PC Boater

Joined: 20 Apr 2007
Posts: 301
Location: Manchester

31.05.2007, 17:21 |
A Farmer asks to borrow his neighbour's rooster for a while to mate with his brooding hen's back on his farm.
" Yes, certainly," agrees the neighbour."
" But make sure you keep an eye on him, he's the randiest little bugger I've ever known, he'll shag anything ! " He warns.
"Perfect, just what I need." Replies the farmer.
He tucks the rooster safely under his arm, and heads back home.
As they reach the farm gates, the rooster suddenly bolts, and as fast as lightining, he's through the gate's, up to the top of the hill, and into the hen coop, where he mates every single hen within minute's.
"Wow!" Say's the farmer in amazement.
But before he can utter another word, the rooster, without resting, zooms over to the pigpen, and mates with every single pig, again within minute's.
Still with no rest whatsoever, and as quick as a flash, he shoots over the field and into the cowshed, where he mates each of the farmer's cows, again within fust a few minute's
"Bloody hell ! " Cries the farmer in disbelief.
"Slow down you dumb rooster, you're gonna kill yourself ! " He warns.
But the rooster takes no notice of the farmer, without so much as a breath of air, he's off once more, down to the stables where he mates every horse.
Then he flies over to the goats, then the sheep, then the farmers cat & dog, then the wild rabbit's in the field's.
The farmer shakes his head in disbelief.
" Stupid rooster." He mumbles. " I'm off to bed."
The next morning, the farmer opens his bedroom curtain's, and is saddened by the sight of the rooster lay flat on his back, with his legs in the air, and vultures circling above him.
He quickly dresses and goes over to where the poor rooster is lay, he looks down at him and sighs heavily.
" You crazy dumb rooster, I told you to slow down, why didn't you listen to me."
Just then, the rooster opens one eye and whispers,
" Shhhhh, those vulture's are coming closer. " |