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* Monday - 3rd Mar 2025 - 01:13 * 

Online poker - Live poker

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PostPosted: 12.01.2006, 02:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have found alot of beginners think that playing poker online will prove to be completely different than playing offline and they are can be right, but usually for the wrong reasons. The common believe is that is it much harder to "read" your opponents when you do not see them sitting in-person at the table in front of you. What many players fail to recognize is that the majority of available information when making a good decision comes from numerous factors other than "reading" your opponents faces. To read from a player's actions on a hand is often very difficult and not all players display the truth of thier hand. Most of the information comes from betting patterns, position at the table and observing the hands your opponents play.

Online Poker:

The greatest advantages with online poker involve speed and accessibility. You will find online poker is a lot quicker than offline poker as there is no waiting for the deck to be shuffled, the dealing of cards is fast and no misdeals occur. Additionaly it takes no time for the rake to be taken out and there is no changing of chips back and forth. Another advantage is the option of playing at multiple tables in order to get more action and increasing your overall hourly win rate. In addition, when playing online, it is always possible to find a game to your liking and you can play 24hrs a day from anywhere in the world as well as from the comfort of your own home. The availability of poker variations and games is also much greater.

Offline Poker

The major advantage with playing poker offline is that it is a social game and that is a nice part of the experience. Meeting your opponents face-to-face is far more enjoyable and stimulating than sitting alone in front of your computer. You are able to talk to them and get to know them. It is easier to remain focused and observe your opponents when you can see them. As well, your ability to read your opponents' minds is better since you can see when they are feeling restless or if they are affected by a "bad beat" or a good/bad. Also, if you are skilled at spotting physical signs in your opponents then you will find more opportunities to do so when playing offline.

May the cards be on your side.

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PostPosted: 27.03.2006, 10:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

For me personally, there is a WORLD of difference between playing poker online and playing offline!

I have MUCH more self-confidence and even, I suppose you could say bravado sometimes, playing online than I ever could playing face-to-face.

PLaying offline just would not work for me. My naturally passive and NON-intimidating nature would be my ruin.

I would just get so easily FRAZZLED, I'm sure, that even if it didn't ruin my game (which it would), then it would at least take all the fun out of it - for me.

But playing online - that just works for me.
As a fun thing at least, if not necessarily a moneymaking thing!

And that's just it, even though I haven't been able to make money playing it, I'm still VERY into playing poker online, so I must be having fun!

Now making a little money from it too - well, that'd be almost paradise!

But you can't have everything, right? lol...

So for now, I'll stay online and just have some fun!

Good topic, DrCrush! Something I've thought about a lot already. I bet others have too, and I'd be curious to hear how others think they would fare if the game was face-to-face rather than online.


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PostPosted: 27.03.2006, 14:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

Playing online is nice cause lmao you do not have to get off your butt and go anywhere. But I much rather play live games vs online. Reason being online poker seems to be turning into bingo poker at times people calling with anything and I can not see them. Now playing live you are looking at the players face to face and one thing here shades or no shades body language can say alot. Yes some pros you can never tell what the hail they are up to this is why they are pros. But for the average poker player playing live is a great experience. I live In Pa an hours ride to Atlantic City they have some nice low buyins that pay good and yes there are some good players there but on the whole they are just average players like the rest of us cause these are not high staked games that the pros would play. Playing live you look at a player see if he is relaxed on a call or if you raise is he or she sitting back or starting to lean more toward the table maybe getting a little nervous this you can not see online. Also when a person is tense even the veins in their neck change lol or are they or are they playing with their chips in a different matter as if in a more tense matter. You might have to play in a couple of low buyins to get over being intimtaded or you may be surprised in your first real tourney.I have won a little and other times had shall we say a little longer ride home lol on a hand I just did not play right or thought I had. I read this from a pro for playing live unless you have what you feel a monster hand just fold a few times and study the players and their stlye of playing while the blinds are low. Repeat this process if you get moved to another table. I am a long shot from being a pro but playing live not only gets you out of the house but also you are in the atmosphere and gives you a chance to see just how good you can play. Like I said if I were great I'm sure I be other places by now but I suggest you try it once it is alot of fun and a great experience. CrazyHorse

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