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March 2010 Poker Knowledge-Bluff? Closed! Winner Announced!

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 04.03.2010, 00:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

Reasons NOT To Bluff

Bluffing should probably not be an automatic reaction. When doing it keep in mind that everyone else is also looking for an opportunity to bluff. Remember! It only works when you get away with it, so you must use it sparingly.


A.When players expect you to.
Don't be the fish. That's a common money-maker for the other players. Always consider this rule before attempting a bluff.

B.When you've been caught bluffing recently.
You've been labeled as a poor bluffer already. Ride it out. Let them forget that hand. Start rebuilding a reputation as a straight player so you can eventually try a bluff again later (and hopefully not screw it up again).

C. Against a dangerous flop.
If the flop has an Ace, chances are that someone has a pair of aces. Aces tend to make it beyond preflop. Also, players tend to continue to play their Aces. Don't bluff against Aces. You also wouldn't want to bluff against a flop like K,Q,9. Chances are someone has something they'll stick with.

D. Against lots of players.
Chances are that someone has something that they'll stick with. From an odds perspective, this is never worth it.

E. You just lost a big hand or have lost a series of hands.
Not only might you be on tilt, but other players will expect you to be on tilt, and will more readily call you.

F. You limped in, or are in a blind position.
You really have to evaluate the flop, but generally other players will think you have a poor hand and expect you to bluff.

Everyone please read and post your opinion and/or tell us another situation not to bluff.


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Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!


Last edited by ojisplayin on 04.04.2010, 04:31; edited 1 time in total
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 04.03.2010, 07:16 Reply with quoteBack to top


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 04.03.2010, 13:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

Not being really a poker player, I don't bluff (TOO DUMB) And I can't tell when someone else's bluffing (TOO DUMB)


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PostPosted: 04.03.2010, 15:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

I dont bluff if I dont feel lucky. that is probably not a hard and fast rule, but it works for me!

And I think its generally a bad idea for me to bluff in a low stack position...or towards the end of a tourney. this is probably the absolutely incorrect answer lol

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 05.03.2010, 00:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have bluffed and it worked out badly for me so I agree with the examples why not too and have adopted the practice of not bluffing

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PostPosted: 05.03.2010, 03:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

don't bluff unless you have a pretty good read that the player you're up against will have to fold

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 07.03.2010, 21:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have bluffed and I would do it again

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.03.2010, 04:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have bluffed and won but I can't remember why I bluffed cuz it has been quite awhile now. Though I obviously thought it was the way to go at the time.

All the reasons to not to bluff you pretty well covered them all.

Oh and I wouldn't bluff if someone playing has a much larger stack than mine. Obviously they could wipe me out and not break a sweat.

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PostPosted: 09.03.2010, 04:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

another time you shouldn't bluff is when you get moved to a new table. You have to remember that the 1 1/2 hours you just played grinding poker at the last table, setting up the perfect opportunity to make a bluff is all out the window now.

You are fresh at the table, no one has been playing with you since the beginning, so they don't know how you play. They will assume you are just the next fish in their way to that FT. You must regroup, and start playing solid poker to set yourself up for a bluff opportunity later on at that table.

Also, you never really want to EVER!!!! stone cold bluff allin at anytime, this means that you mearly have missed everything all the way to the river and now you are going for a bluff with just high card, or barely bottom pair on the board. It rarely works out in your favor and can cost you your tournament life.

Also, if you have bluffed a couple times in a row, you need to know, sometimes players will take a stand against players they think are bluffing way too much and call you down even if their hand isn't that strong. Problem is, even though their hand may not be strong, its probable better than yours.

So try not to bluff too often if you feel you must bluff. Try to keep it to around a 1-2% minimum bluff average or even not at all unless you know they players well enough that you are bluffing.

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PostPosted: 18.03.2010, 05:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

I've found to never bluff against a player who's sitting in the "hot seat". Because no matter what they have they know their in the lucky seat and will call with just about nothing and chances are, their cards will turn. I know for a fact that if i'm in the hot seat and my cards keep turning up no matter what I have, i'm going to see it to the end. I'm sure all who play poker quite a bit have seen or been in that situation.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 18.03.2010, 21:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

am a good example why not to've tried it many times and never worked out.I thought at first that was what you were suppose to do.when am playing am always thinking that a player is bluffing and i get taken down,lol.that's probably why i suck at poker.all your reasons why not to bluff make sense to me.

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PostPosted: 21.03.2010, 14:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have bluffed and won when playing poker with friends

But Online Poker Software Scares Me LOL ..

So don't Bluff - If I don't think I have a chance to win

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PostPosted: 23.03.2010, 11:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

There is always someone who is going to know you're lying-or who always thinks you're bluffing-and that will be the person who calls you..I bluff sometimes, but I have to have something-or the cards on the board to make it look like I have something BIG-and only then if no one's jumped on it. Which doesn't always work out so well, lol. So probably better if I don't bluff Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.03.2010, 13:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'd like to add here my personal experience- it is in the game

(Rules are 4 cards dealt, 3 draws, nobody knows what anybody has!)
What you are trying for is the lowest run in all 4 suits- NUTS- A-2-3-4 (1 diamond- 1 heart- 1 spade- 1 club)
This game is FULL of Bluff Players- I have also bluffed, WHEN I AM TOP CHIP HOLDER ONLY!!!

Everyone that bluffs, then just one hand don't bluff,

easily trick you into thinking they are bluffing, per usual, and take all your chips! Grrrrr!!!

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PostPosted: 26.03.2010, 00:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

Against bad players

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