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* Monday - 3rd Mar 2025 - 15:08 * 

How do you guys play QQ?

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PC Kicker
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PostPosted: 29.03.2006, 20:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

A lot of poker pro's will tell you that this hand is almost always useless. I pretty much use this hand as a 'backup' hand to steal some chips if there aren't too many players staying in. Obviously, if you play QQ, see the flop and then there's no overcards then it can be a great hand.

Just curious to know who plays it and who doesn't.

PS - Hello to all!

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PostPosted: 29.03.2006, 21:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

I pretty much play them the sameway thredder. If there is only a few on the table i might go all in or raise heavy to blinds..Smile


PC Kicker
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PostPosted: 29.03.2006, 21:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have actually had quads with queens around three times in different tourneys. When you get lucky with them then it's lovely, however I have thrown them away to a raise or all-in quite a few times and then when the flop comes down seen that 3rd lady sat there on the table and hung my head. Very Happy

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PostPosted: 30.03.2006, 00:27 Reply with quoteBack to top

well i am always happy to see QQ , i didnt realize it one would not keep them , wow i have alot to learn, i have won and lost with them, now i know to notice how many are stayin in....thanks. i will use more caution.

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PostPosted: 30.03.2006, 02:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

I saw this thread's title here earlier today but didn't read it then. Just now as I'm playing in a freeroll, I got QQ, so I ran over here to read this thread as fast as I could. lol!

I had only gotten about halfway thru it when I had to act, so I raised a little, and one guy was already all in, and the other one called. Saw the flop with a J and 2 lower cards, so I bet a middlin amount. He called, then there was a 10, so I bet the same amount again, and he called. Then the river was of course, an Ace. And NOT to my surprise, he raised my (smallish now) bet, and showed, of course, AQ, for a pair of aces to beat my pair of Q's.


So I don't how you should play them, but maybe that's an example of how you shouldn't.


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PostPosted: 17.04.2006, 15:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well your are right there Sunspun. It can be hard to decide just exactly how to play them but it also depends on how many are seated at the table as well.

The more at the table the greater the odds are another Q or even both are already in play. If the table is full and most are out of the hand I often will go all in with hopes of scaring off those who just may have high cards or a so so hand worthy of a buy in but not worthy of calling an all in raise pre flop.

Also if all small cards come out and the threat of a stg is there then often it is good to just go all in as well for the same reasons. The theroy being.....Why let someone see the next card unless they are willing to risk it all for it. Now, with that said...there are LOADS online who will call and chase anything and that is what makes it harder to decide at times.

A famous poker pro (PokerGuru..Smile ) once told me - A pr is just a pr!!! so play them exactly as they are and NEVER bet on what you don't have but bet on what you do have...Smile


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PostPosted: 17.04.2006, 18:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

LOL, DrCrush!

I am honored that you remember your private lessons with me.

However, I would NEVER under any circumstances I can think of at the moment, go all in with a pair of Qs. I see them as no better than any other pair, including deuces, for the reason that they can get your hopes up because they are face cards. That is usually just fine and a pair of face cards SHOULD get your hopes up......BUT when they are "the ladies", sometimes called "Sigfried and Roy", there are just SO MANY ways they can be unexpectantly beat.

I personally see them as "the middle kids" of the high pairs, which to me is never better than so-so.

However, in all fairness, I have to tell you that the majority of professional players view them as the third best pair of hole cards you could get.

Interesting question, thredder, because a pair of Queens is maybe the most argued-about pair among even very good players. Everybody seems to have their own strong views about it, so the best I can do is give you mine.


I remind you again to remember that I simply have a personal prejudice against QQ, so don't take what I have to say about THAT as any better than what anybody else says!

Having a good time with ALL of you,


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PostPosted: 22.05.2006, 21:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

The flop will have an A or K about half the time, so with QQ, the usual strategy is to put in a solid enough raise so people holding Ax and Kx will probably fold. On the other hand, if you've seen that you're at a table where people are playing loose and will usually call a raise with such holdings, limping in and hoping to hit a set may be better; i.e. treat it like a small ot mid pair.

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PostPosted: 22.05.2006, 21:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

I can not tell you how many times I have been beaten when I have QQ of course I am a newbie so when I get QQ I tend to over do it..or I should say I USED to over do it Very Happy

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PostPosted: 23.05.2006, 08:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy wow Beckie the last week i have had the same problem. i cringe everytime i get pocket queens as they have been killing my tournaments or should i say i have when i get them so i would like to know also how others play them Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: 24.05.2006, 00:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

geez is sillly.....there are previous posts on how others play them there queens as pocket cards......good advice lately i have had the same problem of not depending on queens carrying me thru an all in or large wager call.......welll just didnt know if you noticed the posts which um even PokerGuru contributed .

Very Happy About time I see you here......Wooo Wooo most definately Welcome Very Happy

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