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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.09.2007, 02:12 Reply with quoteBack to top


Hello, my PC winners! (That includes you all!)

In our last lesson on bluffing, you learned how to spot a bluffer at the table and how not to give yourself away when you bluff. You learned how often to bluff, when to bluff, how to plan your bluff, and how to carry it off.

So now, let's assume you have just completed your bluff successfully. Once you pulled your bluff, it was such a change in the way you had been playing for an hour or so that you now have your opponents just where you want them: thoroughly confused and not knowing WHAT to expect you to do!

At that point, if they don't leave the table, you learn something important about those who stay: They are not poker you have found your perfect table!

For the rest of the night, keep changing your strategy, but never more often than a half hour between changes. You get them thinking you always play a certain way, such as usually calling but never raising unless you have a monster hand, and then BANG! You raise and re-raise big enough that it scares you just a little bit and scares THEM enough to make them toss away their cards as if they were burning their hands!

Remember how to measure how much to raise: When it begins to scare you just a little bit, that is the right amount! That's why poker is hard work if played is an emotional roller coaster, and mental energy spent always wears you out more than physical energy. So if people think you are playing, they don't know poker. That is, if you are playing to win, and at this point I am assuming you definitely ARE! Because if you have been with me for awhile, you know you are capable of consistently winning more than you lose! That is how you make a living "playing" poker.

Remember new players are constantly coming and going at the table. The newcomers to the table know only what they have seen you doing since their arrival. They will be thinking that is how you always play. They are thinking they have your number. Until you change up again and then WHAM! Their stacks become YOUR stack! There is no better play than a surprise play!

I never bluff more than four or five times in any one night.....and then only when the five rules I gave you in the last lesson are all set up in place, and you know the time is right.

Let me once again remind you of how to measure exactly how much to raise for a bluff: Just the right amount to raise a tiny fear factor in you. The fear factor is your insurance for winning. And if you have read every book ever written on poker, I'll bet you have never heard of my "fear factor", but it works almost every time.

Of course, no policy is perfect and perfection is not what we are expecting. It is just what we are striving for, my PCers!!!!!!!

Until next lesson, I remain

Your PokerGuru

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PostPosted: 27.09.2007, 19:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy Great lesson poker Guru.I think the most irratating feeling is when they bluff and then show...I fell into it a few times to call big and then lo and behold they then have something. grrrrrrr Im learning not to fall for it..

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 27.09.2007, 20:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

My Poker Guru

I don't think that bluffing could ever be learned at the playmoney tables.
Nor with any degree of accuracy at the lower limit tables.
You could never consider trying out your bluffing techniques at the higher limit tables.
And you can't practice on robots because robots can neither spot, or perform this human skill.
In fact, there is no window of opportunity to master this skill.
Unless you are a Poker Crusher, with a very generous Poker Guru.

Thank You


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.09.2007, 23:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wink LOL, ALW!

For a minute there, you had me worrying about you.

YOU GOT ME! Razz Smile Hope you learned a lot from the combination of both parts of the lesson on the fine art of bluffing!

It really is a difficult thing to learn. But you absolutely have to do it once in a great while, tho not nearly as often as most players (bad players) do!

Keep the faith and the good humor!

Your Guru

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PostPosted: 28.09.2007, 00:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you Poker Guru

I did learn a lot from these lessons.
And I will continue to do so, for as long as I have eyes to read them with.
Because I think they should be read, and re-read, as often as one can.
They are the perfect size and they're not overloaded with to much information.
They are also very easy to understand, which makes them all the more digestable.
It's as though you are speaking to youing children, and it's wonderful.


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 28.09.2007, 09:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear ALW,

I certainly do not mean to imply that I consider my scholars any less than college students!

I'm afratd we have finally reached one point on which we disagree, which is not a bad thing since we are both human.

But you have given me reason to stop and think and I have decided I owe my PCers an explanation of my philosophy on communication. I feel very strongly about it and am glad you have given me an excuse to sound off about it.

The most simple and shortest way I can explain it is this way:

The most effective communication on any level is completely free of any attempt by the communicator to impress anyone by making the subject seem more difficult or complex than it really is just to show off their vocabulary or knowledge. In addition, the only purpose of communication is to be understood.

I must never forget that those to whom I write at PC are from many different countries worldwide. English is a second language for several of my members, some of them just beginning to learn it. Our forum is an international one, of which I am very proud. As such, I feel it is my responsibility to make my lessons easily understandable to every member, no matter their national language.

In looking over our memberlist, I am convinced that any member who joins and stays and participates, is a genuine person of superior intelligence! So I would never ever speak to any of my members as children.

I simply want my lessons to be so easy to learn and master that they become second nature and easily remembered at the tables by every one of my scholars who really do want to learn to be excellent poker players. Not just good, but excellent!

So, my dear friend, if you consider my lessons to be easy to understand, then I feel very happy that I have met my goal and fulfilled my responsibility.

And if you understand what I have just explained, then I am even happier!

Thank you, ALW, for spurring me to explain this important point.

Your ever-lovin' and ever-caring Guru

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PostPosted: 28.09.2007, 21:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

My Poker Guru,
I honestly don't know what to say. It took me a very long time to write you that post, and I put a great deal of thought and consideration into every line. Not to mention the high regard, affection and gratitute that I had for you throughout the whole time I was writing. Yet you missed all this completely, and instead picked upon things that have never, or would ever cross my mind in a million years. I'm not going to defend myself against what you thought I was implying, because I am not guilty.
I would however like to offer you my most sincere apologies, not for the words I wrote, only for the way they made you feel.
My only hope from all of this, is that everyone at Poker-Crush, especially yourself my Poker Guru, are in no doubt whatsoever, how highly regarded, and greatly respected you all are, by me

Your friend & loyal member Alan.

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PostPosted: 29.09.2007, 07:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

PokerGuru wrote: ›
I must never forget that those to whom I write at PC are from many different countries worldwide. English is a second language for several of my members, some of them just beginning to learn it. Our forum is an international one, of which I am very proud. As such, I feel it is my responsibility to make my lessons easily understandable to every member, no matter their national language.

My dear Poker Guru and ALW ... Smile

I would just like to write quick comment here about this topic ...

Poker Guru -
I appriciate your efford to write easy-to-read lessons and posts as I am one of those who's native isn't English.
You do a wonderful job! Thank you Smile

I did read your post and knowing you - how you are I know exactly where you are coming from. Your post was loving and written with highest respect Smile

Have a great weekend!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 29.09.2007, 14:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

My dear friend and top scholar ALW!

Now I have made myself misunderstood after all my effort not to be misunderstood!

I know exactly how you feel toward me and all PCers, ALW, and is all VERY good, so good that you are one of my greatest points of pride!!!!!!

I am so sorry I led you to misunderstand my reply! I KNOW you hold all PCers in highest esteem as I hold you!

I just wanted to take the opportunity to explain why I write as I do, CERTAINLY NEVER TO CRITISIZE OR BE UNHAPPY WITH MY DEAR STAR MEMBER, ALW!!!!!!

Forgive me, please, for failing after all, in making myself understood. Some days I am just plain clumsy with words!

Your friend, loyal forever,
Your Guru

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PostPosted: 30.09.2007, 05:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you Sir,

I feel I've ruined what was a very important lesson. I understand your sensitivity towards my post, but honestly, I was only refferring to your protective and caring nature, and the way you look after each and everyone of us, which is highly present in all your lessons.
The way you make each of your lessons accessable to all is such a welcome change from the same old text, retold in the same old way with a few different words here and there. I appreciate the dedication you give to your teaching of us all, your lessons must have to be written, and sometimes rewritten, then finely tuned before you post them. You tell it different, and you tell it well my Poker Guru. As a scholar, I am more than satisfied from what I learn from each and every lesson, and very, very grateful to have them, and you.



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PostPosted: 30.09.2007, 05:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

May I also add to my post above,

That I have also learned a lot from other scholars here at Poker-Crush,
I have directed questions at you my Guru, that have been answered by my fellow members before you even had a chance to read them.
Below, is proof of how my game has improved since joining PC.
It isn't massive, but 1st is 1st in any language.
Thank you everyone
P.s. Thank you Marjo for your thoughtful post, and your kind words,


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PostPosted: 30.09.2007, 06:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

Sorry , I cant seem to post it here, its in the winners section

PC Quader
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PostPosted: 30.09.2007, 10:40 Reply with quoteBack to top



Just seems to be a little writing twister there ..with no bad reply ether way..and I understood all replies completely!!!
I also know that it is hard as HELL to bluff with them internet poker robots at the table.

Not human at the table..means I dont play at that table..Thats my rule!!


PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 30.09.2007, 14:32 Reply with quoteBack to top

ALW111 wrote: ›
P.s. Thank you Marjo for your thoughtful post, and your kind words,


You are very welcome Alan Smile


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PostPosted: 30.09.2007, 16:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

Is that really true mojojds, if so, how can I tell.
Can they be bluffed/Do they ever bluff?

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