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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 08:05 Reply with quoteBack to top


Single-table no-limit hold'em tournaments (also known as "sit and go" tournaments or SNGs) are incredibly popular. The strategy for this article focuses on tournaments that are ten-handed, with the payout structure of 50% to first place, 30% to second place, and 20% to third place.

*NOTE* *If you are playing in a winner-take-all single table tournament, you will probably need to play a much more aggressive strategy.*

At the beginning of the tournament, you should be more willing to see a flop. You can often limp in with speculative hands, such as 3 3. Obviously, raise when you hold very strong hands like Q Q, but limp to see a lot of flops if you can with hands like J 10.

For the lower buy-in tournaments, there are a lot of bad players that will quickly lose their money in the first few rounds. If you happen to hit a really strong hand, there is a decent chance someone will pay you off with a lot of their stack.

As the early stages progress, you should still attempt to see quite a few flops. However, if the pot is frequently raised, you will need to play tighter preflop.

Please post how you play EARLY in a SNG or briefly describe why you don't play them

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Good Luck. Happy Gaming Always!



Last edited by ojisplayin on 04.08.2010, 16:17; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 12:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am usually play all the cheap calls and look for that great hand. But, if there are a bunch of "all-in"ers then I wait them out unless I get pocket Aces or something like that.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 11:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

I really can't add too much on this subject since I just now (as I read your description) found out exactly what a Sit n Go is Embarassed
Thanks for the information

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 13:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

ALWAYS (all-inners) two or three of 'em in Round 1...and they DO get lucky. Well ONE does anyhow. LOL

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PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 20:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

What I would add to this is this. If you're paying small amounts to see the flop with small cards like 3-3 4-4- etc.., If you don't hit your flop get out. Those small PP can just as easily burn you as help you.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 21:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

I always call to see the flop unless a pre-flop raise happens than I am out unless I have the cards to back it up

good luck all

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 09.07.2010, 16:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

spookth wrote: › What I would add to this is this. If you're paying small amounts to see the flop with small cards like 3-3 4-4- etc.., If you don't hit your flop get out. Those small PP can just as easily burn you as help you.


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 10.07.2010, 16:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

I don't have any strategy but maybe I should heed this:
Top 10 Sit and Go Poker Tips
Sit N Go tournaments are quickly becoming the most popular form of poker, especially in the online poker community because of their expedient nature.

Poker players simply lack the patience to get through thousands of players to get to the payday. Enthusiasts no longer want to spend 12 hours or more of their day at the felt. Plus, with so few players involved, it becomes easier to visualize the ultimate goal - taking 1st place. In this article, we'll share 10 Sit N Go Tips that should help you achieve that goal.

Sit N Go Tip #1: Time is Money
Choosing the right Sit N Go tournament is very important. Some SNGs are Single-Table events, while others may seat 3, 5, 9, or more tables of players. PokerStars offers some very lucrative 180 player sit n go tournaments.

The more players there are, the higher the prize will be, and the more players that will finish in the money. However, more players' means more time invested. Consider how much time you have to dedicate to this Sit N Go before selecting a large event.

Sit N Go Tip #2: What's Your Style?
The tournament structure is also very important. Regular SNGs start with large chip stacks and slowly increasing blind levels, giving skilled players a strong advantage.

Fast-paced tournaments, known as "turbos", start with much lower chip stacks and fast blind levels, leaving Lady Luck to decide the fate of most players. Be careful to choose your SNG based on the playing style that best suits your poker strategy.

Sit N Go Tip #3: Managing your Bankroll
Your bankroll should also be factored into the decision. By using a proper Sit N Go poker strategy, you are likely to win at least 1 in 10 SNGs. Therefore, the general rule of thumb is never to enter a Sit N Go Tournament that costs more than 10% of your overall bankroll. This means if you have $150, don't choose a buy-in of more than $15. Learn more about bankroll management.

Sit N Go Tip #4: Go for the Win
Before taking to the felt, the number one goal any Sit N Go tournament player should aim for winning the tournament. Don't start out thinking, "Okay, let's try to make the money and avoid losing our buy-in!" Wrong.

First place pays significantly more than second or third, so we always advocate playing to win, and if you don't make it, oh well. You are better off winning one sit and go than taking third place in two sit and go's.

Sit N Go Tip #5: Clean House
In the earliest stages of a Sit N Go, the first thing that will occur is the elimination of all the impatient opponents. I like to call this ‘Cleaning House', because it only takes a few minutes for this group to be dismissed to the rails. These are the players who push all-in on the first hand, figuring they will either double up for a big stack, or save the time and effort it would have taken to rack up a stack the usual way.

You have two choices: Sit back and wait for the impatient to drop out, conserving your chips for the big boys - or - double up your stack early by calling their tactless push. It's generally a bad idea to call if there are already several callers in the mix. You also don't want to find yourself on the rails. Only call with a big hand and good position if two or less opponents remain.

Sit N Go Tip #6: Here Fishy-Fishy
The next group to exit the tables will be the fish. These are the lousy poker players who wouldn't know a poker strategy if it came up and bit them on the nose. Fish are easily recognized as they will call just about any bet so long as it's not a push. They don't want to risk everything, but they can't resist seeing the flop if it's affordable. With a decent hand, call them back. You can easily use the fish to build your stack before the schools run dry.

Sit N Go Tip #7: Be Observant
Because Sit N Go tournaments are so much shorter than the MTT variety, you can rely on the occasional monster hand to boost your chip stack. Instead, your observation skills will take precedence. Learn the tendencies of your opponents, and when you find yourself successfully predicting their behavior, take advantage of it.

Sit N Go Tip #8: Feel the Eyes Upon You
If you're making an effort to read your opponents, you can only assume they are doing the same to you. Put yourself in their shoes and try to read your own behavior, as they would see it. You don't want to become predictable, but if they think they can predict you, you can turn that to your advantage by altering your normal strategy now and again. Learn more about online poker tells.

Sit N Go Tip #9: Middle Stages
The blinds are now increasing to a sizeable amount, putting a great deal of pressure on the short stacks. They will be using a tight, Push or Fold poker strategy, as should you if you are one of them. This means Push All-In with premium hands. Anything else should be folded.

For the bigger stacks, this presents an excellent opportunity to steal blinds. At this point, you're approaching the bubble, and should be very careful to ensure you're not eliminated just before reaching your goal. Steal blinds in position when the opportunity presents itself, but only play big hands otherwise. Learn How to Steal the Blinds.

Sit N Go Tip #10: Late Stages - On the Bubble
Once you burst the bubble, you can relax a little - only a little, though. You still want to win the Sit N Go, after all. Your strategy should depend on how many players remain. Generally speaking, the fewer players there are, the more hands you can play.

What were once marginal hands become more valuable. In a Multi-Table Sit N Go, there may be a full table of players, in which case you'll want to stick to a tighter poker strategy. A full final table will usually dwindle to half very quickly as the short stacks drop like flies. With a monster hand, take their chips as they fall - otherwise, be conservative and get as close to the big money as you can.

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 10.07.2010, 18:13 Reply with quoteBack to top

Great Info!!! Maw!!! 500 PC POINTS!!!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 19.07.2010, 21:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

try not to play multi table sng tournaments as just dont ha spanve the patience or attention( after a couple of hours i give up lol).. but when playing freeroll sngs then id tend to take more risks and if the stakes arent too high ive got to admit id call and see the flop nearly every hand, but if its a sng where i paid to enter( i kind to treat poker different when my own moneys been invested lol) id probably fold most of time unless i had a hand where i thought i jad a good chance of winning

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 19.07.2010, 22:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

TY Broxi!!! WTG! 500 PC POINTS!! Cool Very Happy

P.S. I also tend to take MY money in a game much more serious!! lol

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PostPosted: 21.07.2010, 22:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

I typically play a bit slow at the start till I see how the others at the table are acting, then I adjust my play accordingly. Getting more aggressive as play goes on

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PostPosted: 22.07.2010, 18:27 Reply with quoteBack to top

I play very tight until I can get a hand - then I might try to double up as there is usually someone at the table all in -ing every other hand.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 23.07.2010, 03:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

I don't play in them cause am no good and really don't understand it.I have played in hold'em freerolls and had alot of fun.thank you

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PostPosted: 23.07.2010, 14:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

I like playing the sng's. My stratagy is to see as many flops as possible if I have a playable hand (suited connectors, etc).

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