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CONTEST: Bad Species? - Winner Announced!

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 11:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello my PCers!

You might have to think a while or do a little research to answer this question for a chance to win $30.

Exact same rules as last 5 contests this month.

QUESTION: Which species of life on Planet Earth forces other species to mate and have babies; then, sometimes even while they are still young, takes those offsprings away from their mothers and EATS THEM?

You may think this is a weird question, but it is intended to get you to THINK to exercise the old brain, which is a poker player's best friend!


Last edited by PokerGuru on 02.11.2007, 14:48; edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 14:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

I would have to say Humans.
Example: pairing cows with bulls for calves.
We then slaughter the calves for meat.

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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 15:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

I do believe Humans are the only species capable of "forcing" other species to mate and we do this for the purpose of food. It is terrible to think about but that is how we get our meat.


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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 16:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

I believe it's man and woman our selfs
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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 17:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

Rats and mice: may become cannibals when their colony population rises rapidly, and their naturally high reproductive rate results in a high mortality of young. Hungry and stressed survivors may eat dead offspring, especially if the animals are in cramped conditions. When populations of mice and rats rise rapidly, the hungry and stressed survivors may kill and eat young.

Norway rats. This is usually directed towards newborn rats. A mother pet rat may eat her own offspring. Mothers tend to kill deformed or wounded infants, which may allow her to allocate resources to the healthy pups, which are more likely to survive. Mothers may also kill litters when they are stressed, perhaps because she perceives the environment as too hostile for pup survival, or if she cannot to rear the litter successfully. She recuperates some her energetic investment by consuming the young. Malnourished mothers, and mothers who have an abnormal birth experience, may also become infanticidal. An unrelated adult male rat may kill young to bring the mother back into oestrus sooner, so he can sire a litter of his own. Maternal aggression after the birth of a litter may reduce infanticide. Unrelated females may kill young rats to gain food and take over the nest.

Eastern grey squirrels: some males kill the young so that the females re-enter oestrus. captive, stressed females may kill their young.

Belding's ground squirrels: When Belding's ground squirrels fail to attend their territories, unrelated females or one-year-old males may arrive and kill pups. Yearling males usually eat the carcasses, so their infanticide may be motivated by hunger. When a predators kill a female's young, the female often emigrates to a new, safer site and kills the young there before she can settle. By removing juvenile females who may remain in the preferred area, infanticidal females educe further competition for a nest site. Mothers with close relatives as neighbours lose fewer young to infanticides than females without neighbouring kin. This is because groups of females detect marauders more quickly and expel them more rapidly than individuals acting alone, and because a female's relatives defend her young when she is away from home.

African hunting dogs: I remember a documentary about hunting dogs, where a dominant female tried to kill all the pups of another female. The documentary crew retrieved the last pup and named it Solo. Eventually Solo was reintroduced to the pack. I don't know if the dominant female ate the cubs she killed.

Lions: male lions may kill and sometimes eat young cubs, when they take over a pride. In almost all cases, the male kills the cub, not from hunger or population pressure, but by a need to safeguard his own offspring, so there is no rivalry between his cubs and the cubs, which other males sired earlier. Usually, the males don't eat the cubs. The male kills the cub because females reproduce slowly and usually come into season again only after her cubs have become independent or have died. The male only has a breeding period of about three years. When the male kills cubs and young lions, he encourages the females to come into season after 2-3 weeks. The male usually only takes charge of a pride for about three years, so if he didn't kill the cubs of other males, he may not have enough time to sire his own cubs before he is overthrown.

Butterflies: The caterpillars of Monarch and Queen butterflies often eat the eggs of the species.

Dolphins: adult bottle-nosed dolphins kill the young of their own species. This may because competing adult males may be killing the offspring of their rivals so that the dead dolphin's mother will be receptive to mating. Researchers believe that females remain sexually inactive for years when raising their young, but become active again soon after their loss. This murderous behaviour is not an uncommon feature within the animal kingdom. Large terrestrial carnivores, such as bears and lions, have been known to perform similar acts of infanticide to help start up their own dynasties to compete with their rivals.

Baboons: Baboons kill their young and occasionally eat them. studies male infanticide in chacma baboons, where a social relationship between males and lactating females leads to a decrease in infanticide. Similar relationships occur in olive baboons, where male infanticide is much less common.

Langurs and other primates: The males of several primate species, including the common langur, practice infanticide. Bands of male langurs will attack a mixed troop, driving off the males and killing the offspring before mating with the females. Dominant male gorillas and chimpanzees may kill the young of their species, but infanticide does not seem to occur in bonobos.

Birds: some parent birds or nestlings may eat the young when populations become dense, or food is scarce. Young birds of prey often kill and sometimes eat weaker nestlings. Crows may eat eggs and chicks of rivals to improve their own chance of successful breeding. Many species of gull that nest in large colonies eat eggs and young. This may be a response to crowding, but male gulls, which lack young of their own, are more likely to eat the eggs and young of their own species. Some parent birds may eat the young when populations become dense, or food scarce.

Snakes: females swallow their young when threatened and regurgitate or spit them out later, when danger has passed. These stories may have originated when people saw a recently dead viviparous or ovoviviparous female give “birth” to her young. Alternatively, the myth may result from the fact that some snakes eat young snakes of their own or other species, though not usually their own brood. The comment ‘not usually' seems to confirm something I read recently, that snakes may eat some of their young so that the rest of the brood has enough food to eat.

Fish: Male Amazon mollies are cannibals. When they see a female giving birth to young, they swim under the female's belly and gobble up the baby fish when they emerge. This helps prevent overpopulation. Guppies produce and devour many young. A mother may devour most of her young just after they are born. Guppies always allow enough of their young to survive to maintain the guppy population at a constant level. They leave two females are born for every male. Please note that mouthbrooder fish look after their young in their mouths. Some other fish may open their mouths when danger threatens. The young enter the mouth, but emerge later after the danger has passed.

Amphibians: spadefoot toad tadpoles hatch in puddles and need to grow quickly, before the puddles dry up. Some tadpoles eat their siblings. Please note that male Darwin's frogs look after their young in their mouths; they are not eating them.

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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 20:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wow Kaska that is a lot of info ... and so interesting!!!! Thanks.

But answer to Guru's question I think it is Humans..

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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 21:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy I also would say the human as it breeds diffrent animals to take and eat forsay the cows,pigs,rabbits and many others.I myself raise pigs to eat and I did 1 cow but still have alot of it after 3 years but not rabbitts yuk Crying or Very Sad .I dont think i need to research it as it comes and goes straight from my mouth.

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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 22:34 Reply with quoteBack to top


I enjoyed reading your post above, it was very interesting.
It reminds me of a program I watched about lions, and what happens when the alpha male is defeated and driven from his pride. The first thing the new alpha male does is seek out all the young the previous male has sired, and kill each one of them. Only hours later, and relatively undisturbed at the loss of her young the female happily flirts with the new leader of the pride like nothing ever happened.
Just thought I'd mention that while we are all on the subject of infanticide.

P.S. Even numbers come into this discussion because earlier today 7 8 9.

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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 23:08 Reply with quoteBack to top


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PostPosted: 27.10.2007, 23:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

yep, us humans are great at doing that..humans it is.

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PostPosted: 28.10.2007, 00:46 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well I'm sorry,

But when I look at a chicken, I don't see a chicken.
I see roast potatoes, peas, carrots, and onion gravy.

And apple crumble for desert.

Apples have feelings to you know.

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PostPosted: 28.10.2007, 02:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

Alw .. I have seen same program , it was very upsetting, but understandable same time that lions would do that .I could understand male lions intentions,but female lions ... that's totally amazing how can they cope with this and made with their children's killer. The only reasonable explanation is that female lions wants to have children with the stronger male lion I think.
And humans.. I wouldn`t call a person who kills their children a human.

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PostPosted: 28.10.2007, 05:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

No, neither would I Kaskia,

Thank God it's very rare.

I'd much prefer to mention the loving parents, whose feelings grow so rapidly, and reach such heights in just a few weeks until there is nothing they wouldn't give up for them.
They only have to look at that last piece of toast you were enjoying so much and its theirs.
Nobody else in the world could get away with that. Only your child.

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PostPosted: 28.10.2007, 06:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

If wishes came true,
I would wish that the woman I loved,
Would wake up each morning,
And look at me exactly the same way,
As she looks at her new born baby.

Instead, we get pushed out and forgotten about, for months each time a baby is born.
One day we have our partners sole attention, then a few contractions, a huff and a puff, and a couple of pushes later, and it's gone !
It's amazing how you women do it, it's just like flicking off a light switch. On, Off, On Off, simple as that.
And do you ever hear us complain. No! not a peep.
Yes, I know, It's true. There wouldn't be any point.

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PostPosted: 28.10.2007, 08:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi Crushers, I also belive that only humans have this kind of power.

btw I really want to learn how to play poker! Very Happy
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