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Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 07.06.2009, 11:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Good early morning, my proteges!

I have managed to borrow another computer! Sure hope I will be able to pick up my new one by Friday evening! If not, it will not be long thereafter!

Meantime, I can now get started on our first lesson in the series of how to become a consistent winner playing online only, at the ring tables! Sometimes they are called the "Live Tables" because the people are playing live in real time.

Every poker room is a little bit different, but they are all basically the same, so these instructions should work at whichever site you choose.

A very important thing to remember is to NOT start off betting very much money! Stay at the low-limit stakes until you are very comfortable and confident and winning more often than you are losing. Then move up a liitle bit at a time until you find yourself winning the kind of money you can live a good life on!

The most important rule of all is to choose the RIGHT table for YOU! That is what this lesson and also probably the next one is about. You can expect to make a few mistakes at choosing tables when you first start -- we all did. But the solution to that problem is easy! If you are losing more hands than you are winning, simply get up and choose another table. The players at the table you are leaving will respect you for being poker-educated enough to have the moxie to do that very good sense thing.

It takes a while to choose the exact right table, so don't get in a hurry. It is far too important to your wallet!

Okay. Here we go! Out to our computer to play poker!

When you enter the lobby, the first thing you do is click on the RING TABLES or RING GAMES or simply TABLES tab, depending on which site you are at.

Then click on these tabs in this approximate order:


Then you make clicks on the line across the top of the list of the tables in this order:

STAKES (BLINDS) If it starts with high limits at the top, click it again and it will reverse the order.

There may also be tabs on that line across the top of the tables where you can click on either LOW or MICRO. Choose LOW. Micro is for pennies and teaches carelessness. LOW is still for change instead of paper money usually, and this is where you want to start.

The next tab you look for is SEATS or PLAYERS or SEATED. In this column will be 2 numbers with a / between them. The left side of the / tells you how many are seated and the right side of the / tells you how many the table will hold (maximum number of players). For example 4/6 or 7/8 or 9/10.

The tables will be for players numbering from 2 to 10.

I recommend either a maximum of 6 or 8 or 10 players. Remember only 2 players pay the blinds (the ante) each hand.)

You should have, by now, worked your way down to a good table for you, so click on it.

As soon as you click on your table, a box at the right will show you the players' names and how much money is in their stacks.

WARNING: If one or two players have much more money than the others, leave and choose another table. They could be pros or they could be cheats, in collusion with each other on the telephone (the cheats).

Choose a table where every player has about the same amount of money. That means they are pretty evenly matched and/or it is a very fair table with fair players.

There are other things to consider when choosing YOUR perfect table, but that will be the next lesson.

For now, read this lesson over and over until you have it internalized. Down pat. Second nature to you. So you will do all I have said without even having to think about it. Then you will be ready for the next lesson. PLEASE do not get behind in these studies.

It would help me a great deal to know when to present the next lesson if each of you would post below when you have internalized all of this one.

I realize you all have different amounts of time to study, so don't worry WHEN you post it, just that you DO post it. Thank you so much.

Your Ever-lovin Guru

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 07.06.2009, 16:32 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have this part of the lesson down pat Smile

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 07.06.2009, 16:37 Reply with quoteBack to top

Sorry I pushed submit by accident. LOL

The only thing I have to say here is... Didn't you tell me that instead of No Limit Tables to start with to go to a Fixed Pot Table to start out?

I swear that is one thing I used to fight with you about because I am a N/L fanatic. hahahahahaah

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 07.06.2009, 22:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yes, Love, but that was when you were an entirely different type of player!!!!!!

If you will recall, that was back a long time ago when you were a fanatic about everything!!! LOL! I had to put some brakes on you any way I could!!!

Remember? What a different player now! Congratulations, Valeria!

Your proud-of-you Guru

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 07.06.2009, 23:30 Reply with quoteBack to top

Cool...and so true what you wrote about the penny promotes carelessness and can only invoke bad habits into your game.

I find the higher the stakes the better the game in all aspects. For the sake of improvement, I won't get too ahead of myself as stay within the range that you recommend Guru (until after graduation day). Is low around 0.10/0.20 - 0.25/0.50 ?

Ready for the next lesson...

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 08.06.2009, 02:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

Right you are, Kid. ALTHO -- for YOU, I think I will recommend $0.50 - $1.00 -- and feel pretty good about it!

YOU will know when it is your time to move up. It will be when you are winning more than you are losing! A simple but true formula.

Your Guru

PC Boater
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PostPosted: 08.06.2009, 14:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

Played $.050/$1 this morning for about an hour...bought in for $10...left the table with $40....

and then realized I wasn't playing for dollars...I was playing for pounds!

1.00 GBP = 1.79 CAD

Unfortunately I didn't come across any pocket 2/3's to fold. But I'm pretty sure I'll remember...(from lesson 6-8 Daily Poker Wisdom)

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PostPosted: 08.06.2009, 16:21 Reply with quoteBack to top

read and down pat

Royal PCer
Royal PCer

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PostPosted: 08.06.2009, 18:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

Dear Kid __

In case you might think I don't read every word that every member writes ---- I LOVE AND I THANK YOU for your new signature line!!!!

That was really, really nice of you!

Your Guru

P.S. So glad my lessons are working out for you!!!!

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