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CONTEST #5 Yes,why -no, why not

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PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 08.01.2007, 17:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello PokerGuru!

Thank you so very much for your welcome message Smile

PC really has a warm, homely feeling.
I am sure I'll "pop up" here often. Maybe one day I'll also learn how to play poker better than I do now Smile

Thank you again - you are so very kind.

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.01.2007, 21:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

i know for a fact that there are a lot of dog ppl in the world, i prefer cats because of the ease of cleanup lol also you don't really have to use a kennel, i say yes most have pets, i don't, simply because of losses & don't want to get attached again, when i was a kid we always had a dog & i loved them to death, when i struck out on my own i got into cats, i'd always loved them but my parents never wanted any cats, now my mom has a cat, go figure lol.....i couldn't begin to tell you whether most ppl here have cats or dogs, because some probably have both also ..... yes to the ? & i'll guess most have cats, simply because most cats get along fairly well with dogs & usually when ppl have cats they have more than 1 Smile

pretty kewl ? loving reading the answers, sorry mine is so spacy, trying to get all this mail done b 4 i have to leave Smile

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 08.01.2007, 22:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

well guru i love this contest,but i am going through puppy withdrawls now boohoo!! icant tell you how much i love having a litter of puppies in the house I MISS THEM BITING MY TOES its so much fun once we had 2 litters at the same time we didnt even know one of the litters was coming lol!!but it was a lot of fun for me and my kids, of course the mama dogs were trying to steal eachothers puppies so they were hiding them all over the house LOL. i miss it SO MUCH!! .unfortanately the little daddy mr.magoo has passed away so no more puppies here,and no more mr.magoo either his life was to short and we miss his crazy ways,But I LOVE PUPPIES AND ALL ANIMALS AS WELL thanks for the contest GURU!!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 23:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

i thought this would be appropriate here Smile


This is one of the neatest stories I've ever heard. You will know

Precisely what this little girl is talking about at the end...(you'll want

To share this one with your loved ones and special friends)!

"Danielle keeps repeating it over and over again. We've been back to

This animal shelter at least five times. It has been weeks now since we

Started all of this,"the mother told the volunteer.

"What is it she keeps asking for? "the volunteer asked.

"Puppy size!" replied the mother.

"Well, we have plenty of puppies, if that's what she's looking for."

"I know...we have seen most of them," the mom said in frustration...

Just then Danielle came walking into the office "Well, did you find one?"

Asked her mom. "No, not this time," Danielle said with sadness in her voice. "Can we come back on the weekend?"

The two women looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.

"You never know when we will get more dogs. Unfortunately, there's

Always a supply," the volunteer said.

Danielle took her mother by the hand and headed to the door.

"Don't worry, I'll find one this weekend," she said.

Over the next few days both mom and dad had long conversations with

Her. They both felt she was being too particular. "It's this weekend or

We're not looking anymore," Dad finally said in frustration.

"We don't want to hear anything more about puppy size either," Mom


Sure enough, they were the first ones in the shelter on Saturday morning.

By now Danielle knew her way around, so she ran right for the

Section that housed the smaller dogs.

Tired of the routine, mom sat in the small waiting room at the end of

The first row of cages. There was an observation window so you could see

The animals during times when visitors weren't permitted.

Danielle walked slowly from cage to cage, kneeling periodically to take

A closer look. One by one the dogs were brought out and she held each

One...One by one she said, "Sorry, you're not the one."

It was the last cage on this last day in search of the perfect pup.

The volunteer opened the cage door and the child carefully picked up

The dog and held it closely. This time she took a little longer.

"Mom, that's it! I found the right puppy! He's the one! I know it!"

She screamed with joy. "It's the puppysize!"

"But it's the same size as all the other puppies you held over the

Last few weeks," Mom said.

"No not size ---- the sighs. When I held him in my arms, he

Sighed," she said.

"Don't you remember? When I asked you one day what love is, you

Told me love depends on the sighs of your heart.

The more you love, the bigger the sigh!"

The two women looked at each other for a moment. Mom didn't know

Whether to laugh or cry. As she stooped down to hug the child, she did a

Little of both.

"Mom, every time you hold me, I sigh. When you and Daddy come home

From work and hug each other, you both sigh.

I knew I would find the right puppy if it sighed when I held it in my arms,

" she said.

Then holding the puppy up close to her face she said, "Mom, he loves me.

I heard the sighs of his heart!"

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the love that makes you Sigh.

I not only find it in the arms of my loved ones, but in the caress of a Sunset, the kiss of the moonlight and the gentle brush of cool air on a Hot day.

They are the sighs of God.

Take the time to stop and listen; you will

Be surprised at what you hear.

"Life is not measured by the breaths we take,

But by the moments that take our breath away."

PC Doubler
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PostPosted: 10.01.2007, 23:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

I think that most of the people here have either one or the other. I say this because the love that comes out for the fellow members from the fellow members just makes me think that they would need to have some pet to share that love with.

PC Quader
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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 01:02 Reply with quoteBack to top


PC Boater
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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 16:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

thats a beautifull story rainbow!!

PC Player
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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 18:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yes !!
Most of us have pets, and dogs are the favorites in my opinion.
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 11.01.2007, 21:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

ty cindy, funny i got that from a friend the day after this contest started Smile

PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 14.01.2007, 12:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

Absolutely yes! After suffering a bad beat, your pet always knows you made the correct play... and it's always there to console you afterwards!

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 14.01.2007, 17:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

allight wrote: › Yes! What fun would winning a big poker tournament be if you couldn't share it with your dog or cat. And of course poker inspired that classic artwork that should adorn all livingroom walls...Dogs playing poker.


Hey, Al ! That is on of my favorite prints! My

Isn't it great to be hopeless? My den woudn't dare be caught without one on the wall!!!!

Glad our likes and dislikes seem to run the same trails!!!!!

Love It

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 14.01.2007, 18:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

Poppy wrote: ›
YES Smile

Animals are our "furry theraphists" (sp? LOL) - couldn't live without them ... Smile

I am new here - just wanted to post this comment and say hi to everyone Smile

Dear PCer Poppy! I would be remiss if I did not respond to your post that says more than it appears to at first glance!!!

Dear Heart, you are so welcome in our midst! I am personally very gratified to find your post and read between the lines, so to speak.

Please take advantage of all our offers and in a short time, you will be just as old as you are today, but nobody would guess it! I have found my Fountain of Youth among our "cream of the crop" members, our superb moderators and administrators! Who could NOT love Geno?

Several of the friends you make here will henceforth , for all the rest of your life, be the stalwarts that keep our tiny plant spinning,
and that appear as if by magic everytime we really need them, bringing just the gifts that alone can make your tears trn to teary gratification and purpose!

We are not known for short friendships! Life is too short; why make it shorter?

Welcome in our midst!

Your official host, PokerGuru

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 15.01.2007, 17:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yes I figured most PC members, being the friendly bunch they are would most likely also have animal friends. We have 2 cats and a puppy dog here.

Thanks for the contest!

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 19.01.2007, 23:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

I think most players would be proud owners of a canine friend. Dogs are just the most loyal creatures,and I think that most poker players are the same way towards their friends!

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 21.01.2007, 02:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

YES, dogs are a mans best friend in my opinion.As poker players are mainly of the male species, then we all need a best friend........

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