PC Player

Joined: 31 Dec 2005
Posts: 647
Location: Oklahoma

18.03.2006, 15:29 |
I saw this forum here about poker definitions, and it made me remember something I read not too long ago, but I can't remember where I read it! And I don't remember it well enough at all to relay it; it was fairly lengthy, and I found it very funny.
It was someone's definition or explanation really of how to play "that other" poker game - OMAHA. Or it might even have been about Omaha Hi-Lo.
I wish I could remember any of it exactly, but I don't.
And no idea where I saw it, except I know it was online, (that's real helpful, I know).
Basically, he just explained how the game is played, but the upshot of it was saying something to the effect that nobody really knows what's going on in Omaha anyway because it can be so confusing. (And I now think it was HiLo that it was talking about, pretty sure). Everybody just goes thru the motions, holding, folding, betting -- mostly arbitrarily, with no real idea what's going on or why they're doing whatever they're doing, til the hand is over, and then everyone just waits for the dealer to tell everyone what happened and who had what and who won and all that. And then it starts all over again.
The piece I read was obviously a LOT funnier than that though!
But I thought maybe that might possibly be enough for someone to recognize it, if they'd read it before anywhere, and if so, hopefully, they'll remember where, and let us know!
Longshot I know!
But just thought I'd try and see what happened. (And trying to get me some points here at the same time!)
OK thanks again! Hope everybody's having a good time!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day too by the way! (Yesterday!)
sunspun |