16.01.2006, 20:55 |
In Hold'em poker there are two cards are dealt face down for each player. After this a round of betting takes place. On the first round players may either call or raise the blind bet, or they must fold their hand. A "blind" bet is a forced bet by one or more players before any cards are dealt. There are both a small blind and a big blind and the value of this is determined by the table limit to which you are seated at. Regardless of whether a blind or an ante is employed, every game needs seed money to start the action as without it players could wait all day for unbeatable hands before entering the pot and this would just delay the game and well, not be much fun.
When the first round of betting is completed there are three communal cards dealt. These are called the "flop" and are turned face up in the center of the table. Another round of betting is allowed and then that is followed by another card being dealt. This is called the "turn". Again more betting is allowed and then a final card is dealt called the "river card"
On each round of cards dealt, players may check if no one has bet when it is their turn to act. If there is a bet, players may fold, call, raise, or reraise. The best five-card poker hand using any combination of a player's two private cards and the five communal cards is the winner.