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* Monday - 3rd Mar 2025 - 01:35 * 

Guru's Little BIG Tip for PCers -- Nov 27-Monday

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.11.2006, 15:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

Guru's Little Poker Tip of Today - Nov.27 - Monday

At this time of year, everyone wants you to play in freerolls. My advice is NOT to do it, but if your cash flow seems to be uncooperative with your plans, go ahead. Go ahead but follow at least one big rule: Play only in the freerolls that DO NOT have buy-ins!

Why? Because there will be players there the first two weeks of December who will in fact, virtually buy the wins!

Don't ask me why now? I do not know! But for a long time now I have kept a personal record of strange things such as this that happen in POKER. And year after year, the very same thing happens during the first half of the Christmas month.

We can speculate with all kinds of reasons, but the FACT REMAINS! You will MAKE YOUR MONEY in the next couple of weeks as well as from then on, by leaving the freerolls for the beginners and finding a table to sit down at for a REAL Poker Game of Texas Holdem!

There are players willing to put more money into a Buy-In "freeroll" than the money in the winner's paw at the end of the tourney!

Now I must remind you that I AM in general much more in favor of playing at regular tables (ring games at ring tables) with from 8 to 10 players than any freeroll. I rarely play the freerolls. I encouraged you to at the beginning of your studies just so you would become comfortable playing without having to risk any any money by tossing an ante in the pot.

That was at the beginning! You have come so far now that I will start discouraging you to play in more than half of your time at the tables in freerolls. Go to the tables the rest of the time selecting the one "just right" table for you. Refer back to your notes or my lesson on the importance of choosing the right table.

Older members, please help the newer members with that lesson if they missed it! Together we stand or fall!

In fact, the time has come for all members to start offering help to one another. What a great Christmas gift!

Why now?

Because the time has also come to form our Poker Team to play against other sites! In a league! I am making the arrangements now!

(Orange Crush, you are just a regular member here at Poker Crush even tho you wear the six shooters and tin star at Casino-Crush! So please sign up to play on our team!) She is a VERY good player, gang, so all of you help me get her to do it!

And our dear Geno Da Man.......honey, we desperately need cheerleaders, so let's continue to be unique -- a cut above -- the other teams and have a sexy man for our cheerleader. You may of course, recruit as much help as you would like!

All of our games will be played on the internet.

The next step, as I see it, is for me to get a list of those of you willing to risk a bit for the good of all PCers and in fact all Crushers!

And my lessons and tips will come more rapidly as we play.

So PLEASE.........

Like "Baby Got My Poker Face On", post below if we can count on you to be a member of the team.

TeeHee. Guess who your coach will be! Tee Hee. Yes, the Guru.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.11.2006, 16:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

i love buyins but i hate the buyins with rebuys & the freerolls with rebuys, you get ppl that rebuy just to play & not being sensible at all, they go all in & just keep rebuying, it's ridiculous to say the least, i have played in a couple rebuy games where it benefitted me to rebuy because i was able to cash in for more than i bought, but if i'm not catching cards, i'm not rebuying anything, you have to know where you stand in a game for rebuys, that's where logic comes in lol

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.11.2006, 19:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

I myself think rebuys and addons are not a good thing. I feel if you haven't made it with what your dealt then just move on. It really isn't fair for those who put their head to the grindstone and work their way up through the masses.

I get much more satisfaction getting kicked out of a tourney that I fought and played my best in because I got bested than to just play and rebuy and play and rebuy not worry about each hands consequence. What kind of playing is that?

This is my own personal opinion however. For a beginner it is nice. I even used it myself once but it was because it was close to the end of the game and their was only 6 of us left. However, I don't think it is good practice to use it. You need to stand on your own two feet and brains to win not use rebuys and addons for cushions. You got yourself into the position you are by how you played so tighten your belt and start fighting back using all the knowledge Poker Guru has given us.

You don't see rebuys and addons in WSOP! hehehehe

I also think it is good to get your feet wet with your own money rather than just freerolls. (As much as I agree with this I really don't have the money to spare much so I do freerolls). The few times I was able to deposit I did OK and it was more exciting than play money.

The reason I say play once in awhile with your own money, is because people DO play different with their own money at stake than play money they can always get more of. It is more exciting because it is your money at stake too!

Man I am a blabbermouth today! LOL Sorry for the long post I was just voicing my opinion and got carried away..


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.11.2006, 19:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

OOOOOOPS I meant to say... SURE I will join the team! hahahaahah

I think it would be so coooool to have a Poker-Crush Team!!! Go Team Go!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.11.2006, 22:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy I agree i will join count me in Guru Very Happy Very Happy


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 00:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

Been waiting for this to happen.Just call,I'll be there.

PC Quader
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 03:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

Cool Jump Count me in to plz Cool

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 04:06 Reply with quoteBack to top


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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 04:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

would love the help the poker crushers do some poker crushing!

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 04:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

i would like to be in this but imight need help to be honest im not very intellegent when it comes to poker, but i would love to get better at it and i would really like to join the team,so count me in please!!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 05:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

That is what this forum is about cindy! Getting help with poker. Practice makes perfect. We all here for the same reason.. to get better at it!
Glad to see your willing to try as that is the biggest and first step of all!! Smile

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 05:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yeah, count me in......lets do the site proud........ Very Happy
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PostPosted: 28.11.2006, 08:13 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'm still a novice and have still mainly only ever played freerolls, but we'll see what happens?



PC Quader
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PostPosted: 29.11.2006, 03:16 Reply with quoteBack to top



Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 29.11.2006, 10:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

I would love to play poker with you guys, if you'll have me Smile (now do we come nekkid already to play or do we undress as we go?)j/k heheee I would love to see the Guru's face right now Shocked roflmaoooooooo

Count me in please!!!!

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