply with quoteBack to top


Now it is definitely official! Straight from theDrCrush's mouth! (Beats the horse's any old day!)

Glad you are in agreeance with the rest of the best of us, Doctor .....the best who posted and the best who felt it had already been said!

The Doctor, as usual, has the last word. That makes it foolproof enough for me!

Later, to you all.....

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PostPosted: 24.03.2006, 01:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

I had such a wonderful time reading all the posts thus far of this thread. You are all so bright, cheerful and fun people! Very Happy I can't help but blush at the exciting and experienced "company I'm keeping" here. Thanks for letting me be a part. I definitely look foward to our Guruness's future posts, stories, anecdotes, ideas, tips, advice and lessons. And I look foward to all of the ideas and warmth that flow thru this wonderful group of people! Very Happy

I agree that we might be missing a few games but I have to say, that we have games they do NOT, lol. I love slots, and slots and more slots. I can spin slots in my sleep. I once was in a online slot marathon, that lasted 17 hours, and finished 2nd. I had to find special games for my old SNES so I could play slots, lol. And I run a new search engine at least once a week to see if there are any new free slots, I don't know about, lol. OK, I guess we've established that Tammy has a wee obsession w/ slots. So, if you add more games, add more slots. As you can see, I've already had a mad affair with one of the slot machine here and shamefully took all the coins, and am sitting pretty in gpts, rofl. But seriously, I think this site, and the contests and the suggestion boxes are fantastic, and the people make it outstanding! I would beg, beseech and bawl, to get the non working games fixied... pleeezeeeeeee... LOL. I would also suggest, where I have suggested in another post, that a multiplayer poker game be found and we compete for prizes, points, or whatever...especially, PC pts....... lol... in tournaments! I saw the contest over there===>>> where they have elected a particular game of the month to award prizes for. I would suggest that an elected game for pts prizes here would be wonderful... and since this is Poker-Crush... it should be one of the poker games, or even a new one. Another idea would be to have a Cashed Champ of the Month, where verifiable cash wins in freerolls could be rewarded with PC pts or otherwise to the top casher of the month. I think my overall suggestions would include monthly contests to acquire PC points, a multiplayer poker game, and more SLOTSSSSSSSS... hehehe.

I have to say, after reading about how many pokerpros are in our unbeknownst midst... I'm terrified, LOL. And THRILLED. I often wonder, what the other people at my table do for a living. And I see those, that are such "cool" cats, and wonder... who they are... as they stack the chips... and boot us out, one at a time, lol. I watch the players, and learn from them, not just learn what they might do during our game, but learn what they do, period, and take what I find valuable w/ me. Every game is an experience in itself... and I find every day, I look foward to the next "game", even more.

I apologize for my ramblings... and if I meandered off topic... and say again, how glad I am to be here, and I look foward to getting to know you all more.

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PostPosted: 24.03.2006, 23:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well now --TammyNC ~

As one of the first members of Poker-Crush to go all out trying to gain new members enough to make sure we could succeed and more as a site -- (I'm sure I even aggravated a few at my second favorite site, Casino-Crush, by constantly imploring them to come over and sign up) -- I am so VERY HAPPY to see that now there are others SUCH AS YOU! to join my campaign and make sure we succeed come hell or high water!!!

I, too, have enjoyed so much reading all the posts in this thread (and in most of the other threads) and for the mvery same reasons you mentioned! So I am pleased to discover that as far as I can tell at this point, we have formed a little flock of birds of a feather, all sticking together, eager to hear one another's every word, and constituting a very unusual little subculture of our own, always open to more of the same.

By the way, Poker Crushers, if you don't know if you are the same, if the thought that you might want to be has even crossed your mind -- YOU ALREADY ARE!!!!! LMAO with happiness and plain old GLEE!

This rambling probably doesn't make a bit of sense, but it doesn't matter -- because those who care enough to stick thru reading it, will understand completely what I am saying!!! And that is beyond wonderful!

Love you all -- and can't wait to see where this adventure will ultimately take us!

I, for one, am quite willing to let our marvelous Poker Guru lead us on our way to wherever he thinks we should go next!!!


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PostPosted: 25.03.2006, 03:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

RoyalBlush... thanks so much for the warm welcome I've recieved from you and the other Crushers, and for the replies to my various posts. I'm glad to share this neat forum w/ my friends, and have bugged many of them already to come visit, stay awhile, pull up a chair at a slot machine, or read the informative and entertaining threads. I hope that I can add something here, to this already wonderful site... and that I might find my way into the "flock" lol. Thanks again, to you and everyone, and I look foward to the next postings from all of you, and from our Dear Guru. Happy Gaming!

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PostPosted: 25.03.2006, 21:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

wellll now, seems my freeroll addiction, oh that sounds soooo um...needing....well i guess that word fits here, i try to avoid addictions i have the cigarette addiction so i figured that one was plenty, yet seems ill wake up in the middle of the night to try and register for a set...time frames get me alot of the time, missing it by 8 hours or something crazy. CrazyHorse has been very informative and helpful as far as helping me figure out the time thing and freeroll info. so thank you CrazyHorse just in case i havent said it before.

Now back on topic....


TammyNC I am so glad you have been enlightened to the warm and kind Crusher way, none the less though all the more, Crushers experience profit whether it be $ or friendships which is a term i do not use lightly. So Id like to say Welcome and keep up with your posting...(purple lounge freeroll info was seriously appreciated Thumbup ).

Sunspun thank you for the back up with the agreeance word, just to let you know you settled an ongoing discussion here at my home....ha ha my guy is always tellin me its not a word...he is super book smart, thats why i originally got with him, oops did i say that....yes i did. bigger smiles! finally i knew something to teach him....other than poker. lol
Royalblush.... i want to say thanks for the extra attention to Poker Crush!!! have been a busy nice to see, and thank you for your much appreciated posts!!!! always enjoy reading them , keep up the great job.....

Dr. you are appreciated as welll ....big smiles.

Quote: › Good for you! For not re-reading what you wrote when it was obviously exactly the way you felt and the way you were thinking at the time!

I think we miss a lot of masterpiece bits of good philosophy just because too many people are too resistant to openly being more, no less...... So they go back and reread their original thoughts.....which too often leads to their covering themselves up to prevent, God forbid, that they should stand out as being a little or a lot different from the maddening crowd.....and so as a result WE ALL LOSE by not hearing what it was that inspired the post in the first place!

What if every fine artist had gone back and repainted all our favorite masterpieces? Makes one think, does it not?

thanks for the back up there, well done, i feel lots better and very well typed out...made lots of sense....

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 26.03.2006, 19:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hey all!!! It is good to seee familiar faces and meet new ones Smile *waving at Guru* I will have to allot some PC time too I can see besides CC time!

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PostPosted: 30.03.2006, 15:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wll I can mention this female player Annie Duke and she plays at Ultimate Bet with her real name as do most other pros at these better poker sites As you know UB runs tourneys with say 5 pros using their real names for as little as a $10 buyin. Then they place bounties on these pros heads if you knock one out to make it more attractive. Now I am from the Phila area and not far from Atlantic City. So for me it is about an hours drive to there. So I am going to try and take my game to the next level. I prefer to play live versus online but like all of us online is so convenient cause you do not have to leave the comfort of your house and lol these gas prices. The WPT Bootcamp runs 2 day lessons from pros down there and right now they are being offered at the Borgota a beautiful casino there. I have the basics play a descent game but as in everything in life there is always more to learn and what better way then getting the tips from the pros. Whatever I do I know I can always be better and this means being open minded and listening to advice from the right people. Now I assure you there are players online that think they got this game all down. Personally even though I have won some money I have been playing for quite awhile and I know I should have more and more $$$ is what I want so for me my friends it is time for some poker lessons to make my game better. I have read articles from people who have done just this and can tell you how much their game has improved and are actually starting to rake in some good money. CrazYhorse

If you can not round third base then you may as well struck out !!!

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PostPosted: 06.04.2006, 15:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear Crazy Horse,

I am so happy to see you joining our thread here! The thread that might go on forever! Altho I hope we can switch it over to a new forum that has just been created here at Poker-Crush......and that is POKERGURU's TIPS AND STRATEGIES (Getting down to the nitty-gritty) or something close to that......where we can all talk back and forth to our heart's content and very freely!

I always enjoy reading your posts. You are a very modest young man. I say that because your poker game is much better than just "decent". I know that for a fact because, as you also know, we can watch poker games as observers at these online sites. And I must admit to you that I have at times picked you out specifically to watch for a sort of complex reason.

I would like to tell you publicly here that I admire how you took it like a real man when I dished out what you might call a TOUGH LOVE lesson to you a good while back. That is why I observed you.

I figured that after you got over being angry at me, if you ever did, that then you would give some real thought to what I had said and my greatest hope was that it would improve your game even more. I actually prayed that it wouldn't backfire on me, because "tough love" teaching is a very risky few can handle it.

But you, my man, handled it! And I am so very happy to tell you now that my observations of your playing have proven to me that you really have been working on it and it really is helping your game! AMEN! AMEN!

The others probably don't know what I dished out to you, and I think you deserve for me to let it be known how you responded, which proves you are well on your way to making it as a pro yourself, Crazy Horse!

I am, of course, speaking of your attempt to conquer your anger over bad beats by way of little fish catching river cards. That anger was hurting your playing so much more than you realized, but it was easy for me to see. That is why I decided, knowing your serious potential, that I could make the attempt to help in the not-nice way I did (the only wy I thought would let it sink in deep enough to you for you to see it as easily, too.)

I can now see so clearly that you are responding to the little snips in a very different way.......flicking them off of you like you would a small bug.......and not letting it affect your playing NEARLY as much as it used to!

So here's to you, my friend! You are going to be (and in many ways already are) a helluva challenger to ANY pro!

And that closes this episode in your worthy quest. Congratulations! I am going to have to develope some type of special award to offer rarely!

Truly proud of you,

YOUR PokerGuru

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PostPosted: 01.05.2006, 01:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wow CrazyHorse, after reading all that, I still don't know what happened, but whatever it was, it sounds like it was good for you!

I think the Guru's gonna be good for all of us, don't you?


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