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A Very Personal POKER LESSON from Guru

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Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 05:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

Bower50 wrote: › Nothing to be embarassed about Msfilly.Everything Guru gets us to do is a learning experience whether we realize it or not.

PCers, I will not even try to deny it because, of course, it is true. In fact, it is one of my top 5 personal teaching methods that are my favorite ways of making sure my students internalize what I am teaching.

When I saw this post of Bower's, I immediately thought, 'No wonder he has been so fast and so good at learning the intricacies of poker! Behind his opponents' words, he sees what they are really thinking!'

It is no secret that some of my ways of teaching are out of the ordinary. I don't even try to keep it a secret. I just forget on purpose to mention that something is a lesson. I have discovered that the human mind has different levels of learning......and that the deepest level (the level where what it learns will become "second nature") is the level that is operating when the lesson is not recognized as a "normal" lesson.

The reason I think a lot about these things.....and always because I have a very deep love of teaching -- and of learning.

I realize that this is a very unusual post, but it is something that is important to me to the max. So I hope you will allow me to vent about it to you once in a while, because not very many people are interested. YOU are interested because you WANT to know everything that I know about poker. In other words, everything that is in my mind about poker.

So what we both want is to transfer what I know from my mind to your mind in the best possible way. I think it is only natural for me to keep searching for better ways to accomplish this task than the same old ways that leave us forgetting so much of what we learn.

Let me explain it this way: Think of your mind as a closet with no shelves. And think of all the things you want to have in your mind as items of clothing. And you want it all to be well-organized and always there.

Now. I have these huge bunches of clothing (things you want to know about winning poker) and I want you to have them all too. But it would do you no good to just toss all them into your closet in a pile on the floor with most of them hidden in the pile (so forgotten). think of my unusual teaching methods as a way I have found to put pegs all over the walls of your closet. So when I do that, then you have a place to hang every new thing you learn! Most of it will not be hidden and so most of it will never be forgotten!

That is what I call "internalizing" it and making it "second nature" to you.

Thank you, my outstanding PC group, for allowing me to express myself to you in this, yes, very UNUSUAL way!

And thank you even more for being able to understand it!

Your Ever-lovin' Guru


Last edited by PokerGuru on 12.09.2008, 08:34; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 08:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

helppppp whos been in my closet and messed all my clothes up no wonder i cant think straight lol...and al he said putting things in closet not coming out of the closet lmao....ok seriously yet another good post guru really put things so well and get your message over great with the way you post

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 09:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

UM yeah what bower said, I know that to be true. On the other hand, I am not quite sure what Guru is talking about. I think Guru is saying that, by having unique ways of gaining knowledge and than by means of internalizing our lesson obout poker in your minds-closet is to not ever loose that information, ie... if we have fun learning it we are less likely to forget what we learned. Um... I think LOL

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 09:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

my head hurts................lmao


I missed the message in this lesson...............

or was there?


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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 10:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

i think what gurus getting at to put it in simpler terms is...your mind is full of information....but instead of just reading things and having so much in your mind try to store it in your memory in a way you will remember it

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 10:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is so interesting, listening to you all discuss it!

So I think I will let you keep on discussing it before I comment and see what you all come up with and agree on in the end.

AND....LOL.....THIS (your thinking processes in discussing this) is a VERY good lesson for you! Might even call it a lab session lesson.

Your sharp minds...all of you....intrigue me! Keep talking. See what sense you can make out of what I was saying. It was a lot in a few words!!!!

Hugs and respect,

Your Guru

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 14:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

AAhaaa!!! & once again Guru, you have,"pulled my card" so to speak! Thanksss!

Take from this what you want, BUT my closet is FULL, OF Chit, that I don't wear, EVER!

2Days Project:CLEAN OUT MY CLOSET! Organizing, making room for what I'll be wearing!
Of course not tossing out what I do occasionally need! Just putting it out in my storage!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ~Patti

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 16:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy Thanks for the post poker Guru as when I joined here and started playing poker online I kept just alittle of what I knew from growing up, in my closet about poker. Now I have taken your lessons and stuck them in there and my closet feels pretty organized so far! So I hope to keep it that way. Laughing

PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 17:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

your not going to get me to come out of the closet no matter what ROFL
guru your one very intelligent and interesting person! the words you put down are nothing less than brilliant
i have posted in poker and casino crush that words are always in my mind and writing them always makes me think about who those words are going to touch and to see and read your words you must think the same thing "who is going to take what from these words" and as i read all the different responces everyone takes a little something from all your words some find humor some find teaching some find nothing more than a caring person wanting to help...but they all take something! thats the reason i put words down so that anyone that reads them will take something from them
sorrrrrrrrryyyyyy i rambled but i had to say all that GURU with respect for a great mind

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 20:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok crushers think for a moment Guru really doesn't care if your closet is full or in disarray, the clothes in the closet was just an analogy (example) what Guru cares about is helping all of us to be better. Better poker players, better thinkers, better people. Guru uses the unique games and contests to make that proccess of learning fun with the idea that if we are enjoying or being entertained while we are being taught a lesson, we therefore, should remember what we are being taught more readily.

In other words every contest or activity the Guru plans for us is a teaching tool and is a lesson in poker stratagies or terminology
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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 20:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

im still not coming out

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 21:21 Reply with quoteBack to top

LOL@shawn16602 too funny hun

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PostPosted: 07.09.2008, 04:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am greatly entertained by Shawn's sense of humor and greatly impressed by MsFilly's perception and understanding!


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PostPosted: 07.09.2008, 15:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

When do we all learn more?In a classroom or when having fun?
Even us old guys can remember classrooms as a place we had to be and learn or else.What you got right on exams was what you crammed in for the last week.Being in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoying it allows you to retain a lot more information.I'm sure Guru's classroom aura was exactly like that,would have loved to take his courses.

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PostPosted: 07.09.2008, 20:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

My thoughts are exactly like msfilly and Bowers. However you can find things much more readily in a tidy and neat closet than a messy one.

Your mind is like a closet. A place to store things. If it is a bunch of things you have no place to put it all you "lose it or forget it". Things in plain site are easier to remember and find and are familiar.

I love the idea Guru put across. However, my mind is so full of so much stuff a closet might not be the answer for me. ROFL Once the door is shut that is. Maybe I will put my pegs around the house in a decorative fashion as art that I can look at them in my everyday life and appreciate and therefore keep fresh in my mind.

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