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Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 12.10.2008, 18:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear Pc'ers

I have not accepted the Assistant Director of Hall of Fame and then disappeared from the face of the earth! LOL

I just wanted you to know that I am in the process of moving and have not had the time to write about it yet.

We will be moved in by the end of the month and hopefully the cable company will transfer our internet faster than a week or more as they said it would take.

Come October 1st all will be done (I can only hope) and I will post all that I have done toward our new Hall of Fame (I like to call it Hall of Honor and Fame).

So please bear with me till then and I will fill you in and expect to hear some answers by then on what you want as Catagories..

Please remember though we can't have like 50 catagories I would never be able to keep up!! LOL

But now is as good as time as any for you all to put on your thinking caps and start thinking exactly what you would like to see as catagories.

1st we would have a list of all the people who have played and won in money games. Our Pro's.

We would have PC Player of the Year. - This catagory would cover many things such as supporting our forum, banners, people who have put out a lot of effort and work for our Forum.

PC'er of the Month which would entail much of what the Player of the year does. maybe player of the year would be the one who was voted more than anyone else each month as the Pc'er of the Year but this is open for discussion.

From here I would like all suggestions from our members for ideas. After all this is YOUR Hall of Fame.

When the dust has settled with my moving and my internet all hooked up and running we will start serious discussions.

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO RESPOND TO THIS POST WITH ALL IDEAS AND DISCUSSIONS. Maybe when I am done with this moving there will already be much figured out. Smile

PC Boater
PC Boater

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PostPosted: 13.10.2008, 10:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

freeroll /sitngo /big cash games

3 categories that are worthy

PC Boater
PC Boater

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PostPosted: 13.10.2008, 10:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

its a bit misty cause I dont financilly play online to be a mega winner

so i think some thought should be put into this or the well maintained pockets will win

just a thought

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.10.2008, 10:27 Reply with quoteBack to top

Our dear Valeria!

I am not one bit worried and don't you be either!

Things like this huge endeavor take lots of time and thought to be done correctly. Speed is not our priority -- quality is.

I have all the faith in the world in you, so don't put any undue pressure on yourself.

I have noticed you like the word "Honor" in the title. No problem with me. Perhaps put it to a vote? Follow your own lead!

Your Guru

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 13.10.2008, 22:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

not sure if this is right place...anyway not posted yet but im sure val is most suitabe for position and will do a great job so go for it val and do us all proud..anyway if theres a hall of fame for winners and people that do so much for pc ive got a reccomendation... i know myself i love reading posts but i particularly love unusual posts that make me id have a prize for most unusual and funny posts as after all they are the sort of posts visitors will remember and will bring them back to us...and obviously theres only one winner and thats ojis as her posts just bring a smile to my face....well thats my opinion anyway..... and obviously for promoting and helping out and not least his poker ability theres got to be some sort of prize for bower

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