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Competition on poker in Campus

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PostPosted: 02.05.2007, 05:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

Why is online poker so popular among college students? what do you say, is it only because of online poker''s popularity, players can participate in multiple games at once; where poker in person would only allow an individual to play one game at a time or there can be other reasons for poker popularity.
PC Boater
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PostPosted: 03.05.2007, 02:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi rhea,

Good question

I think you are right, there's so many more hand's can be played on a Pokersite than in a land based casino.
And the list of places to visit is endless, and you don't even have to put any clothe's on.
Your in familiar surrounding's, with your own privacy and comfort's.
And everybody love's technology,
Apart from that, I haven't got a clue,


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 03.05.2007, 14:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

It's the competition, skill and helps pay their tuition if they are really good Smile

PC Deucer
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PostPosted: 04.05.2007, 11:21 Reply with quoteBack to top

hummnn, I wouldn''t play any other games as i think there''s nothing as interesting as poker.
PC Boater
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PostPosted: 04.05.2007, 11:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

I agree ased,

I used to have regular card night's, we played a variety of game's into the early hour's.
Then I discovered Poker, and I've never played anything else since,


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 06.05.2007, 04:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

Great conversation, guys!

And also very informative!

Hope you will continue to use Poker-Crush as a conversation spot.

Your Guru

PC Deucer
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PostPosted: 30.07.2007, 07:03 Reply with quoteBack to top

I think poker has been popular amongst college students for a long time. Poker is popular because it's a gamble. We are bigger risk takers at this point in our lives, and there is a thrill in it you just can't beat.
Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 01.08.2007, 12:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

If I may inject a word or two into this very interesting conversation, I would just add that it is also at that stage of life that kids still consider poker to be a "gamble" instead of a skill.

And the thrill they get from risk-taking must be worth a lot of money to them because a skilled and knowledgeable player, as you know, rarely takes a high risk course of action when playing.

That is why we have a lobby group in place in Congress in the USA to try to educate them to the fact that poker should be moved to the Games of Skill category and taken out of the Games of Chance category. Games of Chance, of course, depend upon pure LUCK. Very little, if any, knowledge of such games is required, altho many shysters will try to sell you their worthless "sure-fire" systems.

If their systems were THAT good, they would be out using them, instead of in the sales business to make their money.

The one possible exception would be classic blackjack, which is after all, another form of poker.

Some very interesting thoughts and speculations have been expressed here. I have enjoyed reading them.

Your PokerGuru

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 08.09.2007, 17:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi rhea!

Interesting theory you have that the reason they are gathering around the table for poker is because it's hard for them to GO OUT and have a good time. I had never really thought about that.

I think you are right and it is a shame.

However, at least they are SAFE while they are around that poker table!

Thanks for your interesting posts and thoughts!

Your PokerGuru

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