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02.04.2006, 23:00 |
Hello Crushers, and a special Welcome to all our NEW Crushers..
This is a new contest that will be a MONTHLY feature for all our Newest Crushers to participate in. All members who joined Poker Crush during the current month or the previous month may enter this contest.
In order to win this contest we want all our NEW members to post a Hello in this thread... ...or just even post a question if you have one. The point of this is we want to get to know you all and allow all members to get to meet each other as we are a community of friends and we do love to know each other here at Poker Crush..
In order to claim a cash prize please remember you MUST have at least 3000 PC Points. Now when you join Poker Crush you automatically receive 1000 PC points to get you off and running to the many great rewards of being a member here at Poker Crush.
Opting into our mailer groups always keeps you up to date on the latest exclusive promo's at Poker Crush and earns you PC Points. Sign up today and start earning.
You can alos earn PC points as you post promo's or offers here at Poker Crush..
1 x $30 Cash Prize
1) You may only enter if you joined Poker Crush during the active month or the previous month.
2) You will need to have at least 3000 PC Points to claim a cash prize. If the selected winners do not have 3000 PC Points then 3000 PC Points will be awarded instead of a cash prize
3) You must include a banner (Poker) from our casino database. This can be done by following the below link:
4) Have FUN.
5) The winner will be posted on the last day of each respective month. Certified Neteller account will be credited within 10 days after the close of this contest. If you do not yet have a certified NETeller account please log into your NETeller account and follow the instructions there to get certified. This our only way we can currently send Cash prize winnings...and ALL our contests pay CASH.
Happy Gaming Always!
The PC Staff |
PC Player

Joined: 31 Dec 2005
Posts: 647
Location: Oklahoma

03.04.2006, 02:14 |
I still feel like a new member so hello from me! (aren't we all new??)
Actually, I guess this site's not as new as I think of it as being - seems like it just opened yesterday! Time does fly when you're having fun!
So have some more fun - and good luck!
sunspun |
PC Flusher

Joined: 16 Mar 2006
Posts: 129
Location: Burgaw, NC, USA

03.04.2006, 04:03 |
lol sunspun
well, some how I missed this, or got confused or something. anyway, I"m here, you all know me now, but I'm new so I guess I should... post, say hello, send greetings, ask a question... uhm, what are the odds of getting a royal flush??? lol.  |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

03.04.2006, 05:02 |
TammyNC and ALL POKER- CRUSHERS.............
Well now, Tammy! This will teach you, I hope, that we take ALL questions seriously around here!
The answer to your off-the-cuff question, "What are the odds of getting a Royal Flush?":
Those odds happen to be exactly 1 in 2,598,960 hands dealt.
I can explain exactly how I caculated that, but do you really want to know badly enough to read 5 or 6 pages of mathematics stuff?
Your ever-lovin' PokerGuru |
PC Player

Joined: 31 Dec 2005
Posts: 647
Location: Oklahoma

03.04.2006, 05:34 |
I just happened to read something in Gambling Online Magazine today that I had to go look back up when I saw Tammy's question about the odds of getting a royal flush.
So now I have a follow-up question for you, Guru - are the odds of getting a royal flush in a table poker game the same as the odds of getting a royal flush in a video poker game?? Or can there somehow be different odds for each?
Here in this Gambling Online magazine, it says, "...the probability of drawing a royal flush in 9/6 jacks-or-better video poker is 1 in 40,391. The probability of being dealt a "natural" royal flush without a draw is 1 in 649,740."
Does it make sense to say that if someone has played 650,000 hands of video poker, and has not yet hit a royal, that they have a better chance of hitting a royal next time they play, than someone who is playing the game for their very first time? Does it make sense to say they have a better chance of hitting a royal than someone who just hit a royal the LAST time they played?
Or do those factors not make any difference? Are they all supposed to have the same chance regardless? If that were so, I just don't think I get it, because it sure seems that if a royal is dealt approximately 1 in 650,000 hands, that your chances of getting a royal increase with every hand played after the 650,000th one (if you had never gotten a royal before). But what about someone who got 2 royals in the 1st 650,000 hands they played? Shouldn't that lessen someone else's chances of getting one? Maybe they got YOUR royal!
Oh, that kind of stuff is too confusing! Intriguing, yes, but very confusing!
One other thing and then I have to quit thinking about it for awhile (!):
are the odds of getting ANY hand - a straight, a flush, or even just any random hand- all different? Of course, they'd have to be, I think, but that's something else I don't think I understand...
OK enough taxing my brain for now - back to playing PacMan!
sunspun |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

03.04.2006, 11:11 |
Okay, sweetheart, let's see if we can make this "odds of getting X, y, or z thing" a lot easier for you to understand. (Althogh there is NO reason for you to know anything about it to beat even a poker champion.)
Yes, for any hand you mentioned (for any hand at all, for that matter, )there is a determined probability of the odds you will get it. You do not have to calculate all these odds for yourself because they have already been calculated for every possible hand by experts who enjoy doing that kind of thing. And since they do not change, there is really no reason for anyone to have to refigure them.
The reason confusion slips in the mind's door is this: The odds depend on the number of cards dealt in a hand. Therefore, they will always be the same for a hand where 7 cards are dealt. But they will be different for a hand that gets only 5 cards, because you have 2 fewer chances of getting it then since you get 2 fewer cards. Make sense?
It really is that simple!
It's a shame, but I have found it to be true sometimes that the guy who is called the expert seems to try to make things seem more complicated than they really are. Maybe that's because if he makes it as easy for you to understand as it is for him, he will no longer be considered all that superior to you in intellect. But if he can keep you confused, he then can always expect you to need him. I'm sure you have run into that type of person once or twice in your life.
On the other hand, you have what I would call The "great" educator. The great one does not consider himself to be a true success at educating you until he has taught you enough that you can be ranked on the same level as he is in that subject.
For example, when you are able to beat me at playing poker as often as I can beat you, then I can consider myself as being a true guru, a great teacher. But not until then!
If you still have any doubts at all about your questions, be sure to let me know. I will be very happy to get into it a little deeper. Okay? The important thing to remember is that it is very simple and is always the same.
Happy to be your
PokerGuru |
PC Flusher

Joined: 16 Mar 2006
Posts: 129
Location: Burgaw, NC, USA

03.04.2006, 13:38 |
omg u 2..... LOL. ok, i am so not awake enough to interpret that, i'm not even sure i could interpret that if i was awake... however, I take to understand, that I might see one royal flush before I can't see the cards anymore, but that's not necassily to say that I will, and that I might even see more than one, but that's about as likely as seeing one... and that if i ever get a royal flush... then I am very very very fortunate and should bet my pea-pickin heart out???  |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

04.04.2006, 19:20 |
You understood well enough to get the main point as it pertains to you, darlin'!
YES, INDEED to answer your question!
Bet the farm, every animal and crop on it, and your kids' and grandkids' inheritances if you ever get a royal flush!
And here's hoping you do......and soon!
Believe it or not, it happens to people you know more often than you would ever think. I'm glad I know you! LOL
Very happy to be
Your well-wishing PokerGuru |
PC Flusher

Joined: 16 Mar 2006
Posts: 129
Location: Burgaw, NC, USA

04.04.2006, 19:38 |
hehe... I am sooooooooooo glad I know you too, my dear Guruness and all of the PC family! btw... I am always thrilled to see answers to my questions!!! but yes, I forget I am talking to a Poker Guru and my brain goes KAA PLLUUT occasionally... but I get it... if I ever see that purty lil 10,J,Q,K and A in from the same family tree... BET THE FARM. rofl. omg... i would die if I get one. well, let's hope I don't die before I bet. But i did have a really awesome one show up two nights ago... and would love the odds on this one. Texas holdem... LOW stakes... KK hole... K9K flop. Needless to say I WON that hand. LOL. But... now tell me if I did this right... only a few ppl called the blind... so I didn't have many to work with... so I low-bet the first bet... got the calls... waited for the next bet, someone bet... so I doubled it, repeat for the turn still not really high... kept everyone in... on teh river... one bet, I raised that to 4 x's and got one call... made back all the $ I had lost for the night and was up 20% overall total. Please let me know about these odds and how successful I was in managing the play, TYVM.
xoxo...... |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

05.04.2006, 11:13 |
Dear Poker Crusher TammyNC,
Girl, I am SO PROUD of you! You have made me very happy!
Now -- you asked 2 questions -- First, what were the odds ? Okay, the answer to that one is that you had less than a 1% chance of doing that. To be exact, the odds were 0.245. Let me know if you want me to explain how it was calculated, even tho it will mean a lot of typing for me. I would still be glad to do it if you are really interested in the math of it.
Secondly, you wanted my opinion of how you played it. Easy to answer that one. EXACTLY AS I WOULD HAVE! You are a poker player for sure!
PokerGuru |
PC Flusher

Joined: 18 Nov 2005
Posts: 127
Location: No. Carolina

05.04.2006, 15:18 |
It's great to see some familiar names here! This thread started out simple enough, but boy did it evolve lol. I must admit I skipped down to bottom without fully reading every post, but I do intend to. Lots of information to take in here. I look forward to interacting with all of you and I hope everyone is having their way at the tables!
Darrin |
PC Flusher

Joined: 16 Mar 2006
Posts: 129
Location: Burgaw, NC, USA

06.04.2006, 03:17 |
yes!!! ty vm my dear Guruness...... that is a relief to hear, kewlness, awesomeness... and i am considering printing that post out, framing it and hanging it over my PC when i am in doubt
ur faithful gurugroupie, |
PC Deucer

Joined: 06 Apr 2006
Posts: 6
Location: Stockton, Ca.

06.04.2006, 06:33 |
Well Jeez, I sure wish I read this section before I made that post in the general chat forum!
Please refer to my post there about how awesome the site is and how thankful myself and very many others are that you and your bomb staff make things availble for us and bring a lot of joy and fun to all us gambleholics online lol
Thank you much! MissAdams!
((Oh wait? do I have to post a banner in this? jk )) |
PC Player

Joined: 21 Feb 2006
Posts: 718
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

08.04.2006, 03:48 |
Well Geno has gone and done it again.....
Poker Crush is going to be a huge success like its sister site
Casino Crush....
So many familiar names....I guess this will be my 3rd home
sisters  |
PC Player

Joined: 15 Dec 2005
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Location: West Virginia USA

08.04.2006, 05:09 |
sisters ~
SO FUNNY that you said that about your third home when you did! Because I just posted the very same thought about one minute ago on the thread about the winners of the first games contest here at Poker Crush!!!
I really do have a second AND a third home now -- and blisters on my feet from running back and forth between them!!! LOL
I am so glad that I am not the only one who feels that way!
royalblush |