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ATTENTION: PC Hall of Honor and Fame voting!

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 16.11.2008, 02:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

Please resond in this post your choices for Player of the Year.

You will have till the 5th of December to put your choices in, then they will be put in a voting POLL.

Voting will then be finished by the 25th of December and winner announced the first week of January.

Player of the Year award is a person who was chosen by members and staff alike as to their contributions, outstanding efforts and any other reasons they consider important to the Forum. They have made themselves known to stand above the rest during the year to receive this honor.

Now I KNOW this is difficult as so many of our members stand out as hard working, contribute a LOT toward the Forum and members. But there can only be ONE a year chosen for this Award.

Think hard my forum family of whose names you want to go into the voting poll.

We will have a Player of the Month for December too so if you want to add their names to the list here, that is fine. PLEASE SPECIFY WHICH AWARD YOU ARE ENTERING THEIR NAME TO.

Player of the Year or Player of the Month or both Smile

To make things reasonable and not overwhelming I decided to have a third catagory of Honorable Mention. This catagory could be for anything you forum members feels deserves recognition.

I can't see having 15 catagories of everything from who made the most posts to who had the most links to PC but feel this catagory covers all of those. Again Members and Staff alike can post peoples names and why they think this person deserves an Honory Mention. This would be a monthly voting process too.

So for now this is what I have:

PC Poker Pro's. Names here are for those that have "turned Pro" by playing and have a consistant win ratio in Tournaments and Money Games.

Player of the Year (One a year)
Player of the Month ( monthly)
Honorable Mentions (monthly)

If you have ANY suggestions at all PLEASE add them to your post!

Nothing as of yet is carved in stone. So members and staff alike please give me your input on ideas.

And don't forget those names! heheh


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PostPosted: 16.11.2008, 02:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

I nominate Rainbow1 for Player of the year because of here daily and insightful posts.
Valeria for Player of the Month for all the work organizing the PC hall of Fame.
Crazynana for Honorable mention for her loyalty and secretarial duties in PC Chat.

I think it should read "Member" instead of "Player" since not all of us play poker but still contribute to PC.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 16.11.2008, 04:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks Bower. I thought of that after I posted. I agree. Replace "Player" with "Member" because it IS all about the MEMBERS!

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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 01:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

I want to wait until further into the month to cast my vote...a friendly reminder the final week would be helpful!!! Thanks for the hard work and great idea, valerie!!!!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 04:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

We are not voting yet Al. We are putting in names for each catagory.
The 5th of December all the names will be put in a voting Poll till the 25th of December. Then voting is closed and winner announced first week of January.

So in reality we kind of run a few weeks early so we have time to get all the names people want to get into the voting poll.
Then we will have 10 days of voting.

If anything is not clear or you think of a better way please post it here. Smile

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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 06:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

Okay if I am understanding this the right way Love It THEN You wouldnt want to "NOMINATE"

Anyone who has a nomination already-Right? THEN after nominations are collected- is "VOTE"?

Member of the Year-Bower-Goes above & beyond as team captain and our "go-to-guy" on everything "Tournament-Related"

Member of the Month- Broxi-Not here everyday, but when he is, he is 1st to say WTG and he is ALWAYS smiling! or laughing at you-

Honorable Mentions- Char- My #1 mentor- Contributes here with posts & good advice- Plus will give any Pro a run for their money-$$

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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 07:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello, my PC Members (what a special thing you all have made it to be!)!

With Director Valeria's opening post in this thread, our Poker-Crush Hall of Fame and Honor is set to soon be "off and running"!

First of all, Congratulations, Director Valeria! And Thank You!

With all the details and thought you have had to put into this project to get us to this point, you are to be commended for a helluva job well done so far!!!!

Your Guru

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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 17:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

I nominate
Member of the Year=Bower...He's our captain, afterall! The big toe to all us pinkie toes!
Member of the Month=Broxi...he did win this month's tourney after all
Honorable Mention=Nana...who keeps us organized each and every chat

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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 19:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

I nominate:

for poker-pro: bower he always seems to be playing and finishing well
for member of the year: Nana she has been so great with the chats and everything else too
for member of the month: Rainbow for the delightful and sometime very inciteful posts everyday.
and last but certainly not least my honorable mention : OJ for all the posting she has been doing to help gain this wonderful forum some more income, she has really put in a great effort.

thanks all

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PostPosted: 17.11.2008, 22:49 Reply with quoteBack to top


Although I'm not here often enough I do know that Bower, Nana & Rainbow are integral members of PC...We all so our bit for PC and all of us are important but the 3 below go out of their way each and every day to participate and help us out...I would also like to thank Guru for all he has done to help and guide us along the way Smile

So I say:

Member of the year: Bower

Member of the month: Nana

Honorable Mention: Rainbow


sisters Smile

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 18.11.2008, 17:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

My precious (yes, precious!) PC Members,

I just cannot stop myself from jumping in here and complimenting all the posters so far in this thread for:

Your visible sense of honor.

Your open-minded consideration of everything you can think of before nominating.

Your total lack of silly and childish buddy-buddyism in nominating.

Your serious thoughtfulness of everything and everybody before nominating.

The dignity you add to our forum by the way you are carrying out this process.


Please keep the nominations coming!

Your honored-to-be Your Guru

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PostPosted: 19.11.2008, 01:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

PC Poker Pro's. I have 2 this year...............Bower and Char
Player of the Year bower50
Player of the Month Char

Honorable Mentions Rainbow and OJ and Mel

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 19.11.2008, 02:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is my nominations
Member of the year: Bower, Because he dose great at Poker

Member of the month: Nana , She is most helpful to all

Honorable Mention: Rainbow , Post each and everyday

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PostPosted: 20.11.2008, 22:09 Reply with quoteBack to top


Member of the year: NANA .... She Keeps Us Informed - Reminds Us Of Chats and other important things - Looks out for All Crushers

Member of the month: BOWER.. Cause He Is So Smart... And Helps Organize Our Poker Activitys

Honorable Mention: CHAR .. For her loyalty to Poker Crush

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 20.11.2008, 23:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

You are all doing a fabulous job!!! I just wanted to say don't worry about our "Poker Pro's" section as that isn't really a voting catagory. I depend on Guru to help with that as he is up on more who is playing for real money and having nice wins. Remember you don't always have to be First to win!!

BUT!!! It IS important for you to keep posting in the winnings section as how else we going to know who all it playing in tourney's and cash games if you don't post your wins. REMEMBER you don't have to always come in first place to be on the poker pro member listing!! If you play for cash and in tournaments post it!! Give us some pics!!

I know Bower, allight, spookth, linney, char, oj and many others .. but without your input you will never be counted Smile

Keep the nominations coming people!! They are great so far and I agree with all of them!

Remember deadline to get all the names in is December 5th. Then I will make voting polls for each catagory. Voting will then continue to December 25th.

Doing great so far!! And NEWBIES to our forum... don't be afraid to nominate anyone who has been helpful to you or gone out of their way to help or that impressed you!! You are members too!!!

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