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Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 25.05.2009, 18:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

Good morning, flock!

I hope all of you who were flying somewhere for the Memorial Day weekend did so safely!

Today I am going to give you some profit expectations, calculated on blind limits and pocket cards.

This is for playing at a ring table, which, if any of you have not given several tries, you should! YOU SHOULD! Until it becomes familiar and easy to you. That is where you will make the most money! If it isn't happening at one table, stand up and go to another table. Do so until you are winning consistently.

How to choose the best table for you is another lesson.

But at a ring table, here is what you can expect to earn:

Again, I will have 2 columns. The first column is how much you can expect to win per hand if your pocket cards are the ones in the second column.

I have based it on you playing at a NL table with blinds of $0.50 - $1.00.
If you would rather play with blinds of $0.25 - $0.50, get your expected winnings by cutting the money figures in half -- because you are playing for half as much.

Okay. Here is the proven table of averages:

EXPECT TO WIN .......... with these Pocket Cards

$3.42 .......................... AA

$2.41 .......................... KK

$1.74 .......................... QQ

$1.21 .......................... JJ

$1.16 .......................... AK suited

$0.87 .......................... AK off suit

$0.83 .......................... AQ suited

$0.77 .......................... 10 10

$0.57 .......................... AJ suited

$0.55 .......................... AQ off suit

These figures are based on all kinds of ameteur players from good to so-so to really bad.

So get out there to a ring table and WIN!

Your Ever-Lovin' Guru

PC Boater
PC Boater

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PostPosted: 29.05.2009, 04:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hello Guru,

I was wondering how these totals were calculated? Or is this an average from a database of various hands played? is this implemented into my present game? Should my bets be adjusted accorgingly? Or is this simply a good fact to know.

Sorry if I sound out of it...I've been reading and absorbing much of what you have been writing. And as much as I just want to accept and not question - I CAN'T - LOL!!! I need to know! Book

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 29.05.2009, 06:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi Kid!

First of all, let me tell you that I love and value your questions! They give me reason to do more teaching, and there is nothing I love more, altho playing poker and running experiments come in a close second and third!

Sooooo ... keep asking away!!!!

My lessons are always based on my own experiments, which I always run over and over and over. If they do not always come out the same, I throw them out.

Yes, my figures are based on averages. When working with individual human beings, I don't think there are any other accurate ways! After all, we are not like little identical boxes on an assembly line that are all exactly alike. (Why did I suddenly think of Pink Floyd and "The Wall" ?)

Anyway, after reaching my conclusions with MUCH evidence backing them up, I still do not put them out there for you until they have set on the shelf for a few weeks or months. Then I go back and run the exact same experiments again, several times. If they still come out the same, I accept it as fact and base my own playing on it. And since I make a very good living from nothing but playing poker, I would say to you ...... Yes, you should implement this into your game and adjust your bets accordingly ...... since I did and it increased my earnings considerably.

Again, your questions are ALWAYS welcomed! Must be the professor still left over in me! LOL! I love questions!

Your Guru

P.S. The library I use is also my own personal one in a big room of my own house. All the books are NOTEbooks -- most in my own handwriting and a few I have typed out and put in loose-leaf notebooks.

I am also currently writing a history book for publication -- about this era in time and the history of a forum like ours and its meaning in this period of poker's history. Yes, I use my members as characters. But I channge their names and locations to protect the guilty LOL! and will, before I send it in for final publication, need a signed release with permission from each of you!

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 29.05.2009, 07:32 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy Very Happy Very helpful lessons is all I can say as I have really improved my poker playing thanks to our very own poker Guru...

PC Boater
PC Boater

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PostPosted: 29.05.2009, 09:13 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok! to experiment a bit myself.....

ummmm....are there any practical sessions? I've never been much of a reader let alone a scholar. More hands me how.. type of guy. I'm sure I could find a poker portal somewhere that we could use to all meet and train on. If I do find one...can we go through a few played hands?

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 30.05.2009, 00:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

Kid, I am very sorry.

We have a lot of things going on and a lot more we want to have. But I'm afraid practical sessions will have to be a little ways down on our To-Do List.

HOWEVER, you have more "almost practicals" than you realize. Most members already know that I have a special arrangement with many online poker rooms, wherein I am provided a special viewer to observe the play of my members. Any mistakes I see being made (not tiny little human errors), I PM the player and we discuss it in private.

If anyone hardly ever hears from me about their playing, they can rest assured that I think they are doing just fine for the stage they are at!

That is why so much of my teaching is done by PMs.

Just as I believe that there is never any reason for cruelty, I believe there is hardly ever any reason for embarrassment. There are always so many other ways to do the same thing, whatever it may be.

Just a bit of my philosophy, by which I try to run this forum.

Your Guru

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