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* Tuesday - 4th Mar 2025 - 02:19 * 

Crusher Pride: Our own Guru at 2007 WSOP!

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PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 24.07.2007, 17:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

Quote: › Of the more than 8000 players who made it all the way to the final

event, just as I did, I managed to beat out ALMOST 8000 of them!

There was only 6358 players this year.
Quote: ›
At the end of Day 3B, which was actually the 6th day of playing

extremely long hours, we played until after midnight and when the day

was called to a halt, as unbelieving as I was, I WAS STILL IN THE

REMAINING GROUP OF PLAYERS! Scheduled to start again the next morning.

Which I did. All of us remaining did.

There was no day 3B (only day 3) and day 3 was the 7th day of play this


Quote: › After a too-short break around noon, there had been more eliminations,

but, miraculously, I was still hanging in there. I was in the last

approximately 900 players from all over the world who had not yet

busted out, as had far more than 7000 others who had started this main

event with me ... the last event.

Only 337 players survived day 3 this year.
And as you were thru half of the day it must've been around 150th to
200th when eliminated if so.
As only 112 made it thru to day 4.

This is why I asked of your finishing position, which you must know as

you made it to cash Smile Btw, play starts at noon why's there a break then? Very Happy
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 24.07.2007, 19:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

Alright, Ergo! ALRIGHT! Are you sure, my friend, that you don't have some pitbull in you? LOL!

I like you, Ergo, from your contest entries, since that's about all I have to go on, so believe me, I have nothing against your questions, BUT..........Must I REALLY go thru all these tedious LITTLE matters to your satisfaction?

And you seem obsessed with this matter?

Well, I will answer your questions. I don't want you to agonize over details. But the one I will NOT answer is the one asked with a surprising (from YOU) lack of taste: How much money do I have. I would not even CONSIDER asking you to divulge in public the contents of your personal checkbook and wallet.

As for the rest, point by boring point: (I thought I was finally thru with this event and could relax, but for YOU, a member in good standing, I will relive it all! PLEASE appreciate it! LMBO!)

Point #1: 8000 players or 6350 ? ANSWER: More than 8000 had qualified and most of them, but not all, showed up the first day. Of those, some were besieged with a type of stage fright and could not perform. Of the rest, many lasted only an hour or less and were generously given the option of not being embarrassed by being defeated so quickly and having their names deleted from the record. OKAY, ERGO?

Point #2: Day 3A, 3B, 6th or 7th ? ANSWER: The schedule is day-numbered in a very complex way by the Commissioner's committee and no player I know pays much attention. When they say PLAY! we play and when they say BREAK! we break, period. Since we played about 12 hours each and every day (ever tried it, Ergo?) we were doing well to be led to and from the tables by our managers at the right times, and could care less about their numbering system. But in an attempt to be detailed as possible in my report, I tried to keep track of the numbering system, the LEAST important thing on my mind, and I obviously was not perfect with it. I apologize about that to you, who must have been sitting comfortably at home keeping track of everything, getting regular hours of sleep and meals, etc. I'M SORRY! Next year I will forget the darn day numbers!

Point #3: Why a break and starting time ? ANSWER: Ergo, have you ever sat at a poker table with big money riding on your good thinking and concentration to the point that your every muscle was tense and also sore from being tense the day before and had to sit there making big decisions for 12 hors in a row without a break? Call it lunch, call it tea, call it coffee break, it WAS a break and it WAS too short. As for the time, poker players who do it for a living normally play late at night and a mid-afternoon break SEEMS like a lunch break, since that is when you can stuff something in your mouth and wash it down with coffee, hope you can keep it down, that it will give you enough energy, and head back quickly for MANY MORE LONG HOURS of the same work. (The playing; excuse me.)

Point #4: Repeated and repeated without any sign of ettiquette.....How much money: ANSWER: None of your damn business!

Now please excuse me while I go type 2 lessons for Crushers before I have to head out to the airport for an another overnighter game.

Okay, Ergopro? If not, PLEASE tell somebody ELSE!

P.S. You are still one of my rooster fledgings from whom I expect big things and I hope our posts in this thread (which I tried to avoid) will not in any way make a difference in our friendship or admiration for each other! I appreciate your great talents and would like very much to remain close to you as your


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PostPosted: 24.07.2007, 21:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wow... Ergo...may I ask why you posted that?? What are you trying to gain? I have to say that came as a shock to me Shocked

PC Quader
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 00:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Shocked Shocked Shocked

PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 02:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'm not trying to gain anything...I've just been listening a lot of this magnificent WSOP achievement and wanted to what it actually was.
And wasn't answered.
PC Quader
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 03:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well since my last posting was a serious side to Mojo (no humor in it at all)

Let's try this posting......

Ergopro ...why no play in the next WSOP and then you can tell us ...

How many players played?
How many days you got to play?
How many breaks you got?
What time were your breaks?
What did you do on your breaks?
What # did you place?
How much money you earned?
Who sat at each table you were at?
Who did you take with you?
and most of all...
What did you wear for each day or night you were there?

UMMMM ....Until you are able to answer ALL OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS YOURSELF...Then why even question someone (POKER GURU) who can?

Maybe your a spokesperson for CAPITAL ONE CREDIT know


PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 03:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

I could do all that and's no problem. As Guru must know Smile

PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 03:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

So I just asked Guru the same questions he mocked askme with...
And didn't get any answers but a page-long article on something than WSOP.

PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 03:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

I mean the "Ask Me"-thread and the person who was so nicely complimented there...

And for the can delete my account.
This conversation is going nowhere, but I am.
PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 03:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

And just a short notice on me saying "I could do that and more".
I don't mean I'd easily qualify to WSOP but the fact that if I did I'd probably even know how much the mints on the pillow weigh.
Enjoy your summer, folks and was about to say see you around, but we probably won't Very Happy
Take care, those that know whom this sentence was meant to!
PC Quader
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 03:51 Reply with quoteBack to top


Delete your account..over what?

Poker Guru didnt tell you what # he placed or how much he won?

If you dont think what he is telling us is true about his experience at the WSOP ..then that is your choice ..of course.

But for those of us that do believe in what he is saying (and I bet I can speak for ALL dedicated Crushers)

We really dont need to know what # he placed or how much he won...Not really important to us.

What is important to us is....he was there...he played...and we are all proud of him!!

PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 14:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

I know this is none of my business as I know NOTHING of the WSOP ...

I'd would just like to say ...

CALM DOWN ppl before more stuff will be said / written which will be for sure regretted later on.

Everyone has a right to their opinion.
Also remember - there is "the freedom of speech", but we should always use it wisely Smile

IMHO - It would be boring if everyone always were in 100% agreement with EVERYTHING.
I wouldn't personally wanna live in the "yes yes" - world where no-one dares to disagree or ask questions.
With our opinions we all are at times right and sometimes even wrong - USUALLY we do learn from our mistakes (when being wrong) ...
Atleast those of us do (learn) who are in their "right mind" and understand the BASIC things in life / how to treat other people etc ...

This is only my opinion, of course ... others might and by all means - feel free to disagree if you like.

With saying this - I have my own opinion and no matter what it might be I am going to be a diplomat > keep it to myself - no need for more bashing ppl here to one way or another.


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 14:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

PokerGuru wrote: ›

I like you, Ergo. you seem obsessed with this matter?

(I thought I was finally thru with this event and could relax, but for YOU, a member in good standing, I will relive it all! PLEASE appreciate it! LMBO!)


When they say PLAY! we play and when they say BREAK! we break, period. Since we played about 12 hours each and every day (ever tried it, Ergo?)

Ergo, have you ever sat at a poker table with big money riding on your good thinking and concentration to the point that your every muscle was tense and also sore from being tense the day before and had to sit there making big decisions for 12 hors in a row without a break?

You are still one of my rooster fledgings from whom I expect big things and I hope our posts in this thread (which I tried to avoid) will not in any way make a difference in our friendship or admiration for each other! I appreciate your great talents and would like very much to remain close to you as your


Dear Ergo, whom I still respect and want very badly to remain a Poker Crusher,

Have you forgotten all the things in my quote above, which I sincerely posted to you when I replied to your post? (And now think I probably should have continued to NOT reply!)

I still mean those things.

I cannot help but think you were just having some bad days, and I really do not mind taking the brunt of whatever caused your bad state of mind. Just another service to my members.

But, Ergo, I am TERRIBLY confused by your sudden turn-around to a state of real anger! Again, I have to ask you WHY??????

I have tried to recall every word I have ever posted to you, and I know they were ALL very kind and very caring and even very respectful and appreciative to you.

So PLEASE, Ergo, please tell me why you felt the need to attack my integrity? I have absolutely never given you a reason to. So what WAS the reason? I don't mind admitting it hurts me deeply......and I still hope the situation can be mended and our relationship can be saved. I value you, and always have, as a PC member.

I want very badly for you to remain a valued member. I know you have a kind and helpful-oriented heart when you are yourself in your normal state of mind.

So I am apologizing to you for whatever caused such a turn-around in your feelings and asking you to please accept my apology and remain a member. I also REQUEST of you that you try to explain why you turned against me so venomously.

Stay home, Ergo. No reason for you to leave!

Sincerely, Your PokerGuru still, the same as always on my side.

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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 17:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

You're a more patient man than I am Guru....Ergo is so obsessed about this thing I'd grant his wish and delete his account, but I applaud you for your patience and willingness to to give a PCer another chance....It's all much ado about nothing and frankly, ergo needs to get a life if this is what he dwells on day after day lately. You've proven you integrity more than once on this site, Guru, and Ergo has no right whatsoever to question it. If he wants to go elsewhere that's his mistake and his loss for what you and PC has to offer.

PC Quader
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PostPosted: 25.07.2007, 17:21 Reply with quoteBack to top


lol yes you heard me Allight ..I AGREE WITH YOU


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