Royal PCer

Joined: 16 Nov 2005
Posts: 2913
Location: Florida USA

16.06.2009, 12:24 |
Well, my new and old and getting-there poker champs __
It is now Tuesday, early morning, 6:38 my time this second ----- and still no new computer! I am hoping the call comes while I am still typing this - then we will all know together!
Unfortunately, I, as well as those of you who guessed yesterday -- we were all wrong. So that leaves the few independents to win the $30 for the contest!
Meantime, to keep me from pacing the floor, checking and rechecking my phone, I've decided to start this second part of the Lesson on Winning at the online ring tables!
I am assuming that everyone has now mastered the first section of these lessons, whether they declared themselves ready to move on or not. I also thank those of you who did. Letting me know when you have it down pat is surely much easier than taking tests, the way we started out! I hope we are all still in agreement on that.
Let's take a look now ..... before we sit down the column in the lobby's list of playing tables, that is usually called "Flop" with a percentage number beside it. Remember, this is after we have already decided how many players we want at the table and why, what size our blinds should be and why, and many other important decisions that will influence greatly whether you will win consistently enough to make steadily climbing money in amounts that everyone will have to notice and start to respect.
THIS, my friend, is the defining MOMENT when your new career as a professional poker player is just lifting off the ground, with accompanying nods and words among the other players, whether they say much to YOU or not.
From this moment on, you must do everything thoughtfully and SLOWLY, even if you know in a second what your next move will be! Remember that they do NOT! You must now be aware always that someone is watching you and trying to figure out what is on your mind. AND -- VERY IMPORTANT - while you must never let them know, you must ALSO, at the same time, keep it from them in a way that will never ever cause them to resent it or dislike you, but will only win more of their VALUABLE respect! IN YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL WAY that will grow and develope with you as you, yourself, do.. And it WILL happen, automatically, as if you are from this moment forward, on automatic pilot.
Ypu must not change one bit who you are -- you just must always be aware to be a nicer, kinder, more obliging and understanding you. And you WILL begin to meet and learn more about that person in the mirror who seems always to be with you. You will see that you have always missed some of that person's best points!
Well, the time is up for this lesson, and I didn't even get to the next item on the lobby's table list .... or even finish this one! But tomorrow is another day, my friends, and just maybe I can continue on my own sweet computer!
Until then ..............
Your Ever-Lovin' Guru |