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* Wednesday - 4th Dec 2024 - 15:53 * 

Nana's Wild & Crazy Contest #3 *CLOSED* WINNER ANNOUNCED

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 01:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

BARB711 wrote: › THIRSTY...LOL

nice try Barb, but the words must start with "tr".....LOL

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 02:01 Reply with quoteBack to top


PC Boater
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 09:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

Shocked trabeated trabecula trabecular trace traceable tracer tracery trachea tracheal tracheid tracheitis trachelospermum tracheobronchitis tracheophyta tracheostomy trachinotus trachipteridae trachipterus trachodon trachomatrachurus tracing track trackball tracked tracker trackless tractable tractarian tractarianism traction tractive tractor tracy trad trade tradecraft traded trademark trademarked tradeofftrader tradescant tradescant's aster tradescantia trading tradition traditional traditionalism traditionalist traditionalistic traditionally trafalgar traffic tragacanth tragedian tragedienne tragedy tragelaphus tragic tragically tragicomedy tragicomic tragopan tragopogon tragulidae tragulus tragus trail trailer trailing train trainbearer trained trainee traineeship trainer training trainload trainmantraipse trait traitor traitorous traitress trajan trajectory tramcar tramline trammel tramontane tramp tramping trample trampled trampler trampoline tramway trance trancelike tranche tranquilizer tranquillity tranquilly trans transact transactinide transaction transactor transalpine transaminase transaminate transamination transatlantic transcendence transcendent transcendental transcendentalism transcendentalist transcendentally transcontinental transcortical transcribe transcribed transcriber transcript transcriptase transcription transcultural transdermal transduce transducer transducing transduction transept transeunt transfer transferability transferase transferee transference transferer transferor transferred transferrin transfiguration transfigure transfix transform transformation transformed transformer transfuse transfusion transgress transgression transgressor transience transient transiently transistor transistorize transistorized transit transition transitional transitionally transitive transitively transitivity transitivize transitorily translatable translate translation translational translator transliterate transliteration translocate translocation translucence translucent translunar transmigration transmission transmit transmittance transmitted transmitter transmogrification transmundane transmutation transmute transoceanic transom transorbital transparency transparent transparently transpiration transpire transpiring transplacental transplant transplantable transplanter transpolar transponder transport transportation transporter
transpose transposition transposon transsexual transsexualism transship transshipment transubstantiate transubstantiation transudate transuranic transurethral transvaal transversalis transverse transversely
transvestic transvestism transvestite tranylcypromine traptrapa trapaceae trapeze trapezium trapezius trapezohedron trapezoid trapezoidal trapper trappist trapshooter trash trasimeno traubel trauma traumatic traumatize traumatology traumatophobia trautvetteria trave travel traveled traveler traveling travelogue traversable traversal traverse traverser travesty trawl trawler tray trazodone treacherous treachery treacle tread treading treadle treadmill treason treasure treasurer treasurership treasuries treasury treasury stock treat treated treatise treatment treaty treble treck tree treehopper treelet treenail trefoil trek trekker trellis trema trematoda tremble trembles tremella tremellaceae tremellales tremolite tremolo tremor tremulously trench trenchantly trencher trenchfoot trend trendsetting trendy trentino trenton trepan trepang trephination trephine trepidation treponema treponemataceae trespass trestle trestlework trevelyan trevino trevithick trews trey tri-chad tri-iodothyronine triaenodon triage triakidae trial trialeurodes triamcinolone triangle triangular triangularity triangulate triangulation triangulum triassic triatoma triazolam tribadistic tribal tribalism tribalization tribasic tribe tribes tribesman tribolium tribologist tribology tribonema tribonemaceae tribromoethanol tribulate tribulus tribune tribuneship tributary tribute tributyrin trice tricentenary triceps triceratops trichechidae trichechus trichina trichinosis trichion trichiuridae trichloride trichlormethiazide trichloroacetic trichoceros trichodesmium trichodontidae trichoglossus tricholoma tricholomataceae trichomanes trichomonad trichomoniasis trichophaga trichophyton trichoptera trichopterous trichostema trichostigma trichosurus trichotillomania trichroism trichromatic trichuriasis trichys trick trickedtrickery trickle triclinic tricolor tricorn tricot tricuspid tricuspid valve tricycle tricyclic tridacna tridacnidae trident tridymite triennial trier trifid trifle trifler trifoliate trifoliolate trifolium trifurcate trifurcation triga trigeminal trigger triggerfish triglidae triglinae triglochin triglyceride trigonella trigonometrictrigonometrician trigonometry trigram trihydroxy triiodothyronine trilateral trilingual trilisa trill trilliaceae trilling trillion trillionth trillium trilobate trilobite trilogy trim trimaran trimer trimester trimipramine trimly trimmed trimmer trimming trimorphodon trimotored trimurti trinectes tringa trinidad trinidad trinidadian trinitarian trinitarianism trinity trinucleate trio triode triolein trionychidae trionyx
triopidae triops triose triostium trioxide trip tripalmitin tripe triphammer
triphosphopyridine triphosphoric tripinnate tripinnatifid triple triplet tripletail tripleurospermum triplicate tripling triplochiton triploid tripod tripoli tripos tripper triptych triquetral trireme trisaccharide trisect
triskaidekaphobia triskaidekaphobic trismus trisodium trisomy tristan
tristearin trisyllable tritanopia tritanopic tritely triteness tritheist triticum tritium triton triturus triumph triumphal triumphant triumphantly triumvir triumvirate triune trivalent trivet trivia trivial trivialize trivially troat
trochaic trochanter trochee trochilidae trochlear trogium troglodytes troglodytidae trogon trogonidae trogoniformes troika trojan troll trolley trolleybus trollius trollope trombicula trombiculiasis trombiculidae trombiculiid trombidiid trombidiidae trombone trombonist trompe trompillo trondheim troop trooper troopship tropaeolaceae tropaeolum trope trophic trophobiosis trophoblast trophoblastic trophotropic trophotropism trophozoite trophy tropic tropical tropically tropidoclonion tropism troponym troponymy tropopause troposphere trot trotsky trotskyite trotter trotting trouble troubled troublemaker troubleshooter troublesome troublesomeness troublous trough trouser trouser trousers trousseau trout trowel troy truancy truant truck trucking truckle truckling truculence truculent truculently trudge trudger true trueness truffaut truffle truism truly truman trumbo trumbull trump trumped trumpet trumpeter trumpetfish trumpetwood truncate truncated truncation truncheon truncocolumella trundle trunk truss tussed trust trustee trusteeship trustful trustfully trusting trustworthiness trustworthy truth truthful truthfully truthfulness try trying trypetidae Shocked

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 09:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

Trite, Tribute, Try, trick, trickery.. you got four from me cuz it is 2:30 am and I am tired LOL

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 12:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

how about travelocity ty:)

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 12:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

wtg coca nice find.Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 12:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

it won't let me post it.let's try it this way T R A M A D O L

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 15:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

WTG shirlsplay!!! For tram a dol you receive 5,000 pc points!!!!!

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 15:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

w2g shirl..
sorry nana...i screwed triquetral

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.10.2009, 16:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

LOL barb!

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 26.10.2009, 00:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

tyty nana.gle1:)

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 26.10.2009, 11:04 Reply with quoteBack to top


PC Quader
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PostPosted: 26.10.2009, 15:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

trifecta...tremulous...trepiditiously..triskaidekephophia (fear of the number 13 in honor of Halloween, I don't know if I spelled it right, though!), trichinosis, trichotillomania, triangle, trite, TROUBLE, triple, trump, try...tram, trip, triple...I think that'll do, I have pasta cooking!! Neat contest!! Oh, and if anyone watches the epsn football guys...trbl!!

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 26.10.2009, 16:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

correct spelling is: triskaidekaphobia.... nice try though Ambre. You are in with the other words!!

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 28.10.2009, 12:28 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'll go with trademark

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