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PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 19.05.2006, 04:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

Low limit has always been my choice, I guess because I'm usually trying to log enough raked hands to obtain/clear a bonus. This is, as you say, often boring and time consuming. If I had more of a comfort level at PL and NL, then I could spend less time and effort and maybe even turn a profit in the process. It just seems to cost so much just to see the flop that I'm hesitant to take that leap. Maybe you can give me the confidence to jump in Guru. I'm paying close attention here and what you've said so far makes perfect sense. You have a bigger following here than you can judge by the replies, rest assured. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing. Keep it up!!


Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 21.05.2006, 18:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear Darrin.....

Your words sounded so encouraging to me that Now I am determined to do a better job with every post! Thanks for the ispiration!

By the way, did you know that Einstein once said, "Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration!"

Okay, let's tackle your problem, which is an easy one to solve.

For you, Darrin, Limit games are out. You and they just don't match!

Yet you say you need more confidence to tackle the pot limit or no limit games. Okay. Here is your solution: If the poker site you play at does not have No Limit games for .01-.02 blinds (one cent and 2 cents) and also .02 - .04 and also .05 - 10. (5 cents and 10 cents blinds), move to a new site that does and believe me, the penny games can win you quite a bit while costing almost nothing!
That is where you play until your confidence has automatically grown enough to let you feel comfortable moving up......but ONLY move up one level at a time until your confidence is so great that you are chomping at the bit!

Now.....most poker sites also have all their games available to play with play money, costing you nothing to practice. NOT FOR YOU! Steer clear of the freebies! Like me, if there is no money involved, (and it doesn't matter at all how much) (I still get a big kick out of winning a penny ante pot!), if there is no money involved, you will be bored to tears in no time flat!

So head for those 9 or 10 player tables, No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker, for blinds as low as 1 or 2 pennies, remember all the points you have learned and play the very same as you would if the blinds were for dollar signs.

And surprise yourself -- but not me -- with watching your confidence soar! I would love to hear back from you when you first realize your confidence is growing!

A word of warning: The only thing that could throw a monkey wrench in this plan is if you fail to take every hand of the very small blind games as seriously as any other!

I can't wait to hear how this works out for you!

Proudly (with a lot of pride in you)

Your PokerGuru

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 21.05.2006, 19:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

P.S. to post to DARRIN above:

Darrin, I just remembered what you said about seeing the flop.

What is so important about seeing the flop if you have lousy hole cards?

Keep this in mind: Professional players stay to see the flop only about 1 hand out of 4 or 5. TRUE!

When they show the games on television, they edit all those folds right out of the tape. DON'T LET THEM THROW YOU off. You will never be a winner if you play even anywhere near half the hands you are dealt.

Use the time after you fold to study each player at the table to see who is most likely to bluff, who is playing scared, etc., etc., etc.!


Your PokerGuru

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PostPosted: 21.05.2006, 20:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

leifen wrote: › Thanks for the answer PokerGuru! And thanks for the lovly words... Smile
Great too have you around her!

ok well im not sure what doc meant.....i think he saw the word her was suppose to be here......

"Great too have you around here!"

which is most definately true!!!

ok enough with attempting to help with some confusion which i felt as reading through this all better now...i think therefore i thunk thoughts....whew....

ok ok.....maybe you already posted this elsewhere... i am feeling valeria about making the right choses and then kinda feelin i know what im doin...then helllo, idiot across my forhead. oh yea this is my seat oh no its not....i shoulda folded.... i know what she issayin bout needin to see that minute whew im getting some gooood cards, which by math type structures not be. so i fold and baaaa bamm oh wow i feel a ouch that coulda been my pot, which helps with the position if in tourney. now if in ring games.....maybe i was down to me last funds and i decided cards i was dealt were not of the preferrred i fold. ouch boat floated of course on the flop.....i shoulda not chickened out and played turkey gobble up that pot.....yeah...but ooooops shoulda coulda didnt ,any who, did you post somewhere which i have not seen as of yet as far as what to hold, or fold. i apologize if this was being discussed elsewhere....oh oh very good advice about folding and checking out the players you are about to play against , for the simple fact....pointed out in this very thread, some do check to see who can be bluffed and how far. kinda ying and yang , visa versa , a silly balance to recognize.....for those who play their cards as they are and accepting the bluff as not being one, there is the mirror type which look for who can be bluffed. oops i think i typed that as i meant it. whew it all goood just my own type preception .... welll my own humble notices. big smiles Poker-Crushers!!!!

thank you for your time which may have gone into attempting understanding of my way of communication!!! Leifen great joy reading your posts from what i gather you are learning to communicate from which a language different than your life taught one. well until it was pointed out i had no idea!!! and i am usually ummmm observant, so i thought. Great acomplishment you got going on. woo woooo

ok welll i babbled on at the keys long enough.

joy/ notLOL

PC Ranker
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PostPosted: 22.05.2006, 10:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

Quote: › leifen wrote:
Thanks for the answer PokerGuru! And thanks for the lovly words...
Great too have you around her!
well... I think I need to get a better vocaulary after this... lol

Quote: › DrC wrote: Leifen.. Indeed it is but not so sure if Guru is a girl or but either way it does not matter as the advice given is top notch and most valuable..

I think I need a better vocabulary after this... lol

Royal PCer
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PostPosted: 22.05.2006, 11:48 Reply with quoteBack to top


Your vocabulary is just fine, leifen! I have never had a problem understanding exactly what you mean!

I think maybe what we need to do is ...hee hee... drop a hint now and then that our doctor go see a doctor. he hee haha hahahahaha


PC Flusher
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PostPosted: 22.05.2006, 19:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you Guru for the words of advice. I've always blown right past the .01/.05 since they usually don't count towards WR. What you say makes perfect sense, and it's the clear solution for me. I've been watching some of the micro NL tables and can see the forest beyond the trees now lol. I've been overlooking virtual utopia. The flop might cost ya 100 X the BB at most of these tables, but at least I can kick back and wait without the usual stack dwindlage. I'm going to get a notebook, go to all my poker sites, compare the different limits and how much traffic, and do a lot of watching and player profiling.

Sorry if I seem a little slow, but I've always avoided the letters "NL" like the plague. Oh and about the patience thing. It's not unusual for me to fold 25 or more hands in a row, so I'm prepared for the long haul!

Thanks Guru. Sometimes the simplest thing can be so elusive and you pegged it my friend. I feel more confident already, with enough pennies scattered around the interent to last me a while lol. I'll let you know how it works for me for sure!

Thanks Again,


PC Tripler
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PostPosted: 17.06.2008, 15:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you very much. Read and understood.


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