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Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

26.07.2008, 16:51 |
My dear loyal PCers .....[ Please read all of this post carefully.TY.]
I spent some time this morning doing something I had never done before and I would recommend you do it, too.
I pretended that I was Geno, so I could take a look at our forum thru his eyes. Then I started with today, and working backwards, I just glanced back thru the pages.
I know you will agree that you will see a lot of evidence of cash prizes going out to members, which Geno likes to see. He truly loves giving to and sharing with members the rewards of his hard work. He has 3 sites now. And these sites are his only business. Just like most of us, he works for a living and is not a rich man at all.
So......where does the money he gives away and the money to keep the sites running come from?
The difference between you, my PCers, and members of other forums on the internet is that they never think about it and many don't care. That is also why so many forums come and go.....many going out of business and even more never quite making it.
Geno may not like it that I am writing this post to you. But I have always shared openly EVERYTHING with you......and this time I think it is necessary.....which brings us full circle back to the big question: Where does the money for all the cash prizes and operations come from?
PCers KNOW! Visitors coming thru and guests see our posts that tell all about the good things we know or have just learned about the poker sites that we have banners for.....and they didn't know that about the sites but they like it! Soooo.....they click on the banners for those sites and go there to play, making deposits. (That is why you should have the banner for a site you are posting about in your post.)
Then 2 things happen. 1. You get credit in LUU points (if you are signed up for) which you get cash for every month in the LUU Contest and 2. the site sends a check to PC for sending them a customer! The great thing is that it is a WIN-WIN-WIN situation! EVERYBODY wins!........the poker site, you, and PC! Even the one who finds a new place to gamble wins!
And that is what keeps us in business, which means up and running!
I, as your Guru, am very glad to be able to discuss things like this with you.....and am thankful you allow me to! Because as I have said, it is YOUR forum!
Sooooo,,,,,,,we have come another full circle......back to our posts of recent weeks. To be direct, to the point, and completely honest with you, I see a lot of posts about cash going out as prizes, but hardly any posts that would send people to poker sites to bring money IN.
Now I know my members pretty darn well! And so -- I don't think I need to say another word!
God bless you, my PCers, and God bless our second-home site!
Very sincerely,
Your Guru |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

26.07.2008, 21:28 |
Just moving back up to top!
Please read. |
Royal PCer

Joined: 15 Dec 2007
Posts: 1704
Location: scotland

26.07.2008, 22:21 |
that is probably one of the best and most important posts i will ever see on here you point out many people enjoy the contests and fun available on all three crush sites and some probably wont even stop to think where the funding for the sites come from but without the help of the crushers to promote various poker sites like they do all the time on casino crush there wouuld be no income and no crush sites and therefore a lot of bored crushers lets all try our best to get more sites advertised as its in all our best interests |
Royal PCer

Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 1192
Location: USA

27.07.2008, 00:43 |
awe ss I'm trying to get back into forum cruising but I am having so many things coming at me now my Bf kid had her baby and the next day her brother was in a motorcycle vs car collisioin he lost but still alive so I have been at hospital I swear when it rains it pours but I will try  |
Royal PCer

Joined: 15 Dec 2007
Posts: 1704
Location: scotland

28.07.2008, 00:18 |
thought id move this back to top for guru to make sure most people see it |
PC Player

Joined: 23 Mar 2008
Posts: 660
Location: north carolina

29.07.2008, 02:02 |
i know exactly how a forum is ran and how the money comes in. that is a great post guru. we all should get more involved! |
PC Flusher

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
Posts: 126

29.07.2008, 02:23 |
to the top
as a TD in a very different system i know the importance of keeping members (old and new) informed about the best posable way to enjoy thier time....if you are an "old" pc'er (lets say you came in before march 2008) you can help all of us "newbies" out by keeping great poker sites to the top
us "newbies" need to check out the sites and let everyone know what our experience was there (and im guilty of not doing this guru)
if you can click on the banner in post for a poker site and look around and maybe make a small deposite as a new player you should and see what happens worst case you get a bad beat best case you win the tourny and come back here and let us know but if you click on our banners you are helping PC stay on top
i hope this makes a little sence and i really hope that it helps a few new players jump in and take a seat at the greatest poker table in the world POKER CRUSH
shawn |
Royal PCer

Joined: 23 May 2006
Posts: 1740
Location: i am not sure

29.07.2008, 07:50 |
I like this post as it does help new members understand how the forum world works..Thanks for your very honest and straight forward post Guru..  |
PC Kicker

Joined: 08 Jun 2006
Posts: 4
Location: cailfornia

29.07.2008, 14:02 |
Guru, I am so excited about Poker all because of you. I read all your lessons and entered CakePoker daily Freeroll that you invited me to last week. After practicing, really using your advice for when to hold or fold. I won a seat for Sat. $500 free roll. Ist place out of 200. This is very good for me. Never learned before you. I appreciate your way of explaining things. Also your ability to answer or address issues that I find scary but must deal with (the all in thing from the get) etc. Please don't ever stop posting. I totally connect with your teaching method and appreciate your advice. Very imformative. TYTYTY P.S. I know I should have banners as I do take all your advice but I was having issue with signature and wanted you to know what a great teacher you are before I could figure it out. Also the goodluck thing you mentioned in past post. You know! Just keep up the great work. Good thinking(luck) all. Diasker |
PC Player

Joined: 30 Jan 2006
Posts: 846
Location: Winona,MN

29.07.2008, 14:24 |
Geno is running the best forums on the net, hands down--no contest--no even close second. To me, this means spending what surfing time i do have here at CC, PC and now BC. I have long ago given up on other forums (sorry fellow members who have sites!) Geno is so giving and so professional I want my loyalties to be here. Not always the best at pushing poker and casino sites, but I ALWAYS download my gambling sites from here or CC. I recommend everyone make the extra effort to do the same. Great post, Guru, and thank you for making PC bigger and better every day. |
PC Player

Joined: 12 Nov 2005
Posts: 505

29.07.2008, 16:01 |
Great post Guru!! Posting the word all over the net helps the forum tremendously!! |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

29.07.2008, 16:51 |
I am completely overwhelmed by the response to my post here.
I know my members well, because I believe it is my responsibility to take the time to get to know them as the individuals they are as well as the group identity they have created. So I knew they would respond in a positive way. But I never dreamed how awesome that response would be. It is really touching.
All the accolades and praise I receive absolutely must be passed on to where it rightously these great PCers themselves. You are my total inspiration for everything I do for PC.....and you just keep on inspiring me to do more and more, which I am very happy to do because I know that you, too, Members, are working hard to keep PC the best poker forum on the worldwide web and to make it better with each new day!
Believe me when I tell you that your efforts on behalf of your forum and fellow members and even me could not possibly be more appreciated than they are!
When I say "your ever-lovin' Guru, I mean your ever-LOVIN' Guru!
Thank you, every one of you for whom this post has meaning! |
PC Flusher

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
Posts: 126

29.07.2008, 19:17 |
sheeeeesh who taught me how to spell? i just looked at my post again and i failed lol
anyway it is true that we should always click on our banners so AL dont feel bad we all want the same thing and that is to have a top rated place in the world wide web period if we belong to one site or to twenty or even if we are running our own we all know that the crushers are exceptional people and if i was running a site id want crushers to know me thru any or all of the crush sites
guru works hard to make pokercrush a top rated site and we should all take a min. to not only thank him but to do what keeps us all together and check out our poker sites
hope i spelled a little better in this one (huked on fonix dint werk fur me rofl)
shawn |
PC Boater

Joined: 11 May 2006
Posts: 231
Location: Las Vegas

30.07.2008, 13:44 |
EXCELLENT GURU,I sen't my mom to PC & CC,She loves it here too.I would love to get a kitty going to save for a live tourny,Would be my dream come true to play with the GREATEST people online,This is only place I feel welcome & wanted online, |
Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

31.07.2008, 02:02 |
Well, Ratfang,
We want you enough to make up for all the rest and then some left over!
And as far as "they" go........Honey, they don't know what they are missing! It is definitely THEIR LOSS! Because you are one fantastic lady! And Lil Rat is an exception to children everywhere!
We are PROUD to have you and the talents you offer our site. |